LOL Wild Rift Challenger Tips to Climb Higher and Rank Fast


If you are playing League of Legends Wild Rift for a while now, you are probably also trying to rank up. For many years now, League of Legends has dominated the Esports community and LOL; the wild rift isn't going to be any different. The ranked matches in LOL wild rift are very hard compared to the Normals or Blind Pick as the game matches you with people with almost the same ranks as you in LOL Wild Rift. So if you are planning to climb up the Rank ladder, it is better for you to get familiarize with all the rank tiers first. In total, there are 10 Tiers which are listed below:


  • Iron
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Master
  • Grand Master
  • Challenger


When you reach level 10 in Wild Rift, you unlock the rank game mode option, after which you play some games according to which the game assigns you a rank. For example, if you get ranked in Iron, you have to climb all the way through the rank Ladder to be finally in Challenger.


Things you need to understand To Climb The Rank Ladder:


When you win or lose a game, you get or lose LP accordingly.LP decides whether you will get promoted to the next tier or not. The higher LP you have, the higher your Rank will get. Each Rank has 4-5 Tiers depending on which Rank you are on. To climb through Rank, you need to increase your overall Rank. For example, from Iron to Silver, you need to go through Iron 4 to iron 1., After which you will have to play placement matches which will decide whether you go to Silver or not.

Some tips and tricks can help you climb the Rank Ladder and be one of the best players in Lol Wild Rift.


The Current Meta:


For learning how to get to Challenger, the first step is to learn about the game more. Every patch in a League of Legends Wild Rift affects the game tremendously, sometimes even changing the current meta. Due to the vast number of champions list to pick from and all the items that those champions can build, it gets really hard to keep track of it.


So the first most important thing for you to climb the rank ladder is to learn about what heroes are in the meta and what items are good with them. Due to the constant updating of the game, it gets harder to keep track of it all. So it's good to use third-party apps which help you decide which items to build or which heroes to ban.


Learning about what champion to play in the current meta and which champion counter picks them is also an important aspect of the game. It helps you to get an edge over the other person as your champs neutralize them.


LOL Wild Rift Tips to Climb To Challenger


Lol, Wild Rift has a huge roster of champions to choose from. Each champion has different abilities and mechanics to learn and has a learning curve to them. You can't master all the champions but at least learn to play them as it helps you get better at the game. It also helps you to learn about the champ's abilities and how to counter them if you end up against them.


Knowing how a champion works and how much damage it can deal with you can be really important. It can be one of the crucial things which can decide whether you are going to win or lose a fight. Also, different champs are used to play different roles in the game, so if you can be auto-filled for a role. For example, you might end up playing as a jungler in a game, and if you are only used to playing top Laners, you won't be able to do good in the jungle.


Don't Die at first; it seems like a piece of very basic advice, but it's not as in this game dying has very serious repercussions, especially if you are SnowBalling. Every time you kill a person, you get rewarded with gold depending which can largely vary. Imagine that you are doing good against the enemy laner and have a good CS and Kill lead in the lane the game with automatically put a bounty on you.


A bounty will automatically increase the gold when someone kills you. For example, if someone kills you and you have a bounty of 700 gold, they will get additional gold from killing you. This can through your lead in the lane very easily, as getting Shut Down once or twice can equal the playing field.


Plus, dying a lot of times in the lane or jungle puts you back in experience from the other heroes. The level advantage in this game is very overpowered, and once the other player gets it, it's very hard to stop them. So try to stay in Lane as long you can as it will help you keep a good CS lead as well as Keep your level higher. So play safe as it will help you win games and only engage when you know you can get some kills.


Have Flexibility in Roles:


While playing ranked, you can be auto-filled for roles that you haven't opt for. To learn how to play all roles as a dodging game will give you a penalty, and that is a nuisance in itself. Playing a role like a jungler is very different from playing a top layer. Knowing how each role affects the game is very important. To learn more about laning check out our guide on Everything You Need to Learn About Lanes.


Like if you are used to playing as a mid-Laner, then Jungling is a completely different game in itself for you. Knowing how to do camps and when to do what camps can help you get a competitive advantage over the enemy jungler. Plus, when to gank a Teammate and take objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald is very important.


You don't want yourself to end up in a position where you don't know what to do. It will hinder not only your game but also your teammates as you will be under-leveled. So apart from your main lane, learn about other lanes so if you get auto-filled, you won't be a liability for your team. Plus, playing different roles keeps the game fresh and makes you feel like you are playing a different game in itself.


