LOL: Wild Rift Ultimate Galio Game Guide [Counters, Combos, Abilities, Runes, Items, and Much More]


Galio is a Warden Champion and commonly played as a mid laner and Ranked as A-tier for his magic damage spells and heavy CC abilities. He is considered a difficult Champion to play. Galio thrives on stacking MR as his kit allows him to negate the enemy team's effects and force them to steer towards MP items, making them less threatening.


His wave clear is one of the best in the game as his first ability, Winds of War hits multiple enemies. Combined with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance, he can easily support other lanes when needed, ultimately becoming a Ganking tool whenever required. Primarily, he is used as a tank in the late game due to his kit and CC while largely surviving the big fights. Elite monsters are also on the plate anytime for Galio.


You can also play Galio in Baron Lane as it's very similar to when played in Mid, though depending on your opponent, you can shift some of your equipment to suit the game. Sometimes, he can be played as a Support, especially when heavy CC support is required and you already have picked better Mid and Top laner, though these instances are few and far between.


Keeping the strengths mentioned above of Galio, we will go in-depth to help you understand and build Galio to be a force to be reckoned with. To further understand what we have said above, let's get into more detail in the sections below.




In the League of Legends Wild Rift, playing Mid is a coveted position. It requires skill and patience along with Diligence as a few wrong moves and your opponent is fed and becomes unstoppable. Skilled players take Mid because they know the minion wave count is enough to bear the burden of later Carrying your team to Victory. For this particular reason, most agile and aggressive heroes, who can also survive enemies onslaught once in a while, have been chosen for mid. And Galio passes with flying colors.


LOL Wild Rift Galio Overview


Champion, who can poke all day? Check. One of the best minion-wave clears? Check. Distance closer and escape ability all-in-one? Check. Burst damage? Check. AoE passive ability every few seconds? Check.  The list goes on, and we still haven't mentioned his Ultimate ability, the Hero's Entrance. These checks are all on top of his being one of the best Tanks in the game, making him one of the favorites all around, and here we will guide you to quickly and efficiently learn how to play Galio.


Tier List:


Galio is an A-Tier mid laner who does damage and, during the end game, becomes the team's tank. The listing of Galio in A-tier is mainly because of his ability to poke the counterpart nonstop, which is a ranged ability, and his magic damage scaling of his abilities which are other than his Tankiness and head-on dive whenever the fight begins and many forms of CC.


This complete package keeps him at A-Tier while aspiring to become an S-Tiered Champion filled with burst damage champions and carries who can decimate opponents but on the shoulders of champions like Galio. Some have even placed Galio in S-Tier with the likes of Diana, which is an excellent achievement for Galio, though understandable as his runes and item selection can be tailored when needed to fill most roles. Be it Mid, Top, or as aggressive support, he is also listed as A-Tier just below Jana and Leona.


LOL Wild Rift Galio Class


His selection as A-tier support is a testament to the developers at Riot games because a mid-laner is suddenly aggressive support when the team requires it. His CC skills provide the ADC to push back and score takedowns when needed and further enhance the ADC with his support-oriented Runes and Items, which we will discuss in their respective sections.




Galio is categorized as Mage Tank due to 2 reasons. First, most of his abilities scale off of Ability Power and do magic damage, and he has lots of CC in his abilities. Second, because of his Shields of Durand providing damage mitigation and absorbing magic damage but also as he can dive into the fray by his Hero's Entrance Ultimate and using Shield of Durand to taunt enemies into attacking him.


Before we proceed any further, you may need to consider playing a much easier Tank Champion to get you in grips with the game mechanics. For this purpose, you can look into our Rammus, everyone’s favorite cute rolling Champion, and his Comprehensive guide.




In wild rift, stats have become an essential element of a champion. Since you've been playing wild rift for a while, you'll know how much hp Galio has; their elemental attack damage, movement speed, and mana pool make you see what skills you need to use.


The developers have spent a significant amount of time attempting to balance the new champion as much as possible. However, because the winner was only recently released, you can expect many bugs are resolving techniques applied to the champion as time passes.


Before we get into his full stats, we've created a small evaluation standard to help you recognize the most vital things the champion should consider when assessing a winner. The first measurement is of direct attack damage.


We consider hp and armor when determining strength and durability. The more difficult it is to kill a champion, the better they are. High mobility, however, does not imply toughness. It's just raw, unadulterated hp and defense. The amount of close combat a champion has determined their value. Here is the complete overview of the Galio stats: Here is the complete overview of the Galio stats:


  • Damage: Average ★★
  • Toughness: Strong ★★★
  • Utility: Medium ★★
  • Difficulty: Moderate ★★




Since Galio is Warden, so he possesses a very high hp. Furthermore, the champion will constantly have items built on him that increase his HP even more.


  • Level 1: 610
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: 125




Mana can deal with damage to some extent from his spells. Most of his attacks require a small amount of mana; also, mana gain per level is not significant.


  • Level 1: 435
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Attack Damage:


  • Level 1: 58
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Ability Power:


  • Level 1: TBA
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA



  • Level 1: 30
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Magic Resistance:


  • Level 1: 38 
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Attack Speed:


  • Level 1: 0.80
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


HP Regen:


  • Level 1: 8
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Mana Regen:


  • Level 1: 12
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Movement Speed:


  • Level 1: 459
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA




LOL: Wild Rift Galio Summoner’s Spells:


Summoner's Spells are additional skills/tools to help your gameplay when needed. The most common spells used in-game are Ignite and Flash. Ignite for its damage potential and heal block, while Flash for its distance closing ability to kill an enemy or escape from a difficult fight. Nonetheless, other spells are also essential and can be tailored to your play style, and it depends on the kit of the Champion you use. Below we'll mention the most appropriate spells for Galio's different play styles.


