League of Legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


Braum is an incredibly powerful Tank and Support who can be played in multiple lanes. His iconic mustache presents him with a sense of grandeur that matches no other. He’s rightly considered as one of the coolest champions in League of Legends: Wild Rift due to his immense crowd control, initiation, and tanky nature. In this guide, we’re going to be talking about everything you need to know about Braum in 2021, including a complete Build Guide, Skill Combo and More!


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


Wild Rift Braum Overview and Tier List:


Known as the Heart of the Freljlord, Braum is an absolute manly man who has the purest of hearts in the entirety of Runeterra. This support is known for his ability to completely mitigate skill shots and can stun enemies shielding the entire rest of his team from any sort of danger.


The support can excel in any team fights due to his strong AoE team fights. With the ability to easily engage, disengage and also provide all the CC your team needs, he'll be able to completely cancel out most strong initiations. Put him up with a strong marksman or ADC, and you’ll be absolutely destroying everyone amongst your midst. He is an absolute force to be reckoned with and is therefore quite popular due to his inherent tanky nature and ease of play. However, do not be fooled! While the champion might seem quite straightforward, he has quite a high skill ceiling as almost all his skills revolve around pristine timing and movement, so you can make the most out of them.


Braum is an excellent choice for players who are able to easily grasp the concepts of a champion and can then work on them over long periods of time and hone their skills as the match progresses. If you haven’t tried the hero out already, you can do so right now by downloading Wild Rift for free on PC.


Tier List:


Tier Lists are an integral part of League of Legends: Wild Rift. Placing a Champion in one can sometimes be quite a difficulty as it is the player's skill that really matters in the end. If you start learning how to use these skills well, Braum can be a force to be reckoned with as a Tank, especially against most typical laners you will find. Like most other tanks, he doesn’t deal an extremely high amount of DPS, and neither is he the most agile and mobile champion.


However, in the current meta, you can easily put Braum in the A tier for most matches. You can easily put him up to the S tier, especially if there are tons of weaker, more mobile champions on the enemy team, as he can easily catch them off guard with ease. Like any tank, he’s able to quickly take control of an entire engagement with his vast array of spells which we’re going to be mentioning in detail down below. Here is a complete overview of every character in Wild Rift and their place in a comprehensive Tier List.




Before you get into a particular champion, knowing their stats and having a rough idea is an integral part of any champion in the game. As the game has been updated numerous times over a long update cycle, all characters are aimed to be thoroughly balanced as much as possible while also maintaining their power in some particular points. Identifying those strengths and weaknesses establishes their overall place in the meta.


Since Braum is a Tank, you can expect the character to have high HP and Armor with a lack in overall DPS. We’re going to be providing you with a complete overview of his strengths and what aspects of the character you should focus on the most.




As mentioned earlier, Braum is a tank. Therefore, he doesn’t have an extremely high ATK stat or ATK Speed, for that matter which ultimately turns him into a very poor DPS character. He's rated for 1 Star for damage, but he compensates it in other areas, which you'll be able to see down below.




Toughness is a compilation of both Armor and overall HP. Since you have both a high HP Pool and are generally resilient to physical attacks, Braum has Average toughness, which can be rated at about two stars out of five.




Perhaps the most important aspect of support and a tank, for that matter. Utility can be classified as any skill that does not provide direct damage to the enemy team. So, this can be an extremely long stun, a good AoE ability, or a simple heal that can change the tides of the battle. In this regard, Braum’s entire kit revolves around play-making and disrupting team fights. Therefore, he’s ranked at a whopping 3 out of three stars for this particular category.




The difficulty of a champion in Wild Rift is majorly derived from their role in and the amount of skill required to land their kit properly and position them appropriately. Generally, playing a Tank or a Support, for that matter, provides you with a lot of leeways in terms of making mistakes since you either have extremely high HP, which means you won’t be punished as hard or will generally be behind everyone else in the midst of team fights anyways. Therefore, Braum is rated at two stars out of three and is put at moderate difficulty. He’s an excellent champion for beginners and can be learned quite quickly.




