League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Combos and More!


League of Legends Wild Rift, commonly known as LOL: Wild Rift, has been in debate in 2020. The game itself doesn't need any introduction, but its Mobile version covers a lot of ground really fast. As of now, LOL: Wild Rift is available in some regions and will soon be available globally, hopefully before 2021 ends. LOL: Wild Rift is a proud production of RIOT Games, which are famous for Valorant, League of Legends PC, etc.


Today in this comprehensive guide, our topic is Ezreal. We will be looking at his stats, Tier, class, skins, abilities, much more. So, without wasting much time, let’s dive right into it.


Ezreal Overview:


Ezreal is quite famous for its versatile roles. You can use him in the mid lane, or you can use him in the bottom lane as ADC. ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry, the soul of your team, the damage behind your front lane. If you want to wipe out a team in seconds, then he is the best DPS AD carry so far. Ezreal is pure attack damage when it comes to the bottom lane, but he can go AP if you are using him in the mid lane, which makes him important.


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


If we take a look at his Ban Rate, which is 2.8% with a Win Ratio of 47.1% and Pick Rate of 17.6%. The champion itself brings out so much opportunity and great plays than you can imagine. When we talk about ADC, they have high DPS, but they are quite squishy. We are talking about really squishy, even squishier, than Assassins, which they cover by dealing massive damage to the enemy lineup.


Ezreal Tier and Class:


Ezreal is an S Tier champion, just like LOL: Wild Rift Evelynn. For those who don’t know what S Tier is, S Tier is a combined sum of four different things in LOL: Wild Rift:


  • Damage


  • Toughness


  • Utility


  • Difficulty


These four things make a champion S Tier, A Tier, etc. A fine example of A Tier champion is Zed. S Tier means it will be quite hard to master this champion, and you will have to put a lot of effort and time into practice; only then will you be able to play it perfectly. Keep in mind; the bottom lane is one of the hardest lanes. Your team depends on your damage and plays, and if you are bad at ADC or you have been shut down by other ADC, then it’s game over for your whole team.


This specific role is quite extensive, and you must know everything about it before even selecting ADC as your main lane. If we specifically talk about Ezreal's class, then it is a marksman. Meaning you won’t have to get close to your enemy to poke them or to fight with them. You keep your distance from enemy champions and deal massive damage from a distance where only a marksman can hit you.


Do not try to get close to your enemy or don’t miscalculate your distance because, as mentioned earlier, you are way too squishy and can die easily at any stage of the game. You can always get better at any champion if you enable 120 FPS Gameplay on Wild Rift using LDPlayer.


LOL: Wild Rift Ezreal Stats:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


Stats are what define a champion before you get to buy or play with them. Let’s take a look at Ezreal stats:


  • Damage – 3 Star


  • Toughness – 1 Star


  • Utility – 1 Star


  • Difficulty – 2 Star


3 Star means Strong, 2 Star means Moderate, and 1 Star means Weak. Ezreal other stats are as follows:




Health is commonly known as HP in LOL: Wild Rift and represents your champion’s toughness. Since Ezreal is a marksman ADC, don’t expect him to have high HP.


  • Level 1 – 570


  • Level 15 – 2040


  • Per Level Gain– 105




Mana is what a champion use to attack enemy champions using its abilities/skills. Mana on Ezreal is quite important; that is why after a certain period, your jungler should give you his Blue Sentinel for extra mana.


  • Level 1 – 390


  • Level 15 – 1076


  • Per Level Gain – 49


Attack Damage:


Attack Damage, commonly known as AD, is the only thing Ezreal is good at when it comes to stats. His AD is what makes him the best ADC in LOL: Wild Rift.


  • Level 1 – 60


  • Level 15 – 111


  • Per Level Gain – 3.64


Ability Power:


Ability Power, commonly knows as magic damage or AP in LOL: Wild Rift is not Ezreal's strong suit. You do not need any AP on him if you are using him as ADC, but if you are using him in Mid Lane, then you will have to build AP.


  • Level 1 – 0


  • Level 15 – 0


  • Per Level Gain – 0




Armor comes under Utility stats. Armor is what makes you stay longer in your lane and in team fights. You can increase your armor, but you are not supposed to do that because of your role as ADC.