Ignite – Ignites target enemy champion, dealing (60-410) true damage based on the champion level over 5 seconds and inflicting them with grievous wounds. Grievous wounds reduce healing effects by 50%.


Ignite is mainly viable when you are playing in the top lane as it helps you in 1v1 engagement.  Ignite is recommended when your enemy is getting low on health. Now ready to go all-in and score a takedown, and add that extra amount of damage on the enemy as first it deals damage and secondly reduces the healing effect. Ignite is also vital for Galio when playing mid-lane, and he needs to be ready to Gank with his ultimate.


Flash – Flash is a short teleportation skill, a must on most champions, and one of the best tools for many scenarios. Flash is used when you need to be in close range to apply your CC skills on enemies especially Taunt in the case of Galio and if they are further away or running. Flash shortens the distance and helps you use your CC and combine Ultimate ability with Taunt or Push ability with Passive and Taunt. Especially good to jump over walls, which is useful both for surprise Gank and when you are running away.


Flash can also be used when a fight began without you, and you want to jump in the middle, both to use your Ulti as well as Frenzying Taunt.


LOL Wild Rift Galio Summoner Spell Flash-Ignite


Teleport – Another skill that is essentially necessary for solo-top Galio. Even though you have your Ultimate ability to quickly move to other lanes to help your teammates, if it's on cooldown, Teleport can be taken in place of Ignite to support other lanes when needed or get back to your lane after a Gank from your Ultimate.


Heal and Exhaust – Both of these spells are more suited to Support Galio which helps the ADC to fight longer and score a kill whenever there is an opportunity. Heal is quite simple while Exhaust slows the enemy and reduces their damage output, more the reason to use it when scoring a kill on their ADC or any high threat Champion.


Galio Rune Builds:


Galio is a CC heavy mage Tank and mobile champion due to his Ultimate's enormous range, so his Runes should be built according to his kit. Depending on the role you choose, we have lined up two builds for Galio to shine on the battlefield. The first build, "Mage Colossus," is geared towards supporting the AP Tank build. In contrast, the second, "Support Colossus," is built towards supporting your ADC in initiating and focusing on bottom lane champions.


The Mage Colossus:


Following are the Runes for this setup:


Electrocute – Galio’s kit allows him to deal damage in quick succession due to the synchronization of his combos. The additional burst damage that Electrocute provides fits well with his kit. This is a more offensive Rune and promotes attacking and poking playstyle, primarily due to his First ability.


Brutal – This Rune increases the AP and magic penetration which is a perfect addition to an already heavy AP build and kit.


Spirit Walker – As this Rune provides a little bit of health along with resistance to slow, Galio can more confidently use his Shields of Durand and initiate fights.


Hunter Genius – As this Rune provides a little bit of health along with resistance to slow, Galio can more confidently use it. This Rune gives an additional cooldown reduction and increases with each unique champion takedown, which is a welcome reprieve for Galio and paramount in controlling the battlefield with his CC abilities.


Choose this setup when you’re either playing mid, mostly, or in some cases when you're playing top lane. This build relies heavily on you building an AP-focused build with a few Tank items for early game minion scores and late-game full-on Tanking and AP damaging the enemy.


The Support Colossus:


Following are the Runes for this setup:


Aftershock – Aftershock rune provides Galio with constant Armor and MR, and the longer the fight continues, the more damage he deals as Galio’s kit revolves around it. Every time Galio uses any ability, this Rune applies and acts. Aftershock gives you flat AR and MR plus increases with each level. And 2.5 seconds after it procs, you deal damage equal to a %age of your health as magic damage.


This Rune is a great initiation tool during the lane phase when playing as support. It is recommended to proc this Rune at every given opportunity. The reason behind specifically this Rune for support Galio is that he needs any amount of AP he needs to utilize his damage of abilities based off on AP and in this role, he is not stacking many AP focused items and also because this Rune scales well into the late game.


Weakness – Weakness Rune is an excellent combo with Aftershock for CC-focused kit Champions. Each of Galio's abilities procs Weakness which marks the enemy so they can receive additional damage on top of slows and damage from Aftershock and his abilities. This combo, along with Galio's CC abilities, renders enemy Champions useless for a few seconds.


This Rune is also viable with Tank Colossus.


Hunter Titan – This Rune gives you flat health and increases with each unique Champion killed, making you tankier and last longer in the fights. As this Rune also works on assist, it is a strong rune for Support Galio as he'll be participating in each of the Takedowns when playing along with an ADC.


Hunter Genius – Same as in the build above.


Honorable Mentions:


Sweet Tooth – as this Rune heals you 25% from Honeyfruit, this helps you to survive longer in the early game and gives you 20 gold for each fruit, allowing you to start building your items quicker.


Summon Aery – this Rune provides you with a shield when you use your Ability 1 and can be helpful during the early game when you have a difficult opponent, which can be spammed whenever using First ability.


LOL Wild Rift Galio Item Builds:


Galio is an AP tank dealing Magic damage with hard CC Champion most popularly played as a mid laner. His abilities and mechanics kit allows him to be a full Tank, a Magic damage dealer, or Heavy CC support and can be geared with Items that fill any of these roles, and we will show you how to gear for each.


The item build section is divided into four parts. The 1st part begins with a starting item, which can either be Amplifying tome or boots, depending on your game start. Mainly you will start with Amplifying tome as your abilities deal magic damage and your first ability, Winds of War is one of the best wave clear abilities of this game, and its damage scales off of AP.


In some cases where your opponent at the game start is quite mobile or is hiding behind the wave, you may need to choose boots first, so you are quick in landing hits with your Winds of War and don't let the enemy Champion out-Maneuver them.