HP or Hit Points are the overall gauges of your character's vitality. They are a figurative number which can be altered by items, physical and magic resistance and other aspects. Since Braum is played as a Tank / Support, you can expect him to have healthy HP gain, which is the case.

Level 1: 610

Level 15: 2220

Per Level: 115




Mana is required to cast your spells and abilities. Since Braum mainly deals magical damage, it is quite obvious to denote that he’ll be mainly casting spells throughout the entire match. As such, it is important for the champion to have more mana.

Level 1: 300

Level 15: 986

Per Level: 49


Attack Damage:


HP or Hit Points are the overall gauges of your character's vitality. They are a figurative number which can be altered by items, physical and magic resistance and other aspects. Since Braum is played as a Tank / Support, you can expect him to have healthy HP gain, which is the case.

Level 1: 610

Level 15: 2220

Per Level: 115


Ability Power:


Ability Power is used to enhance the damage output of your magical abilities. This is not naturally increased on champions like Braum. However, you can always purchase items that to do so during the middle of the game. We’ll be detailing these in the item guide down below.

Level 1: 0

Level 15: 0

Per Level: 0




Armor is used as Physical Damage Resistance. It is used to reduce the damage taken from right-click / basic attacks. It is imperative for Tanks to have high armor values, as, without them, they can easily be shredded down by most ADCs. Do note that any attack that pierces Armor is considered of pure Type and will take a larger chunk of your HP. Braum, thankfully, has tons of Armor.

Level 1: 52

Level 15: 124

Per Level: 5.14


Magic Resistance:


As the name suggests, Magic Resistance is the percentage reduction in damage you will be able to endure as you are hit with a skill that is of magical Type. This is not to be confused with status resistance which is mainly meant to reduce the duration.

Level 1: 43

Level 15: 66

Per Level: 1.64


Attack Speed:


Attack Speed or your hit animation is the number of attacks you pull off per second. Since you won’t be using your basic attack a lot as a Tank, you don’t really need to worry about your attack speed. However, it can be helpful in shoving out waves or generally last hitting. Sadly, Braum suffers from a poor attack animation and generally low attack speed gain. You can build items that increase your attack speed, but it is not recommended on a Support as it doesn't help your team in any meaningful way.

Level 1: 0.8

Level 15: 1.01

Per Level: 0.015


HP Regen:


HP Regen is the amount of HP you regenerate every second. This is also termed as passive HP regen and is extremely useful in the laning phase and the mid-game, where having just a few more HP points can make the difference between losing or winning a fight. Braum has an average HP regen rate. This, however, can be accelerated by purchasing items that increase your healing rate.

Level 1: 9

Level 15: 24

Per Level: 1.07


Mana Regen


Just like HP Regen, Mana Regen is the amount of MP you regain per second. Having a good Mana Regen rate alongside a good Mana Pool allows you to spam your spells with ease. Since Braum has relatively low-cost spells but has high Mana Regen, after purchasing a few items, you should rest at ease and spam your spells as much as you can as you won't be running out of mana anytime soon!

Level 1: 12

Level 15: 28

Per Level: 1.14


Movement Speed:


Movement Speed is the rate at which your character traverses throughout the map. This figure is not entirely important to your gameplay as almost every item in the game will influence your movement speed by some amount. Braum has an average amount of movement speed, and you won’t find a lot of complaints there.

Level 1: 459

Level 15: 459

Per Level: 0


Braum Rune Build:


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


Runes are abilities that you can acquire at the start of the game, which helps synergize with your character's skills to take them to the absolute next level. While Runes can be a matter of personal preference in some cases, there are particular rune builds you should always follow, especially in the current meta, as they are the most effective. Plus, we’re going to be providing you with reasons as to why you should be picking up a particular Rune, which should help you use them properly in the middle of the match.


Font of Life: One of the most important runes for a Support like Braum. The champion has a ton of slows and healing abilities that should help your team heal over long periods of time. The Rune Marks enemies you have controlled, and Allies who attack the marked enemies will be healed for each attack they make. So, if you find your ADC to be particularly low, you can easily take advantage of this rune and heal your team back up at times where it might feel like they are about to die.