  • Level 1 – 30


  • Level 15 – 91


  • Per Level Gain – 4.36


Magic Resistance:


Magic Resistance, the amount of magic damage your champion can absorb before taking massive damage. Magic resistance is quite important if you are against AP champions.


  • Level 1 – 30


  • Level 15 – 42


  • Per Level Gain – 0.86


Attack Speed:


Attack Speed plays an important role when it comes to making great plays during solo and team fights. Attack Speed is what you need to increase your damage per second ratio.


  • Level 1 – 0.75


  • Level 15 – 0.94


  • Per Level Gain – 0.014


HP Regen:


HP Regen, the amount of health you regenerate after not taking damage for a limited time.


  • Level 1 – 6


  • Level 15 – 16


  • Per Level Gain – 0.71


Mana Regen:


Mana Regen, the amount of mana you will regenerate over time. It doesn’t matter if you are fighting or not.


  • Level 1 – 9


  • Level 15 – 22


  • Per Level Gain – 0.93


Movement Speed:


Movement Speed allows your champion to move faster on the map. Ezreal doesn’t get any increase in his Movement speed, and nor should that be a problem for you.


  • Level 1 – 447


  • Level 15 – 447


  • Per Level Gain – 0


You can also download LOL: Wild Rift on PC to practice Ezreal on a bigger screen.


Ezreal Summoner Spells:


Right summoner spells can save your life and can also get you more than one kills. The best summoner spell for ADC Ezreal is Heal and Flash; however, if you are using him AP Mid, then you can go with Flash and Ignite or Flash and Teleport. Flash and Ignite are preferable for bonus damage.





League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


Heal provides you extra HP in your time of need. As an ADC Ezreal, Heal is the best Summoner Spell you can take with you because sometimes you accidentally overextend and get yourself in trouble. Heal also provides movement speed for a limited time so you can get out of trouble (if possible).




Flash is also another important spell for ADC Ezreal. You might be thinking Ezreal is quite fast and why he needs Flash? You are right, but sometimes Flash can help you get out of trouble by flashing through the wall, or it can help you confirm your kill by diving under a turret.




Ignite is the only important and best choice for Ezreal if you have chosen Mid Lane. Ignite provides you with extra damage to finish your enemy. It also deals damage over time, so you can use it before attacking your enemy or while fighting.




Teleport isn’t much important when it comes to Mid Lane Ezreal and ADC Ezreal, but some players like to get back to a little bit faster to have the upper hand on CC. It all depends on what you decide; our recommendation is not to take Teleport instead of Ignite.


Ezreal Rune Guide and Builds:


Runes are super important in League of Legends Wild Rift. Runes increase your overall damage and provide multiple boosts to your champion and sometimes ally champions too. Let’s take a look at Ezreal Rune Builds:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


Ezreal Rune Build 1:


There are multiple builds for Ezreal; for instance, you can use this build:


  • Conqueror – Conqueror grants a stacking damage bonus when attacking champions. Conqueror is similar to Ezreal's passive Innate, and therefore, they paid well.


  • Brutal – Brutal grants bonus penetration and damage.


  • Loyalty – Loyalty provides hybrid resistance to you and your lane partner.


  • Manaflow Band – Manaflow Band provides you extra mana when you hit enemy champions. The rune synergies pretty well with Muramana’s passive.


Ezreal Rune Build 2:


Ezreal Rune Build two is somewhat similar to Rune Build 1 except for the following two runes:


  • Gathering Stone – Gathering Stone allows you to gain 2 AD or 4 AP (Adaptive) every 2min.


  • Regeneration – Every 3 seconds, Ezreal will gain 2% missing mana or health based on whichever percentage is lower.


Conqueror – Gathering Stone – Regeneration – Manaflow Band.


Ezreal Rune Build 3:


Ezreal Rune Build 3 is as follows:


  • Kleptomancy – Kleptomancy allows you the opportunity to gain random item effects from hitting an enemy champion after an ability/skill cast.


Kleptomancy – Gathering Stone – Regeneration – Manaflow Band.