The second part shows and describes the core items for most builds, and these are the items that you always start a game with and may change their order but should always start with them. Following the core items is an example build; the items included in this build are always included in Galio's build in one number or another.


The third part includes the most notable items that allow you to tweak Galio's builds, while the fourth part shows a few build examples.


Galio’s Starting Item:


Amplifying Tome – You always start your game with your first ability, Winds of War which deals magic damage, and an increase of 25 AP increases the potential of one of the best minion wave clear abilities in the game. Winds of War can be used to harass your opponent as this will hit hard in the start.


Gold Cost – 500.

Stats – +25 Ability Power.


LOL Wild Rift Galio Item Builds


Galio’s Core Items:


As said above, core items include must-build items for Galio. These three core items are necessary for Galio to become an intimidating AP Tank as Rod provides mage and tank stats. At the same time, Liandry's encourages you to tank the opponents by stacking increasing damage with each stack. Damage dealt is % of the enemy's max health from AP damage, and finally, Rabadon's simply compounds your AP as a whole by a whopping 40%.


Rod Of Ages – First of all, is the Rod of Ages. You want to complete this item at the start of the game just because of the second passive it provides. Veteran passive from the Rod of Ages provides you with health, mana, and AP with each stack up to 10 stacks, stacking one stack every 30 seconds. These stacks grant a lot of AP, HP, and Mana and help you spam spells during your lane phase along with AP, while health enables you to survive longer from your opponent and their Jungler, if and when he ganks, a must for Galio helping him scale better.


Eternity restores mana as well as HP the longer or, the more you fight with enemies. Whenever you choose Rod of Ages for an AP-based Champion, it encourages you to engage with your opponents.


Gold Cost – 2800.

Stats – +250 Max Health, +60 Ability Power, +300 Max Mana.

Eternity – Restore mana equal to 15% of the damage taken from champions. Restore health equal to 20% of mana spent. Capped at 25 Health per cast.

Veteran – Each stack provides 20 Health, 10 Mana, and 6 Ability Power, Stacking at a rate of 1 every 30 seconds. Max of 10 stacks, providing 200 Health, 100 Mana, and 60 Ability Power.


Liandry's Torment – Liandry's Torment is popular in Wild Rift Magic damage Champions like Amumu and Aurelion Sol because of the AP and additional health it provides, while for Galio, like Rod of Ages, it encourages you to engage Galio and the longer he fights, the more damage he can do to his opponents.


The torment ability of this Liandry's Torment makes Galio an anti-Tank as well because his stacks from Madness are now dealing increasing damage to Tanks scaling with their health, especially from the Winds of War ability as you’ll be maxing it first. This makes it a viable option when enemies are stacking health, especially on Tanks and Supports.


Gold Cost 3150.

Stats – +250 Max Health, +70 Ability Power.

Madness – Being in combat with enemy champions generates one stack every second for the next 4 seconds. Deal 2% increased damage for each stack, up to a maximum of 10%.

Torment – Ability damage deals 1% of an enemy's max health as bonus magic damage over 3 seconds. This damage doubles if they are slowed or immobilized.


Rabadon’s Deathcap – Rabadon's Deathcap is surely Overkill. An increase of your overall AP by 40% is huge when you are AP mage gearing for to become a Tank. Your abilities are going to hit hard come mid-game. You can substitute this for Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, though if your team already has a Tank, and this way, you can one-shot squishy Champions and let your tank do his job.


Gold Cost – 3500.

Stats – +130 Ability Power.

Overkill – Increases Ability Power by 40%.


AP Mage Tank Galio Complete Build:


Abyssal Mask – Abyssal Mask is one of the Top-Tier defensive items for Champions like Malphite and Rammus. Abyssal Mask gives Galio mana and health regen and due to Abyssal, does bonus damage to enemies nearby. This, combined with Liandry's Torment, damages enemies more the longer you are in a fight. Abyssal Mask can be forgone when Magic Resistances are not much needed.


Gold Cost – 2800.

Stats – +300 Max Health, +40 Magic Resistance, +300 Max Mana, +10 Ability Haste.

Eternity – Restore mana equal to 15% of the damage taken from champions. Regen health equal to 20% of mana spent. Capped at 25 Health per cast.

Abyssal – Nearby enemy champions take 15% bonus magic damage. (325 range).


Void Staff – Getting another 70 AP and 40% MagPen makes Galio very intimidating, especially for opponents scared of you and stacking Magic Resist.


Gold Cost – 2800.

Stats – +70 Ability Power.

Dissolve – +40% Magic Penetration.


Ionian Boots of Lucidity – Galio has a lot of flexibility when choosing boots, and we will discuss them in detail in the next part. Still, for this build, it is recommended that you take these boots if you have already taken Sweet Tooth rune.


Ionian Boots of Lucidity selection provides you with Summoner spell haste while also giving you a short burst of speed when needed by Sprint. Sprint becomes useful when you want to start or stun one of the enemy Champions to initiate a team fight.


Gold Cost – 1000.

Stats – +40 Move Speed, +10 Ability Haste.

Summoned – Reduces Summoner Spell Cooldowns by 15%.

Sprint (Active) – Increases Move Speed by 15% for 3 seconds. Dealing or taking damage from champions removes Sprint. (60s cooldown).

Enchant – Stasis – this particular enchantment is useful for Galio whenever he will use his Heroes' Entrance to initiate a team fight and uses his abilities and becomes the center of attention in big team fights; Stasis provides him with invulnerability for 2.5 seconds which is enough time to bypass enemy Champion's abilities.