Weakness: Weakness serves the same purpose as Font of Life. While it isn’t helpful for you in solo kills or when laning, it can be extremely useful when in a team fight. Since Braum can easily immobilize enemies with his passive, Concussive Blows, you can deal extra damage from you and your team by using the rune at the appropriate time. For reference, Enemies controlled by Braum will take more damage from all sources for a short while. Do note that you can stack both Weakness and Font of Life for some sweet life steal and damage at the same time.


Loyalty: Since you are mainly played as a support, your most important job is to keep enemies alive as much as possible, and for that, Loyalty is an excellent rune. It provides Braum with much-needed Armor and magic resistance while also providing the exact same buff to the ally closest to him.


Pack Hunter: Pack Hunter grants you bonus movement speed when near an ally. Each takedown with a unique ally will grant both of you bonus gold. This rune itself is useful because it provides Braum with much-needed movement speed as a Support champion spends a lot of their time roaming around the map trying to snag as many kills as possible. You will be gaining 50 extra gold per kill.


Rune Build 2:


If you are aiming towards being more of an offensive tank rather than a defensive or initiating support, this Rune Build is meant for you. You can swap out the font of Life with this rune:


Aftershock: An offensive rune, after immobilizing an enemy champion, Braum gains defenses and later deals a burst of magic damage around himself which is extremely useful when jumping into a fight aiming to deal as much damage as possible.


Summoner Spells:


For Summoners spells, Flash is perhaps the most important spell for the champion. Since you are a tank and lack any real mobility and also are unable to escape most combat situations, you can use Flash wisely to easily escape the combat zone. You can also use the spell in situations where you are aiming to get a kill but are just not able to get the last hit.


Flash: As mentioned earlier, Flash is of pivotal importance to any champion that has little mobility and can be especially useful on Tanks like Braum, who have the ability to escape in fights and can also act as powerful initiators by using the spell if needed.


Heal: Heal is also an important spell that you can use, especially as a support. Heal also works extremely well if your AD Carry takes barrier. But, if your AD Carry also takes Heal and they are your laning duo partner, then switching to another spell is advisable as you will probably be not gaining the full effect of it.


Ignite: If your AD Carry takes heal or you just want to play the game more aggressively, then Ignite is a welcome option you can take advantage of. Ignite also allows you to play the lane in a much more upfront manner while also letting you secure kills. Surprisingly, it also counters the Heal Spell because Ignite also applies a Grievous Wounds debuff to the affected target, further strengthening yourself in the long run.


Exhaust: If you are not a fan of Ignite or Flash, Exhaust is also another option explored by professional players in Wild Rift when playing Braum. The summoner spell exhausts the target enemy champion reducing their movement speed by 20% and their damage dealt by 40% for about 2.5 seconds. It is extremely useful when playing against champions who might not have blinks but are extremely mobile due to their high movement speed. In these cases, having Flash might help you catch up to them, but they might ultimately end up running away. Therefore, having an Exhaust + Ignite Combo is recommended, especially if you want to play extremely aggressively.


Braum Complete Item Build:


Since you are mainly played with your AD Carry as a Support or are expected to scale up as a Tank later, you are supposed to be extremely mobile while also being powerful enough to withstand a few hits from the enemy AD Carry without being bursted down quickly. Braum should then be primarily built on Defensive and Utility, with most of his items serving to aid his team rather than trying to help himself. The champion benefits from all the stats he can get as they help him increase his tankiness and provide him with a significant edge over the enemy.


His core most important build mainly revolves around Winter's Approach and Zeke's Convergence. They complement his kit extremely well and are generally built on him in every match. Both these items provide him with much-needed defense and general resistance. Moreover, these items are not just meant for you, but most have active or passive effects that help your team in terms of healings, stat bonuses, or just general resistance. If they do not help your team, they end up providing utility for your team by acting as short-range CC's, disables, slows, or stuns in one way or the other.


The first build we’re going to be mentioning is the Core Build. This is perhaps the most optimal way to play the hero under most matchups. Since Braum is generally played as a Support, you can expect most of these items mentioned down below to fit the description. However, we’ve also compiled a built list of particular matchups and what you should do against them in terms of item builds so that you do not get one shot by the enemy and can also protect your team in dire circumstances.