Ezreal Rune Build 4:


Ezreal Rune Build four is pretty unique; it might seem funny, but there is a reason to select this build, which you will find below. Keep in mind this build depends on your Skills and Practice.


  • Conqueror


  • Brutal: 7 attack damage and armor penetration all excellent in the early game and late game for Ezreal.


  • Hunter Titan: Hunter Titan gives you more HP so you can survive longer, but you will have to do your best to avoid damage at any cost; otherwise, choose Spirit Walker to get the slow resistance and 50HP instantly.


  • Hunter Genius: Extra Ability Haste is always good to spam your spells more and more. Manaflow Bind is not as useful since Ezreal already has Manamune.


You can keep the same rune build given above except change Brutal with Champion. Sound funny, right? But it is not; it seems like a joke, but if you are confident and you have a good grip on Ezreal, then this 10% extra bonus damage will be worth the risk. The increase in damage it will provide will surprise both you and your enemies. This is also what you need to Oneshot kill any enemy before you max out your items.


Ezreal Build Guide (AD & AP Build):


Ezreal is a versatile champion; you can go for AP build or AD build. If you don’t know about builds, builds are when you buy items in LOL: Wild Rift to make your champion more powerful. Following are different builds for AP & AD Ezreal:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


Ezreal AD Build 1:


Ezreal AD build is as follows:


  • Manamune – Solves your mana problems by providing you bonus mana every time you hit a champion. It also provides you additional damage based on your current mana cap, which applies to all auto attacks and abilities/skills.


  • Trinity Force – Trinity Force is the most important build for ADC Ezreal. The reason is Spellblade passive; this passive applies to Ezreal active ability Mystic Shot. The attack speed bonus it provides is the best if you combine it with his passive. You can also build Iceborn Gauntlet if your enemy team has champions like ZED or YASUO, especially if they roam a lot.


  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity – This item will grant you max cooldown reduction. Cooldown reduction is pretty important for ADC and especially champions like Ezreal. With Ezreal, you might want to spam your abilities to deal more and more damage per second, and Ionian Boots of Lucidity provides you this amazing opportunity. You can upgrade this with Stasis Enchant to deal with enemy burst damage champions, or you can upgrade with the Quicksilver Enchant to rid yourself of CC.


  • Blade of the Ruined King – This item provides HP-based damage, which allows you to counter enemy tanks. This item’s damage also applies to Mystic Shot.


  • Mortal Reminder – You can easily destroy enemy tanks who stack armor against you with this item because it provides the highest amount of Armor Penetration in LOL: Wild Rift. You can also say this item is Ezreal's bread and butter because the enemy team will always stack armor against you. The item also applies to those you poke.


  • Guardian Angel – One of the best items you can ever build on Ezreal. The item allows you to play aggressively, dive under turrets, chase enemies, and survive all-in bursts against assassins or APCs thanks to its resurrect passive.


Ezreal AD Build 2:


Ezreal AD Build 2 is the same as Build 1, except you can add Death’s Dance instead of Guardian Angel and Gluttonous Greaves instead of Ionian Boots of Lucidity:


  • Gluttonous Greaves – Gluttonous Greaves provide +40 Movement Speed, +8% Physical Vamp, and +8% Magical Vamp. Gluttonous Greaves active increases your movement speed by 15% for 3 seconds; however, taking or dealing damage to enemy champions removes the sprinting effect.


  • Death’s Dance – Death’s Dance is an alternative to Guardian Angel only if the enemy team has no strong cooldown abilities.


Ezreal AD & AP Hybrid Build:


There are two reasons why you would go for AP build: One is if you are playing Ezreal Mid lane, where you will need all the AP you can get your hands on because Ezreal has Attack Damage and 0 Ability Power. The second reason is if your team is lacking AP Damage while the enemy has an AD team. The following is Ezreal AP & AD Hybrid build:


  • Luden’s Echo – Luden’s Echo grants an intermittent AP bonus damage which activates on max Discord stack, which builds up while moving and casting abilities, both actions that Ezreal is good at.


  • Nashor’s Tooth – Nashor’s Tooth provides another on-hit effect that adds additional AP damage to your auto attacks and to your Mystic Shots. It works well against squishy champions but if the enemy team champions are full of high HP, better build Blade of the Ruined King instead.