Secure Meta Champion:



LOL Wild Rift Tips to Climb To Challenger


Riot has been known to introduce overpowered champions throughout their history. There is no denying that in the current state of the game, there are champions who are just better for whatever the reason may be. These champions can be abused to climb the Rank ladder and are abused by many in the competitive play.


Knowing about which champion is running the current meta right now is very important. You can just learn that champ and add it to your roster and use it to climb in Rank. These champions solely can carry your entire team if they once hit their power spike.


Take Nasus For example, in this season, Nasus is a powerhouse mid too late game. If you get ahead early game, you are bound to win. If you lose an early game, you can just farm late game and can just win. Nasus can Literally carry the game no matter what. In the current meta, there are many champs with such potential and to know about them and learn them is very important for you.


Accept That Losing is A Part Of The Game:



LOL Wild Rift Tips to Climb To Challenger


No matter how good you are at the game, you have to remember Lol Wild rift is a team game. Sometimes you will end up losing because you got bad teammates or your team just got countered. But you need to remember that whatever the case may be, you need to not give up. League is known for having big losing streaks.


Sometimes you will end up with a 14 win streak, and out of nowhere, you are just back from where you started. For starters, you should not worry about that as it can be just a bad day. Climbing ranks is not an easy task and takes a lot of time and dedication. League has this thing where if you lose a few games, it will put you in the loser queue where it gets really hard to get out of.


So keep on grinding every day to get better at the game, as eventually, you will just break the losing streak. Plus, don't take losing on heart think of it as just another lesson that you need to learn. Because climbing to Challenger takes a very strong and unbreakable will.


Learn Rotations:



Learning when to rotate and how to rotate can make you lose or win the entire game in the first 15 minutes. Rotating for objectives and ganking others players is a very important part of the game. The game has three different lanes and a huge jungle dividing it, making it very complex at times.


It would help your team tremendously if you learned when to rotate to capture objectives like Rift Herald or Dragons. These objectives can give you a gold lead or stat buffs which can make you win the entire game. It would help you if you also learned to see on the map while playing your own lane so you can look for ganking opportunities.


If an enemy is overextending and under your turret, it makes it very easy to gank him and get a kill on him. If you see an enemy turret that is low HP and the enemy laner is not in lane, destroying it will give you a gold advantage as well as a tactical advantage. So next time you see any of this or see one of your teammates in trouble, rotate as it can easily change your game for good or worst.


Drake Control:


LOL Wild Rift Tips to Climb To Challenger



In Wild Rift, having Drag control can make you win games or lose games. Plus, over that having a Dragon Soul can entirely change the game even if you are at a gold disadvantage. So securing a dragon is a must for you to win games.


Even if you are Top Laner, you should rotate towards the dragon when your jungler is contesting it. A teleport can come in handy as well, apart from the normal Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water dragon. The Elder dragon can easily win you the game.


Elder dragon comes after one of the team obtains the Dragon Soul. Elder drake buff allows the players who obtained it to execute the enemy champ without depleting their HP bar completely. It also leaves a burn on them and Increases your dragon buffs by a lot.




Whether you are behind in CS or Kills, there is one thing that can neutralize both of those, and that's taking towers. Pushing your lane is very important as it gives your team and your tactical advantage as well as a gold lead. Pushing a lane can make your enemy team panic and rotate towards you while your other team members secure objectives.


By constantly pushing the lane, you can also CS more than the other champ giving you a level advantage. Pushing towers and inhibitors may make people rotate towards you hence making them waste their time. So if you see people contesting the drake and you think you can give them that, you can trade it for a turret.


So keep in mind to keep on pushing the lane until you destroy one of their inhibitors and open up their base as your entire goal is to take the enemy's nexus.


Never Give Up:


The most important part about climbing to Challenger is to never give up. The game in itself is designed in such a way that it is very hard to climb the rank ladder in one season. It takes some people years to reach Challenger, but it's worth it in the end. So the next time you decide to give up, just remember that you have come a long way from where you started.


LDPlayer Features for LOL Wild Rift:


Lol Wild Rift is a mechanically demanding game in which the smallest footstep can make a difference. A Mobile crammed screen is not enough room for all the abilities and utilities one might need to use. In a game of Wild Rift, pressing a button late by just a millisecond makes you lose the game. LDPlayer key mapping features make it easy to use a keyboard and mouse for more accurate responses.




Wild Rift rank climb is one of the hardest ones in the competitive gaming community. It is hard for players to be one of the best in the game, but it's not impossible to learn from your mistakes. So you can be one of the best players in the world.

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