Core Build:


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


When you start off with Braum, try going for the Core Build and understanding the exact reasons why each item is picked here and when’s the optimal time for using the active’s present in each item.


Winter’s Approach: Winter’s Approach is a part of the core pre-requisites for Braum. It provides him with +40 armor, +450 max mana, and 10% Cooldown reduction on all his skills, including his ultimate. When your mana is drained, it caps you at +1150 max mana. This item is particularly useful when you want to cast your skills more often.


Protector’s Vow: The Protector's Vow provides your ally with a shield after they take damage. It also provides you with +350 max health and a +10% cooldown reduction. Couple this with your existing summoner's spells, and you turn into an amazing healer! Try to prioritize this as your second or first item.


Zeke’s Convergence: Ah yes, the cream of the crop. This item is extremely suitable for Braum’s kit and overall skills. It provides you with 40% Magic Resistance and 40 Armor, which helps amplify Braum’s second skill while also boosting ally damage. Moreover, this item has a unique passive that deals an extra 40 magic damage if Braum slows down an enemy that has the burning debuff on them.


Rainduin’s Omen: While this item might not always be built on Supports, it certainly has its merits on a champion like Braum. It reduces the damage from the critical strike by 15% and also reduces enemy attack speed. This item is particularly useful when you want to deal with a ranged hero in the late game. Try building this item in the third spot, as building it earlier won’t really be of use since having good defensive resistance should be your primary objective.


Warmog’s Armor: A support tank’s best friend! Warmog’s Armor will help you regenerate your HP. It restores 5% health per second if Braum does not end up receiving any damage within the last 6 seconds of its duration. We recommend building this in the later stages of the game as that is the time when percentage HP regen will really matter. As an example, a champion who has a total of 3000 HP will be regenerating about 300 HP per second at 10%, whereas a champion with 1000 HP will be regenerating a measly 100 HP.


Since your HP gain is also dictated by your levels, which means the later the game is, the higher your level, you should be building this item at last. If the game seems to be particularly hard and you are being bombarded with a lot of chip damage (damage that takes a chunk of your HP over short periods of time), then this item might be a good option. However, most compositions end up nuking you down. In these cases, an early Warmog’s Armor won’t be helpful.


Item Build vs. AD Carries:


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


If you are playing against AD Champion’s and are being hit with a lot of physical damage, this is the build you should follow.

  • Winter’s Approach
  • Ninja Tabi(upgrade it to Ninja’s Stoneplate)
  • Thornmail(Reflects damage and reduces enemy healing)
  • Zeke’s Convergence
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity: These boots provide you with much-needed cooldown reduction, which is absolutely perfect when you are ahead in your duo lane and want to play more aggressively. However, if you are playing on an equal or losing lane, Mercury’s Treads or Plated Steel caps are a much better option.


Item Build vs. AP / Tank Champion:


When playing against powerful Tanks, you should take advantage of their inherent weakness to magic damage and the fact that they can be burst down with spells fairly quickly. As such, here’s the build you should follow for just that:


  • Abyssal Mask: The item increases your HP magic resistance, provides you with sustain bonus, and also increases the magic damage received by enemies that are around you.
  • Ninja Tabi(upgrade it to Ninja’s Stoneplate)
  • Protector’s Vow
  • Zeke’s Convergence
  • Adaptive Helm(reduces repeated magic damage)
  • Frozen Heart: The item decreases the attack speed of enemy champions that are near you so that your team can survive sustained DPs from AD Carries for a longer duration.


Item Build vs. Support / Assassin Build:


Against Assassins, your best bet is to secure your team so that they aren’t nuked down quickly. As such, building defensive items that can help your team is your best bet. Here’s the build you should follow:


  • Abyssal Mask: The item increases your HP magic resistance, provides you with sustain bonus, and also increases the magic damage received by enemies that are around you.
  • Ninja Tabi(upgrade it to Ninja’s Stoneplate)
  • Protector’s Vow
  • Zeke’s Convergence
  • Adaptive Helm(reduces repeated magic damage)
  • Warmog’s Armor


Build Analysis:


Just like any other build for Braum, you can expect a variety of changes to be occurring and variations to be existent according to your particular playstyle. However, going for items that are generally defensive or provide you with utility is more than likely the best call.