  • Hextech Gunblade – Hextech Gunblade gives hybrid spell vamp, which is a good tool in the late game, especially when combined with the item “Blade of the Ruined King.” The Hextech Bolt passive of this item is a great addition to your combo to delete enemies.


Ezreal Build’s Core Items:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


There are three core items in Ezreal builds. Core Items provide an increase in physical damage, cooldown reduction, and physical vamp, which is important for any ADC, especially Ezreal. Wild Rift Ezreal Core Items are:


  • Manamune


  • Trinity Force


  • Gluttonous Greaves


Ezreal’s Other options:


It would be better if you do not change any core items as those hold the utmost importance to Ezreal/ Other than core items, you have three more items in the build, which you can pick from any of the six given below:


  • Iceborn Gauntlet


  • Guardian Angel


  • Maw of Malmortius - Magic damage that puts you under 35% health grants a shield that absorbs 150 magic damage for seconds. (90s cooldown) Triggering Lifeline grants 30 attack damage, 10% Physical Vamp, and 10% Magical Vamp until exiting combat.


  • Bloodthirster – Grants +15% physical Vamp. Physical vamp over heals you, generating a shield that absorbs 40-320 damage. This Shield decays out of combat over 10 seconds.


  • Phantom Dancer – Grants +5% Movement Speed. Damage that puts you under 35% Health grants a shield that absorbs 240-590 damage for 5 seconds. (90s cooldown).


  • Stasis Enchant – Become invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds but unable to move, attack, cast abilities or use items. (Cooldown: 120 seconds)


Ezreal Build Vs. Fighter:


Ezreal Build Vs. Fighter champions are as follows:


  • Manamune


  • Trinity Force


  • Gluttonous Greaves


  • Blade of Ruined King


  • Death’s Dance


  • Bloodthirster


Do not forget the last item, Bloodthirster, because it is way too important for Ezreal against Fighter champions as it provides a Physical vamp and Shield when you have full health.


Ezreal Build Vs. Assassin:


Ezreal Build Vs. Assassin is as follows:


  • Manamune


  • Trinity Force


  • Gluttonous Greaves


  • Blade of Ruined King


  • Death’s Dance


  • Guardian Angel


Build Guardian Angel to get revives at death. It can be really helpful as it saves your life in team fights.


Ezreal Build Vs. Mage:


The best Ezreal Build Vs. Mage is this:

  • Manamune


  • Trinity Force


  • Gluttonous Greaves


  • Maw of Malmortius


  • Death’s Dance


  • Stasis Enchant


Stasis Enchant is the best item you can build to counter mage combo skill burst damage.


Ezreal Build Vs. Tank:


You can go for these items against Tank as Ezreal:


  • Manamune


  • Trinity Force


  • Gluttonous Greaves


  • Bloodthirster


  • Death’s Dance


  • Mortal Reminder


Mortal Reminder only to get Armor Penetration and effectively attack enemy champions.


Utility Marksman:


This is one of the recommended in-game builds for Ezreal as ADC:


  • Manamune


  • Iceborn Gauntlet


  • Gluttonous Greaves


  • Blade of Ruined King


  • Mortal Reminder


  • Guardian Angel


Keep in mind that you always stay updated with the new LOL: Wild Rift patch, so you don’t miss meta and item changes.


Ezreal Skills Introduction:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


If you want to know and understand a champion before buying or playing, then skills are where you should look. Skills tell a lot more about a champion than you can imagine. Also, your chances of winning almost every fight will increase if you know your champion’s skills better. Let’s take a look at Ezreal’s Abilities and when you can use them:


Rising Spell Force – Passive Ability:


Gains 12.5% Attack Speed for 8 seconds when hitting abilities, stacking up to 4 times.


Mystic Shot – First Active Ability:

Fires a bolt, dealing 100 physical damage (30 + 120% attack damage + 30% magic damage).

Hitting a target reduces Ezreal's other ability cooldowns by 1.5 seconds.