Galio’s Other Main Items:


Infinity Orb – This is a core item in some of the builds given in the 4th part of this build and is preferred in some high Elo games more so because of dealing more damage when Electrocute Rune is chosen.


Gold Cost – 3150.

Stats – +200 Max Health, +60 Ability Power.

Destiny – +5% Move Speed.

Balance – +15 Magic Penetration.

Inevitable Demise Abilities crit for 20% bonus damage against enemies below 35% Health.


Thornmail – A defensive item for Galio which also does magic damage to those enemies that attack him, which they would normally, due to his Duran Shield ability but also giving the Grievous Wounds, which reduces all healing received by enemy champions. This synergizes well with Galio’s Taunts and CC abilities. Grievous wounds are also applied if an enemy is immobilized.


Gold Cost – 2800.

Stats – +200 Max Health, +75 Armor.

Thorns – Upon being hit by a basic attack on-hit, reflects 25 (+ 10% bonus Armor) magic damage while also inflicting Grievous Wounds on the attacker for 3 seconds. Immobilizing enemy champions also inflicts them with Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.

Grievous Wounds is a debuff that reduces all healing received by 40%.


Morellonomicon – Morellonomicon makes your abilities apply Grievous wounds to enemy Champions. This goes well if the enemy Champions have healing and if they have physical/magic vamp.


Gold Cost – 3000.

Stats – +300 Max Health, +70 Ability Power.

Death Touch – +15 Magic Penetration.

Cursed – Magic damage applies Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.

Grievous Wounds is a debuff that reduces all healing received by 40%.


Spirit Visage – Other than basic stat increase by this item, Spirit Visage increases all healing, regen, and general drain effects on yourself by a considerable amount.


Gold Cost – 2900.

Stats – +350 Max Health, +100% Health Regen, +45 Magic Resistance, +10 Ability Haste.

Blessed – Increases all healing, regen, and drain effects on yourself by 30%.


Luden's Echo – If you don’t want to go for a tanky build, you can go with Luden’s Echo to help you wave clear with your Winds of War ability. Not just minion wave clear, this item, due to Discordic Echo, deals AP damage to your target and three nearby enemies as well, good viability when poking or fighting a team fight. Following this build will make Galio a glass canon and helps you to poke enemies regularly as it also provides Haste.


Gold Cost – 3000.

Stats – +80 Ability Power, +300 Max Mana, +10 Ability Haste.

Discordic Echo – Moving and casting abilities build Discord. At 100 Discord, your next damaging ability deals 100 (+ 10% AP) bonus magic damage to your target and up to 3 nearby enemies.


RYLAI’S CRYSTAL SCEPTER – Rylai’s is a good substitute for Rabadon’s if you are having trouble cornering your enemies or if they are too mobile. The Icy ability it provides helps you to slow down the enemies to force them to fight you with Galio’s CC abilities.


Gold Cost – 2700.

Stats – +350 Max Health, +70 Ability Power.

Icy – Damaging active abilities slow enemies by 20% for 1 second.


Dead Man's Plate – A defensive item for Galio while providing this tank the much-needed movement speed along with gaining momentum, which stacks to 100. The momentum can be expended by a melee hit and slows the enemy by 50%. This makes it a great combo with your Reach and deals tons of damage with Justice Punch and Colossal Smash, making you a hard-hitting mobile truck, a Tanky truck at that.


Gold Cost – 2900.

Stats – +300 Max Health, +50 Armor.

Momentum – Moving builds momentum, granting a max of 50 Move Speed at 100 stacks. Attacks expend all momentum to deal bonus magic damage equal to the number of stacks. Momentum decays while movement is impaired.

Attacks deal magic damage equal to Momentum stacks removed. Melee attacks that expend max momentum also slow by 50% for 1 second.

Relentless – +5% movement speed.


Force of Nature – A perfect defensive item that couples well with Dead Man's Plate to grant you with increased movement speed and magic resistance each time enemy Champions hit you with a unique ability making him a formidable Tanky and Supporting opponent the longer a fight drags on.


Gold Cost – 2850.

Stats – +350 Max Health, +45 Magic Resist.

Storm – +5% movement speed.

Absorb – Taking ability damage grants you 6 bonus movement speed, and 6 bonus magic Resist for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times, for a maximum of 30 bonus movement speed and 30 bonus Magic Resist. Each unique ability gives 1 stack.


Zeke’s Convergence – A pure Support Galio item due to Harbinger, which grants ignite to your ADC while your Hero’s Entrance slows enemies. This is a devastating item when playing with Champions like Ashe to capitalize her kit.


Gold Cost – 2800.

Stats – +40 Armor, +40 Magic Resistance, +150 Max Mana, +10 Ability Haste.

Harbinger – Casting your ultimate surrounds you with a blizzard and ignites a nearby ally's attacks for 10 seconds. Your blizzard slows enemies by 20%, and your ally's attacks burn for 30% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. Prioritizes highest Attack Damage ally.

Frostfire Covenant – If an enemy is both struck by Frost and Fire, your Frost storm ignites and becomes FrostFire. A FrostFire storm deals 40 magic damage per second to nearby enemies and slows by 40% instead for 3 seconds.


Frozen Heart – Frozen Heart is a viable option against enemy ADC and AA reliant heavy Champions as it slows their AA speed, giving you enough time to counter them.

Gold Cost – 2850.

Stats – +70 Armor, +300 Mana, + 20 Ability Haste.

Winter’s Caress – Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by 15%.


Other Boots:


Gluttonous Greaves – these boots can be a good pair with Spirit Visage as it also provides Physical and Spells Vamp on top of movement speed.


Gold Cost – 1000

Stats – +40 Move Speed, +8% Physical Vamp, +8% Magical Vamp.