The items above should help your team find solid footing in the midst of a team fight. We’ll also be updating this guide constantly as the meta changes to make sure this build always remains up to date. In order to play a champion like Braum efficiently, we recommend tuning into the game at 120 FPS. Here’s how you can enable 120 FPS Gameplay on Wild Rift using LDPlayer.


Wild Rift Braum Basic Skill Introduction:


Every champion in Wild Rift has particular skills and abilities also constituting of actives, passives, and an ultimate that you must be adept at in order to get better at the game. In this case, Braum has a lot of CC abilities that help keep in team fights. He also has spells that can help him initiate. It is for these particular reasons that he is considered as a supporting Tank.


Concussive Blows (Passive): Braum’s attack and his first ability, Winter's Bite, apply a mark that stacks for every attack he and his allies make. After four attacks, the enemy is immediately stunned. This ability has a cooldown per target. However, during the cooldown period, only Braum’s attacks will also deal additional bonus magic damage.


This ability can also be applied to multiple targets at the same time. You should try applying this passive as much as possible to the enemy team. However, try not to overextend to chase off an enemy as you might be caught off-guard.


Game Description: Braum's attacks apply Concussive Blows for 4 seconds. Once the first stack is applied, allied champion's attacks also stack Concussive Blows. Upon reaching four stacks, the enemy is stunned for 1.24 seconds and takes 32 Magic Damage. Enemies cannot receive stacks for 8 seconds after being stunned but take an additional 7 Magic Damage from Braum's attacks.


Winter Bite: Your first ability, Winter Bite, sends out a chunk of ice that deals considerable magic damage to the first enemy it hits while also slowing them. It also gives them a stack of your passive mentioned above. This ability scales with Braum’s total HP, so it deals quite a substantial amount of damage even if you do not build damage building items.


This ability is especially useful when using his passive as a sort of mini initiation because it slows enemies very well, which makes the enemy extremely vulnerable to you or your teammate's attacks. You can use this to slow down enemies that are trying to chase down your own. This ability also applies Concussive Blows, and you can also activate the bonus damage you get from your passive when it hits an enemy champion that has been recently stunned.


Game Description: Launches ice that deals 91 Magic Damage (60 + 5% HP) and slows the enemy hit by 70% for 2 seconds. Applies a stack of Concussive Blows.

Cooldown:  10 / 9 / 8 / 7

Cost:  55 / 60 / 65 / 70

Base Damage: 60 / 120 / 180 / 240


Stand Behind Me: Stand Behind Me is Braum’s only real mobility ability. It makes Braum dash to an ally champion, granting them and the ally bonus armor and magic resistance. You can use this ability to dodge skill shots from the likes of Blitzcrank. However, perhaps the best use of this ability is to block every skill shot that might end up hitting your carries.


This ability synergizes well with your third ability. However, do note that you’ll need to have an ally nearby in order to use it effectively.


Game Description: Leaps to an ally, Braum and the ally gain 10 Armor (10 + 10% bonus Armor) and 10 Magic Resist (10 + 10% bonus MR) for 3 seconds on arrival.

Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10

Cost:  55 / 60 / 65 / 70

Defense: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25

Armor: 10% / 12% / 14% / 16%

Magic Resistance: 10% / 12% / 14% / 16%


Unbreakable: Unbreakable has Braum raise his Shield, which negates the first projectile he receives in the direction his Shield is facing. He then receives reduced damage in that particular direction for the entirety of the duration of the skill.


Unbreakable will only be completely negating one projectile. Afterward, abilities that deal with AoE damage will only be affecting Braum in this particular state. Moreover, projectiles that usually pass through will not go through Braum. While Braum will still be affected by crowd control abilities, his allies won’t be.