  • Cooldown: 5.5 / 5.25 / 5 / 4.75 / 4.5 seconds


  • Cost: 28 / 31 / 34 / 37 / 40 mana


  • Range: 1150


Essence Flux – Second Active Ability:


Fires an orb that sticks to a champion, epic monster or structure for 4 seconds.


Hitting the target with an attack or ability detonates the orb, dealing 80 magic damage (80 + 60% bonus attack damage + 75% magic damage) and refunding 60 Mana.


  • Cooldown: 12 seconds


  • Cost: 50 mana


  • Range: 1150


Arcane Shift – Third Active Ability:


Blinks to target location and fires a bolt, dealing 80 magic damage (80 + 50% bonus attack damage + 75% magic damage).


  • Cooldown: 28 / 25 / 22 / 19 / 16 seconds


  • Cost: 90 mana


  • Range: 475


Trueshot Barrage – Ultimate Ability:


Fires an energy wave, dealing 350 magic damage (350 + 100% bonus attack damage + 90% magic damage).

Cooldown: 120 seconds

Cost: 100 mana

Range: 25000


Ezreal Abilities Analysis:


Ezreal abilities can be used in a lot of scenarios, and the following analysis will give you an in-depth look into his abilities and how you can use them efficiently:


Innate – Rising Spell Force:


Ezreal’s passive ups his attack speed every time he lands an ability. The speed boosts stack up to four times, and you can keep the bonus running by landing another ability before the effect wears off.


It’s a good idea to power up your stack by hitting minions before you start a fight with another Champion. If your Ultimate hits multiple Champions, you can instantly fill up your Rising Spell Force stack.


Mystic Shot:


This is Ezreal’s main source of damage, and you can use it to poke as well. Mystic Shot is a long-range attack that applies on-hit effects. That means it can’t crit, which is important to know when you’re thinking about what items to equip.


This is a skill shot, so you can’t just spam it out and hope it lands; you need to aim it carefully. There’s a reward if you do, though, because – if it hits – all of your Ability cooldowns will reduce.


Essence Flux:


This attack throws out a blobby orb that sticks to the first structure, Epic Monster, or champion that it hits. It’ll hang on there for a few seconds. If you attack or use an ability on anything with the Essence Flux on it, you’ll deal extra magic damage and recharge Ezreal’s mana.


If there’s no one around and your Rising Spell Force stack is about to run out, you can stick Essence Flux to a structure to keep the boost running.


Arcane Shift:


This works an awful lot like the Flash spell, but it’s got some impressive traits that make it even more useful. When you use it, you’ll attack the nearest enemy when you appear, but if there’s a target with Essence Flux in the area, they’ll take the brunt of the damage.


Shortening the cooldown of Arcane Shift makes it an incredibly useful tool that can see you zipping in and out of scraps like a nightmarish slaughter machine. If you get your timing just right, you can even use it to get out of CC effects.


Trueshot Barrage:


A ridiculously long-range skill shot that does a pretty impressive amount of damage to anyone it hits. You can use it to snipe low HP Champions, take down an enemy team’s HP before starting a fight, or shove a minion wave. It is highly recommended to cast Trueshot Barrage while out of the enemy’s vision, so they are unaware and less likely to avoid your ultimate.


You can reposition yourself by using Flash (Summoner Spell) if you think you’ll miss the shot.


Best Wild Rift Ezreal Combos:


There are several combos you can use against your enemies. If you want to fully execute your combos without missing a single skill, check out the keybinds feature for LOL: Wild Rift.


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


Ezreal Combo 1:


  • Essence Flux – Mystic Shot


  • Essence Flux – Arcane Shift – Mystic Shot


  • Essence Flux – Mystic Shot – Arcane Shift – Basic Attack


  • Essence Flux – Mystic Shot – Arcane Shift – Mystic Shot – Tureshot Barrage


Ezreal Combo 2:


  • Essence Flux – Auto Attack – Mystic Shot


  • Mystic Shot – Auto Attack – Arcane Shift – Auto Attack – Mystic Shot – Auto Attack


  • Auto Attack – Mystic Shot – Auto Attack – Essence Flux – Auto Attack – Mystic Shot


Ezreal Skill Progression:


Every single fight, whether it’s 1v1 or team fight, depends on Ezreal Skill progression. So, make sure you remember it because upgrading the wrong skill at the wrong time can cost you your life and sometimes the match itself. Do not forget you are up against ADC too. Meaning he/she will be almost the same as you in more ways than you can imagine. Ezreal Skill progression is as follows:


  • Mystic Shot – First Active Ability: 1 – 4 – 6 – 7


  • Essence Flux – Second Active Ability: 3 -12 – 14 – 15


  • Arcane Shift – Third Active Ability: 2 – 8 – 10 – 11


  • Trueshot Barrage – Ultimate Ability: 5 – 9 – 13


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


ADC Ezreal Pros and Cons:


You might be wondering is Ezreal really that good, then he won’t have any cons. But trust me, you are mistaken. Every champion has its pros and cons to balance the game. The same applies to Ezreal; he also has pros and cons, which are as follows:



  • Ezreal has a very long-range, which makes him one of the fastest marksman.


  • HIGH DPS, considered to be one of the best ADC because of his high DPS.


  • High Mobility because of his skill Arcane Shift.


  • Versatile champion who can change builds to adapt to any comp/matchup.


  • High Win Rate


  • Ezreal can synergies with almost every support.




  • Ezreal is not your day-to-day champion, like Xin Zhao or Zac. Ezreal is quite hard to master.


  • Landing your shots is the key to deal damage.


  • Squishy


  • Weak in the early game stages


Ezreal Matchups (Synergies, Counters, Strong, and Weak Against):


Every champion has synergies and counters while being strong against some champions and weak against some. Ezreal is also weak against some champions and strong against some, which we will be discussing below:


Ezreal Synergies:


Let’s talk about Ezreal Synergies at first; Synergies mean whom Ezreal is good with and can play with confidence:


Sona – Sona can provide heals in time of need and can also freeze your enemies with her skills. She is one of the best picks if your ADC is picking Ezreal.


Leona – Leona and Ezreal are one of the best lane combos to overwhelm your enemies and make the match a little bit easier for your team.


Blitzcrank – Blitzcrank is a versatile support champion who has synergies with almost every ADC, and he can be really annoying if you combine him with Ezreal. The abilities he brings to the table are just overkill.


Braum – Braum is tanky and has enough abilities to support you or save you every time enemies gank or try to stop you.


Janna – Janna isn’t the first pick for Ezreal, but she does the job. However, your support must know her inside out to provide you support. He might struggle, but it would be for the best.


Alistar – Alistair’s ultimate speaks for itself as he brings a lot to the table. Talk about the early game or late game; Alistar will always be there to provide you shields or to knock your enemies.


Lux – Want to overwhelm your enemies even before the match starts? Then pick Lux as support with Ezreal. Ezreal with Lux is just overkill. If you put it in easy words, they are the King and Queen of Skill shot when they are together. The best part about Ezreal and Lux is their ultimates because they both have a massive range.


Seraphine – Seraphine is another champion with lots of annoying and hard to dodge skill shots. Seraphine ultimate, Encore synergies perfectly with Ezreal’s Ultimate, Trushot Barrage.


Ezreal Counters:


Let’s talk about which champions can counter Ezreal without being in his lane:


Yasuo – Yasuo will be the first pick for this list as he is the best counter to Ezreal domination. No matter if it’s a 1v1 fight or team fight or Ezreal is fed or not, Yasuo can shut down Ezreal. If the enemy team has Yasuo, then you must keep River, and your Jungle warded to avoid any surprises.


ZED – If the enemy team has Ezreal, you can simply pick ZED as your Mid Laner and punish ZED in every way possible. ZED has high mobility and not to forget his shadow ability, which makes him quite hard to pin down.


Lee Sin – Lee Sin one of the top pick as a Jungler, meaning a problem creator for you, if you are ADC Ezreal. The same tips apply to Lee Sin as ZED because he also has high mobility and abilities, which can really cause problems for you if he ganks your lane.


Camille – Camille, this Wild Rift champion, is a tank with great damage. Even though she is a top laner, the player sometimes picks her as a Jungler. If she is in the enemy team, then avoid her too. However, if you a top laner and want to support your ADC, then she will be the best pick to punish Ezreal.