Sprint (Active) – Increases Move Speed by 15% for 3 seconds. Dealing or taking damage from champions removes Sprint. (60s cooldown).


Boots of Swiftness – these boots provide the highest amount of speed from boots and reduce the effects of slow, which is useful when using Shields of Durand. This can be enchanted with Glorious Enchant to mitigate the slow of Shields of Durand further.


Gold Cost – 1000.

Stats – +50 Move Speed.

Sleek – Move Speed slows reduced by 30%.

Sprint (Active) – Increases Move Speed by 15% for 3 seconds. Dealing or taking damage from champions removes Sprint. (60s cooldown).


Mercury's Treads – these boots are preferred boots for mobile Tanks like Malphite, who like to dive into the enemy team to initiate combos as it provides Tenacity along with MR and movement speed. It is recommended to be built along with Plated Steelcaps against AD-heavy teams.


Gold Cost – 1000.

Stats – +40 Move Speed +10 Magic Resist.

Tenacity – Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%.

Sprint (Active) – Increases Move Speed by 15% for 3 seconds. Dealing or taking damage from champions removes Sprint. (60s cooldown).


Boots Enchantments:


Enchant – Glorious – The second option for enchantment is Glory, which gives you movement speed. You can use it to get out of a sticky situation, or it can also be used for when you want to get close to the enemy to initiate the fight with taunt as soon as you are near an enemy, Glory procs and slows that enemy, making it easier for you to taunt. This often chosen when playing with Champions like Darius and Olaf. For Galio, it is essential as it synergizes with mitigating the slow of Shield of Durand.


Gold Cost – 500.

Stats – Glory Active.

Glory (Active) – Gain 15% Move Speed for 4 seconds, increasing to 60% towards enemy champions or towers. After 4 seconds or reaching, an enemy champion emits a shockwave that slows nearby enemies by 50% for 2 seconds. (45s Cooldown).


Enchant – Gargoyle – no pun intended but should go well with Galio being a Gargoyle himself as it gives you a massive boost in health.


Gold Cost – 500.

Stats – Stoneplate Active.

Stoneplate (Active) – Increase your Health by 65% while reducing damage dealt by 60% for 4 seconds. If there are three or more enemy champions nearby, it increases health by 130% instead. (45s Cooldown)


Enchant – Redeeming – Redeeming Enchant is often built on Heroes like Janna and Lulu and when playing as Galio Support.


Gold Cost – 500.

Stats – Redeem Active.

Redeem (Active) – Reveal a position, and after 2.5 seconds, a beam of light heals allies by 25-375, while enemies take 10% of their max health as true damage. Minions and monsters take 250 damage instead. (60s cooldown).

Redemption heal effect is reduced by 50% if the target has been affected by another Redemption in the last 20 seconds.


Galio Complete Item Builds:


Build 1 – AP Mage Tank:


  • Starting item> Amplifying tome.
  • Core Items > Rod of Ages > Liandry’s Torment > Rabadon’s Deathcap.
  • Boots > Ionian’s Boots of Lucidity > Stasis.
  • Final Build > Rod of Ages, Liandry’s Torment, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Abyssal Mask, Void Staff, Ionian’s Boots of Lucidity > Stasis.


Build 2 – Mid Lane Galio Item Build:


  • Starting item> Amplifying tome.
  • Core Items > Rod of Ages > Infinity Orb > Rabadon’s Deathcap.
  • Boots > Gluttonous Greaves > Stasis.
  • Final Build > Rod of Ages, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Infinity Orb, Void Staff, Morellonomicon, Gluttonous Greaves > Stasis.


Build 3 – Galio VS AP Champions


  • Starting item> Amplifying tome.
  • Core Items > Spirit Visage > Infinity Orb > Rabadon’s Deathcap.
  • Boots > Gluttonous Greaves > Stasis.
  • Final Build > Abyssal Mask, Infinity Orb, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Spirit Visage, Void Staff, Gluttonous Greaves > Stasis.


Build 4 – Galio VS Tank Champions:


  • Starting item> Amplifying tome.
  • Core Items > Rod of Ages > Infinity Orb > Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Boots > Gluttonous Greaves > Stasis.
  • Final Build > Rod of Ages, Infinity Orb, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Liandry’s Torment, Void Staff, Gluttonous Greaves > Stasis.


Galio Skills Introduction:


Colossal Smash – Passive Ability:


Enhances his next attack to deal 15 to 190 (Based on level) Magic Damage (75 + 100% AD + 50% AP + 60% Magic Resist) to nearby enemies.


Cooldown: 5s / 4s / 3s at level 1 / 5 / 9


Winds of War – First Active Ability:


Fires two windblasts that deal 70 Magic Damage (70 + 75% AP) and converge into a tornado.

The tornado deals Magic Damage equal to 8% (8 + 2% AP) of the target's maximum health over 1.5 seconds.


Base Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205

Cooldown: 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10


Shield of Durand – Second Active Ability:


Passive: Every 12 seconds, upon taking Magic Damage, Galio gains a Shield that absorbs 87 Magic Damage (8% Max HP) for 3.5 seconds.


Hold: Enters a defensive stance, slowing himself by 25% for up to 2 seconds.


Takes 25% (25 + 5% AP + 8% Magic Resist) reduced Magic Damage and 12.5% (12.5 + 2.5% AP + 4% Magic Resist) reduced Physical Damage.


Release: Deals 40 Magic Damage (40 + 45% AP) to nearby enemies and taunts them for 0.5-1.5 seconds, increased withhold time.


Base Damage: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160

Cooldown: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15


Justice Punch – Third Active Ability:


Galio dashes forward until he hits an enemy champion or terrain, dealing 90 Magic Damage (90 + 90% AP) to enemies and knocking them up for 0.75 seconds.