Game Description: Raises his Shield, intercepting projectiles for 5 seconds. Braum negates the first instance of damage from whichever direction he faces and takes 28% reduced damage. Afterward, Braum gains 10% Movement Speed while his Shield is raised.

Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10

Cost:  35 / 40 / 45 / 50

Damage Reduced: 28% / 32% / 36% / 40%


Glacial Fissure: Glacial Fissure is mainly used as your initiation tool. It creates a powerful fissure on the ground, which extends in a straight line. It deals magical damage and knocks up all enemies hit with a short knock-up duration after the first champion is hit. The fissure will also remain in the ground for a few seconds slowing down all other enemies near it.


The ultimate is extremely reliable and is used to start fights. However, it is also great when disengaging in a fight as the slow and knock-up is more than enough for your carries to escape. Do not hesitate to use this ability against a single champion if they are of high priority.


Game Description: Slams the ground and opens a fissure, dealing 150 Magic Damage (150 + 60% AP) and knocking up enemies for 1 second. The fissure slows enemies by 40% and lasts for 4 seconds. After the first enemy champion hits, subsequent enemies are knocked up for 0.25 seconds.


Combos and Spell Usage:


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


Braum is known for his ability to protect his enemies. However, most of the time, the champion's real Combo and skill usage are all about positioning. They are highly dependent on what particular Type of enemy you are facing and what the best spell against them might be. However, there are still a few combos generally known for Braum that should help you get the upper hand.


In most cases, your concussive blows alongside Winter’s bite are your primary source of damage and CC. They are excellent spells as they let you stun anyone in the game whilst also debuffing them over time. If they do end up being stunned, you can safely start hitting them with increased bonus damage which your passive provides when it is on cool down.


Your Shield is perhaps the most integral part of your kit. If used correctly, it can completely dismantle your enemy team's offensive. With the ability to deflect a projectile and to absorb most attacks thrown at you, Braum can easily act as a meat shield in most situations where other heroes might not be able to sustain such heavy CC damage. Moreover, perhaps its most powerful ability is the fact that your own team will not be hit by CC or AoE abilities if they are under the protection of your Shield.


So, make sure that you position yourself in a manner in which you can act as a literal shield between your carries and yourself. Here’s a list of the combos you should know about:


Combo 1:


This is perhaps the easiest Combo in the game for Braum, and it should be known by you as soon as you hop in the game. Here’s the Combo:


Auto Attack -> Skill 1 -> Auto Attack -> Auto Attack


This Combo takes complete advantage of Braum’s passive and ensures that the enemy is slowed down with the usage of your first skill so that they cannot escape. Try using this in the laning phase or against weak supports in the late game. You will be surprised at the amount of damage you can reliably deal with!


Combo 2:


Your 2nd Combo involves you using your Skill 1 and then immediately using your Rune, Flash. However, this is quite a difficult combo to proc perfectly proc, and you might need to practice a bit before you get good at it.


The primary essence of this combination is you casting your Skill 1 and then, as soon as you cast it, using your Flash to quickly move over towards your opponents, thereby increasing its overall range.


The Combo basically takes advantage of a bug present within the game where it will start casting the skill from your final position rather than the place where you blinked, increasing the range of the skill by the length of the Flash you did.


Combo 3:


Using your Flash, then using Ultimate, and finishing it up with your First Skill is an extremely normal combo which you will see most Braum’s doing. You can still take up enemies by surprise by immediately knocking them out with your ultimate and then following up with your first skill as it has your passive proc on all enemies. If lucky, you can then let your allies stun enemies that are hit by your ultimate for an easy clean-up.


Combo 4:


Combo 4 revolves around you using your second skill towards your ally or one of your minions who are in front of your opponent and then using Skill 3, your ultimate, and then ultimately Skill 1.


This Combo takes advantage of an enemy that is slightly mispositioned or is trying to farm up in an area that is unsafe. It allows you to dash one of your melee minions and then instantly knock them up with your ultimate whilst casting Skill 1, which applies your passive. If an ally is nearby, this will surely translate to a kill. The Combo itself is not hard to land but requires you to be quite adept with general positioning.