Ezreal Strong Against:


Just like every other champion in LOL: Wild Rift, Ezreal also has some champions he is strong against and dominates his lane against them. Of course, you still have to master it first. The following are some champions Ezreal is Strong Against:


Ashe – Ashe is not one of those ADC champions you can think are pretty weak for ADC. In fact, she is in the top 5 best ADC list, and the reason is her attack speed and attack damage. But when she comes against champions like Ezreal, she somehow lacks a lot. It doesn’t matter what her build is or whether it's the late game or early game; Ezreal owns her in every 1v1 fight.


Jinx – Jinx is also one of the best ADC champions with high attack speed and massive damage per second, but Ezreal can easily counter her in 1v1 fights, whether it’s the late and early game.


Miss Fortune – Miss Fortune is one of the top picks in League of Legends Esport matches as she outperforms most of the ADC champions without breaking a sweat. However, she lacks the skills, which you need against Ezreal. Ezreal can counter her in both Late game and early-game stages.


Jhin – Jhin’s ult is what makes him the best choice as an ADC. He has everything you can wish for in an ADC, but even with all those abilities and builds, he still lacks what requires to shut down Ezreal in both the early and late game. Jhin can be scary looking, but Ezreal is the answer to his abilities and builds.


Varus – Varus, you don’t need to worry about going against Varus. You can push him to stay under his turret, or you can push him to play according to your rules. You are the Lane King if you are against varus. However, just to be safe, try to kill him early to avoid problems in team fights.

  • Bonus Point:


Keep in mind, Ezreal is strong against these champions, but if you take them easy or you are not the master of Ezreal, then it can be a bad situation for you. Do not take them easy. Once they are fed, you can’t shut them down. So, always ward against them and don’t overextend. Instead, let them overextend and punish them accordingly.


Ezreal Weak Against:


Ezreal can’t encounter every ADC, and that is to keep the balance in the game. League of Legends Wild Rift is an example of having an equal opportunity to win the matches. You can’t boost anything using money or anything else. All it requires is builds, champions, your skills, and your split-second decisions. With that being said, let’s take a look at champions who can counter Ezreal with ease:


Kai’sa – Kai’sa was released a few months ago in League of Legends, and now she is also one of the Wild Rift champions, which you can choose in matches. In this short time, Kai’sa has gained a lot of respect for her damage and skills/abilities. She is one of those champions who can counter Ezreal and even punish them when he forgets his place. If you are against her, then avoid 1v1 fights as much as possible and don’t overextend.


Vayne – If you ever played the League of Legends PC version, then you might know how strong Vayne is in both early and late games. The champion has everything you can wish for in an ADC to counter Ezreal. If you are ever against Vayne, simply stay under turrets and take whatever he gives you because you won’t even know what hit you because of his movement speed, attack speed, and high DPS.


Draven – Draven is also one of those champions who can easily counter Ezreal. If the enemy team has picked Ezreal, you can pick Draven to punish them. Also, if you are going to pick Ezreal, then it is recommended that you ban Draven.


Graves – Graves’ main role is ADC, but players also use it in Jungle. So, whether you are against him or he is the enemy jungler, you must avoid contact with him all time. Graves can even oneshot Ezreal. The best thing you can do against Graves, keep your wards up and stay in the lane only if your support is there. You need eyes on Graves all the time.


Tristana – How can we forget this sweet-looking elf when it comes to counter Ezreal. She is one of the best picks you can pick against Ezreal. She has the speed, abilities, and builds which are a must-have against Ezreal. If you are against her, then play safe until late game and try to go against her with your support.