Deals 50% Damage to minions.


Base Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240

Cooldown: 11 / 10 / 9 / 8


Hero's Entrance – Ultimate Skill:


Grants Shield of Durand's Passive Shield for 3.5 seconds to all allied champions near the target and designate the position as his landing spot.


After 2.5 seconds, Galio arrives at the location, dealing 150 Magic Damage (150 + 70%) to nearby enemies and knocking them up for 0.75 seconds.


Base Damage: 150 / 250 / 350

Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80


Galio Ability Analysis:


Colossal Smash:


Colossal Smash enables Galio's next attack to deal Area of Effect magic damage. Do not misjudge Colossal Smash as it ascends with stages, AD (Attack Damage), AP (Ability Power), and Magic Resist.


Colossal Smash is Area of Effect magic damage ability, so it practically increases Galio's attack span. Your Champion can attack a minion in front of the opponent champion and damage them as well.


Colossal Smash has a four-second calm down span, and you will be informed when it is ready by the golden glow that will happen on Galio's body.


Winds of War:


Winds of War is Galio's initial damaging tool. It releases two windblasts that meet up at a point to form a tornado. The windblast gives the initial damage, then the tornado deals % of HP-based damage in three ticks over 1.5 seconds. The windblast damage also influences the hit by the tornado's early meeting point.


Winds of War is an exceptional wave clearing ability, and it is the primary reason that makes you surprise the attacker as a mid-laner. A single hit of Winds of War and a single Colossal Smash is enough to deal with the minion wave initiating from level 6. If you don't want to rush and play a slow game, target the minions in your range while trying to hit the opponent champion alongside.


Since the tornado deals % of HP damage in 1.5 seconds, it works exceptionally with a supercharged Shield of Durand so that the opponent will receive the total damage of Winds of War. Beware of crowds controlling your allies because this feature is perfect for causing damage to controlled enemies.


Shield of Durand:


Shield of Durand is what makes Galio exceptionally effective in team-up fights. It can transfer within your allies. Hero's Entrance.  Then there is a proactive ability, which consists of two parts. The first part provides a huge double resistance bonus, gaining magic resistance twice for a maximum of 2 seconds, enabling you to withstand explosive damage. Deal damage and simulate enemies for up to 1.5 seconds, depending on loading time


When Shield of Durand is active, Galio is slowed, so it is not recommended to challenge the opponent at that time because they use their mobility skills, and in return, can give you damage. So it is best to use Shield of Durand after smashing the enemy with your Justice Punch after a successful landing of your ultimate Hero's Entrance or as a follow-up on your ally's crowd controls. You can also cast under brushes, but this is a rare feature that becomes rarer and rarer as the rank develops.


You can simulate an ambush, then hide in the river, and use a fully charged Durand shield to ambush the enemy's lane in the center.


Another way to use Shield of Durand's slow is by using the Spirit Walker rune, Boots of Swiftness, and Glorious Enchant. You will have an excellent movement speed, which is very suitable for ambushes and detonations. If you want to avoid a trap, first use the shield of Durand to absorb the damage and taunt the enemy, then activate the Strike of Righteousness to escape.


LOL Wild Rift Galio Abilities


Justice Punch:


Justice Punch is your primary engagement toll in short battles. It has a quick wind-up that you can jump backward before running forward and continue until you encounter a champion or terrain. All opponents hit are damaged and will be knocked up. Even if multiple opponent champions are combined, only one Champion can be harmed and knocked down.


You can cancel the wind-up animation Animate and speed up the board's movement by launching Justice Punch next to the wall. This move will confuse your enemies, and they will have less time to react. Also, your wind-up will not go useless as you can use it to trick your opponent.


A clean-way trick to Justice Punch is the Reverse Justice Punch, which can be used Aiming away from your opponent. The jump back still allows you to hit the opponent. You have dual reasons for that.


In this way, as the justice punch hits the enemy immediately after being knocked down, the Righteous Strike will hit the opponent faster.


It also reduces the chance of being ganked to zero. If you have opponents with dashes like Zed, Fizz, or Ahri, they will trick you away, and your justice punch will be useless. The benefits of using the Reverse Justice Punch, if you miss, you will be saved by surprise attacks and will push the Champion to the side of the map.


This is the maximum range for the Reverse Justice Punch. Any more would make it miss. Any less is a sure hit.


Galio immediately hits after Justice Punch. If you want to knock out the enemy with a follow-up, Shield of Durand, you have to cancel that auto-attack by holding the Shield of Durand button during Justice Punch's animation. Still, sometimes it is not working correctly, so you have to cancel the auto-attacker. The best way to balance the automatic attack is to hold down the Sheild of Durand immediately after hitting.


Hero's Entrance:


Hero's Entrance is an excellent launch tracking capability. Once Galio targets an opponent champion, all friendly champions around the area gain Galio's magic from his Shield of Durand. After a short period, Galio spawns at the position of the opponent champion.


Enemies will also see where you will be spawning, so using Hero's Entrance, you give a surprise attack to your opponents. However, please do not save your ally if your team stumbles because this will only lead to his death.


Galio Skills Progression – How to distribute Skill Points?


Distributing skill points is way too important in LOL: Wild Rift as it can really impact your next 1v1 or team fight. For example, the 5th point should go to your ultimate. Still, if you forget it or if you mistakenly upgrade your active ability instead of activating your ultimate ability then it can push you back in the game. This is why we have brought for you the skill progression guide:


  • Winds of War – First Active Ability: 1 – 4 – 6 – 7
  • Shield of Durand – Second Active Ability: 3 – 8 – 10 – 11
  • Justice Punch – Third Active Ability: 2 – 12 – 13 – 14
  • Hero's Entrance – Ultimate Skill: 5 – 9 – 15


LOL Wild Rift Galio Skills Progressions


Galio Ultimate Combos:


  • Justice Punch > Shield Of Durand > Winds Of War > Colossal Smash.


This is the bread and butter all-on combo. Go in with Justice Punch. Taunt right after, throw a Q and finish off with a Colossal smash


  • Shield Of Durand > Justice Punch > Winds Of War > Colossal Smash.


A reverse of combo 1. There will be a situation where your opponent is too close to Galio for comfort. It'll be easier to start off with the taunt before going for the justice punch.


  • Hero's Entrance > Shield Of Durand > Justice Punch > Colossal Smash.


This is what makes GALIO such a chad. You can be half a map away and still win team fights—just a hero's entrance into the fight or an over-extended jungler.  Land, Taunt everyone in their face. Justice Punch the closest enemy and win.  CAUTION:  Don't use Hero's Entrance in a fight that will be lost. Don't dive into a 2v5 fight or a teammate who's at very low health. But always keep your eye on the map for opportunities to use this.


Galio Pros & Cons:


  • Tank but high damage.
  • Easy clear minion waves.
  • Great roaming champion.
  • Can play all roles except ADC.
  • Great crowd control champion.




  • Spends a lot of mana.
  • It can easily be countered.
  • Slow skill launch.
  • Galio Abilities in Wild Rift.



Galio’s Matchups (Synergies, Counters, Strong and Weak Against):


In this section, we will discuss Galio’s matchups. At higher Elo games, you have to consider what heroes you match up with, as each hero selection is like a chess piece on a game board. Some heroes will work with you well while others will hard counter you. Not knowing when to choose Galio can be bad for your otherwise great game skills.


When talking about matchups, you have to keep two things in mind. Firstly, which role Galio is playing for you, whether mid/Baron lane or as an ADC support in the bottom lane. Secondly, how are you building Galio as an AP burst mage or AP Mage Tank who will dive in to initiate team or support bruiser/poke tank to support the ADC survive and kill his/her opponents in the bottom lane?


Choosing your role will dictate your choice of whether to pick Galio or not. It also dictates how you'll proceed in the game. You would be able to tweak your items to enhance your damage-dealing further and CC ability if you have Synergistic Champions, capitalize your strengths if you're stronger in some matchups, and go a defensive route if you have hard counters to your Galio pick. Let's discuss each in detail below.


Galio Synergies:


Those champions who can support your Galio pick will be the ones who provide you with the following things:


  • Move speed to land your abilities like Winds of War or to mitigate the slow from Shields of Durand.
  • Provide you with Shields when diving in with Hero’s Entrance.
  • Maximize the damage of Hero's Entrance by MP like Amumu.


Amumu – Amumu’s passive, Cursed Touch makes all incoming Magic damage to deal increased true damage to enemy Champions which Synergizes well with Galio, and Amumu's ultimate Curse of the Sad Mummy stuns enemy Champions for 2.5s, enough time for you to send Galio in with his Ultimate, Hero's Entrance. Amumu and Galio combined is too much CC for your enemies to handle.


LOL Wild Rift Galio Amumu Synergy


Shyvana – Shyvana’s and Galio's ultimate both synergize well with each other, as both can set up the enemy team in an area for others to unleash their Ultimate.



Camille – Just like Shyvana, Camille's Ultimate also corners the enemy giving Galio ample time to use his Hero's Entrance and unleash his combos.



 Draven – Draven passive allows him to do massive amounts of damage in the early game to his lane counterparts, and he needs a few hits to get the job done, which can be set up by Galio's CC and Ultimate. Galio is a godsend if you play him as a support for ADC champions like Draven.



Galio Strong Against:



Galio's kit is CC-heavy and has two distance closers in the form of Justice Punch and Hero's Entrance. At the same time, one defensive ability, Shield of Durand, negates enemy abilities and damage. Any Champion that doesn't have any form cleanse ability to counter his CC will suffer at the hands of Galio.


Galio can also be used well against Magic Damage users because of Shield of Durand as the shield absorbs magic damage, which has excellent potential to be poke-free and have better trade potential.



Dr. Mundo – Infected cleaver is a telegraphed ability, so you can pop Shield of Durand to subside it easily. Other than that, Dr. Mundo doesn't have any ability that can help him counter Winds of War or any other CC ability of Galio. A sure win if you're playing Galio against Mundo.



Kennen – Kennen falls under same premise as Dr. Mundo. There isn’t much he can do when you’re playing Galio against him.



Fizz – Fizz has everything going against him when he's playing against Galio. He is a melee mage which puts him at a very bad spot every time he engages, and not even his Playful/Trickster ability can do him any good. Even his Ultimate is telegraphed, which Galio can shrug of using Shields of Durand or go away from harm's reach using Justice Punch. You can harass Fizz with Galio's Winds of War ability.



Gragas – Gragas is one of those melee tanks that are hard countered by Galio's CC kit. Gragas can only escape with Body Slam ability, while you can easily outreach using Galio's Justice Punch. You will out scale him the longer the game goes on and much more useful in team fights than him.



Orianna – She is one of the best mid laners in the game, but even she has a hard time playing against Galio due to his kit. Winds of War outshine her as a poking ability and wave clear. Justice Punch is a good gap closer, and Orianna can't avoid it easily, while Galio can use Shields of Durand to negate any of her Ball's ability.




Galio’s Counter:


When picking Galio in Champion select, never go in blind as a bad matchup can easily make it difficult for you to play during the first half of the game.


Fiora – she is a hard counter to CC-focused Champions due to her Riposte ability which can parry most attacks and abilities for a short amount of time. At the same time, her Lunge is a good poking tool that can also allow her to move quickly around.