Ezreal Overview of Matchups and Counters:


If you know every champion in League of Legends Wild Rift and only looking for names of the champions against Ezreal or in favor of Ezreal, then the following list is for you:


  • Ashe – Easy


  • Corki – Easy


  • Jhin – Easy


  • Varus – Easy


  • Braum – Easy


  • Janna – Easy


  • LuLu – Easy


  • Nami – Easy


  • Sona – Easy


  • Soraka – Easy


  • Kai’sa – Medium


  • Jinx – Medium


  • Miss Fortune – Medium


  • Alistar – Medium


  • Leona – Medium


  • Rakan – Medium


  • Pantheon – Medium


  • Draven – Hard


  • Tristana – Hard


  • Blitzcrank – Skill


  • Xayah – Skill


  • Lux – Skill


  • Seraphine – Skill


Ezreal Gameplay Full Guide:


We hope you have found the above guide useful, and if you are reading this, then we are sure that you have learned a lot about Ezreal from this guide. With that being said, let’s talk about Ezreal gameplay. How he does early game and late game? Is there anything you need to know about his playstyle? All of these questions and more will be answered below:


Ezreal Early Game Guide:


Ezreal is a safe ADC pick because of mobility thanks to his E, Arcane Shift. Furthermore, he can win his lane if he can consistently land his Q, Mystic Shot and W, Essence Flux on enemy champions.


Never use your E, Arcane Shift to blink into enemy range to harass them unless you are going in for a sure kill because you’ll surely waste your Flash that way or, worse, die due to being over-aggressive.


Focus on farming until you acquire your first core item, Trinity Force. Once you have this item, you can play aggressively together with your support. Make sure to stack up your passive first before going in to fight your enemies.


Ezreal Late Game Guide:


In the mid and late game, stay behind your front line together with your support. Once the enemy team blows their abilities, you can now use E, Arcane Shift to blink towards the enemy champions and play aggressively.


Do not hesitate to use your ultimate on multiple enemies if they are sticking together, especially if it’s the start of a clash, so you be able to fill your passive instantly at the same time.


Ezreal Skins List:


There are three different Ezreal Skins available in LOL: Wild Rift and the fourth one is the default skin. Let’s take a look at those Skins, Rarity, Name, Price, and how you can get/buy skins:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


Star Guardian Ezreal:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


  • Rarity – Epic


  • Price – 990 WC (Wild Cores)


  • Buy – In-Store


Debonair Ezreal:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


  • Rarity – Rare


  • Price – 525 WC (Wild Cores)


  • Buy – In-Store


Frosted Ezreal:


League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Ezreal Combos and More!


  • Rarity – Rare


  • Price – 525 WC (Wild Cores)


  • Buy – In-Store


Ezreal Play Style Tips and Tricks:


Ezreal is a marksman who has excelled in the metagame since his appearance in 2012. He is known for being a champion with great range, as well as having a hybrid nature thanks to his abilities with magic damage, which allows him to be flexible in terms of his ideal item composition.


It’s important to learn to control the way you use his arsenal, as this can allow you to finish off your enemies while they are still out of range to counterattack, so it’s essential to observe its range and learn the movement patterns of the enemies. By the time you shoot, you always hit the mark.


In the early stage of the game, it can be a bit difficult to focus your attacks on opponents due to the low amount of mana you have, so the main goal is to kill the enemy minions as best as possible, to gather the gold necessary to acquire the Tear of the Goddess and then move on to your sieges.


Once you have this, it will be easier for you to exchange skills with your opponents. Thanks to your support or good positioning, when you get a chance, launch your Essence Flux orb at your enemy target. If you land a hit, you can slowly frustrate the enemy, thanks to the extra damage.


Always try to have your Arcane Displacement saved for two situations, whether it's besieging an enemy with little or no protection or to escape the enemy or evade one of their abilities before you end up paying with your life.


Final Thoughts:


Ezreal is so far the best ADC in LOL: Wild Rift when it comes to deal massive damage within seconds or win almost every team fight. Of course, it isn’t easy to handle this beast, and that's why you need a lot of practice. You have to master his skills/abilities, learn his rune and item builds, and so on. Keep in mind; you can’t deal damage if you miss your shots; you must land every shot to damage your opponent.


All of this seems a lot, right? But guess what it isn’t that hard if you download LOL: Wild Rift on PC using LDPlayer emulator. All of the LDPlayer features will help you master ADC Ezreal within a few days. We hope you have found everything you need to know about Ezreal in this comprehensive guide. You can also check this guide after the new patch release because we will keep updating it to provide you all information about Ezreal in one place.

Download League of Legends: Wild Rift on PC