Yasuo – if played well, Yasuo can give you headaches. He has wave clear on par with Galio and has a lot of mobility, which can challenge the game. His Sweeping Blade and Wind wall can be used to dodge your Galio's Wind of War and other abilities. As Galio doesn't have a counter to physical damage, Yasuo, with his Steel Tempest, can harass Galio.


Janna – players do not hesitate to pick Janna against aggressive supports like Galio. She can easily counter the abilities with her Howling Gale and because Galio's abilities are telegraphed. Unless you surprise them, they can counter.


Zed – he is one of those champions that is hard to capture and needs a good team effort to corner him, which makes him that more deadly on top of only dealing physical damage where Galio's kit supports facing off Mages and needs to stack armor through items to deal with Zed. Therefore, it is not a good idea to go against Zed, and you should not pick Galio on Champion select. Your only chance against him is to CC him before he lands his Living Shadow and Razor Shuriken Combo.


Zed-Galio Counter


Corki is another counter like Zed, who deals mostly with physical damage, which forces You to stack armor early on, Galio. His abilities like Gatling Gun, Missile Barrage, and AA will continuously deal with physical damage, so don't allow him to poke you. Plus, he can get away from you by Valkyrie because of your telegraphic abilities.


Galio Matchups and Counters Overview:


Following are an overview of Matchups and Counters:


  • Lux – Easy
  • Seraphine – Easy
  • Corki – Easy
  • Sona – Easy
  • Soraka – Easy
  • Kha’zix – Easy
  • Janna – Easy
  • Ziggs – Easy
  • Blitzcrank – Easy
  • Nami – Easy
  • Gargas – Easy
  • LuLu – Easy
  • Twisted Fate – Easy
  • Aurelion Sol – Easy
  • Annie – Easy
  • Ahri – Medium
  • Akali – Medium
  • Camille – Medium
  • Olaf – Medium
  • Miss Fortune – Medium
  • Malphite – Medium
  • Jarvan IV – Medium
  • Graves – Medium
  • Braum – Medium
  • Teemo – Medium
  • Rakan – Medium
  • Ashe – Medium
  • Rammus – Medium
  • Evelynn – Medium
  • Leona – Medium
  • Wukong – Medium
  • Singed – Medium
  • Kennen – Medium
  • Xayah – Medium
  • Alistar – Medium
  • Diana – Medium
  • Fizz – Medium
  • Akali – Hard
  • Katarina – Hard
  • Yasuo – Hard
  • Darius – Hard
  • Draven – Hard
  • Fiora – Hard
  • Rengar – Hard
  • Garen – Hard
  • Jhin – Hard
  • Vayne – Hard
  • Tristana – Hard
  • Jinx – Hard
  • ZED – Hard
  • Xin Zhao – Hard
  • Lee Sin – Hard
  • Mundo – Hard
  • Nasus – Hard
  • Jax – Hard
  • Master Yi – Hard
  • Orianna – Skill
  • Renekton – Skill
  • Varus – Skill
  • Kai’sa – Skill
  • Ezreal – Skill
  • Shyvana – Skill
  • Amumu – Skill
  • Tryndamere – Skill
  • Pantheon – Skill
  • VI – Skill


Galio Full Guide (Early, Mid, and Late Game Scenarios):


If you have seen the lane phase that Galio has, you know that it is nothing short of eloquent and standard. Here a combination that will be to your advantage is to use “(E -> Auto) -> Channel Taunt -> Flash on person -> Release taunt -> Autos and Q.” If, in case, the opponent is insisting on a tradeoff, then your W is best. It will reduce any damage and instantly back out as soon as your capabilities have let off steam. Here, characters such as 'Darius' and Flora' wouldn't be recommended.


The rest is all basic. You can try reading the section of Summoner Spell. The Section on using Teleports and the Ward River is helpful too. Don't forget to keep an eye out on the map, and if you see someone suspicious in your territory, then the turret is the best spot after killing them.


The Mid Game / Late Game:


If your ally is in danger, and you have gotten your hands on the ultimate, then you can certainly save them. The damage can be mitigated to quite an extent. However, if more allies are in danger, you should make saving the carrier a priority instead. If you plan on engaging, then ulting an allied member would be equivalent to having gotten dipped in 'Olaf'/ 'LeBlanc.' However, in this case, by attempting to do a Teleport via the controls: 'E -> Channel W -> Flash W’ is good too. Once the engagement has subsided, you should be knocking as many individuals as possible. It would be best to aim to hit the control Q on targets and use the item actives in your possession.


Galio Skins Overview:


Following is some of the Galio’s Skins in League of Legends Wild Rift:


Debonair Galio:

Rarity: Rare.

Price: 525 Wild Cores.

How to get Debonair Galio: Buy in Store.




Infernal Galio:

Rarity: Epic.

Price: 990 Wild Cores.

How to get Debonair Galio: Buy in Store.




Default Skin:

Default version skills of Galio in League of Legends Wild Rift:






Most of Galio’s Abilities, other than Shield of Durand, are skill shots meaning you have to drag from the skill icon outwards, targeting an enemy which requires skill. You can also tap the skill icons too, but that will target the nearest enemy and won't yield the required results. Due to his Abilities being skill shots and varying mechanics, Galio is a difficult Champion to play who can be mastered with practice.


You can practice with better efficiency if you enable 120 FPS for LOL: Wild Rift after you’ve downloaded the game on your PC. The more practice you will do, the higher your chances of winning a 1v1 and team fight will be.


If you are interested, you can check out our other guides, including Rammus, NasusSeraphineEvelynnKha'zixRengarEzreal, and much more.

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