Combo 5:


This Combo is perhaps the hardest to land, but it is also the most rewarding and useful in a lot of situations. It goes something like this:


Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Flash -> Ultimate -> Skill 3 (Towards your Enemy.)


You should only try using this Combo once you have consistently mastered the champion. Use Skill 2 to an ally, then use Skill 1 and quickly Flash to redirect the skill's hitbox directly onto an enemy (Combo 1.) You can then follow up with either your ultimate if you want to knock enemies up and slow them. You can use your skill 3 (Shield) to mitigate incoming attacks to further cement your lead.


Coupled up with your team, you can easily decimate the opponents with this Combo. And, if you haven’t noticed, the entire setup revolves around just a slight misstep from one of the members of your enemy team. So, make sure to always remain on the lookout, and you will definitely end up getting some extremely juicy kills.


Braum’s Abilities and Analysis:


Just like any other champion, your level 5 is your major spike where you can instantly start threatening the enemy carry. Instead of trying to rotate or playing extremely passively, try to start pressuring the enemy with your AD Carry in your duo lane.


If you end up succeeding, you can easily catch them off-guard and use your ultimate to keep them in place while your carry gets free hits off. Plus, your power spike may even come earlier, especially if you end up using your Shield quite well, as it might end up deflecting some important projectile-based spell or attack that might warrant the doom of the enemy laner.


Do note that your entire ordeal as Braum is to defend your carry from as much damage as possible while also staying as aggressive as you can be to secure them safe farm. If anyone goes slightly out of position, your entire arsenal allows you to easily punish them for their transgressions. However, if you end up being caught out, there is not much you can do other than trying to run to your nearest minion or ally. But, in most cases, Braum is tanky enough in the early game to be able to sustain himself easily.


He does not scale off in the late game or mid-game either can be an absolute menace once all his items are built. Even if you are playing from behind, your ultimate remains relevant throughout the game, as the stun can be absolutely devastating at any point. Plus, your passive allows you to put in some vital slows which can immobilize escaping enemies.


Braum’s Skill Progression:


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


A Skill Progression is the best way for you to level up a champion in Wild Rift. However, each game is very different, and in some games, you might want to get your Shield up as quickly as possible, whereas in others focusing on being offensive might be the play.


In any case, you should try to think of the best skill progression in every game. However, there is still a very general guide for you to follow, which might be applicable in most games. This particular skill progression is what most professional use for Braum:

  • Winter’s Bite: 1, 4, 6, 7
  • Stand Behind Me: 3, 12, 14, 15
  • Unbreakable: 2, 8, 10, 11
  • Glacial Fissure: 5, 9, 13


Maxing your Winter Bite is a top priority for the champion as it is the only offensive ability you have for the entire laning phase. Since you are a melee champion, it is particularly useful in the lane. Maxing Unbreakable comes next in order to increase the reduction in damage so that you can tank much better. You should then max your last ability Stand Behind Me last because it does not scale well as compared to other abilities. However, do get the point in your ultimate, Glacial Fissure whenever possible, as it can make or break the entire team fight.


How To Play Braum In All Stages Of The Game:


Braum has an incredibly powerful playstyle that helps you take advantage of the champion in all aspects of the game to make the most out of the champion. We’re going to be talking about everything you need to know about Braum In the Early, Mid, and Late Game.


Early Game:


Braum is an extremely powerful peeling champion. However, that doesn’t mean that he can’t go on the offensive when he wants to. When you play Braum, you don’t try and make plays yourself. Instead, you should wait for the enemy team to try and overextend as much as possible and then use your abilities alongside your ADC to punish the enemy for making these mistakes.


In a general standard, try to wait for your enemy ADC to the last hit and then time your Winter's Bite. Once they are affected by your passive, start immediately moving toward them to make the enemy DC move away and for them to start losing last hits. If they do not back away, start auto-attacking them alongside your ADC. They will end up dying in most cases due to the stun procs your passive has.


When the enemy starts using skill shots on the ADC, turn on your third ability, Unbreakable, to start absorbing the incoming projectile. However, do remember to try and auto-attack as much as possible while Unbreakable is activated.


You can also use your 2nd ability, Stand Behind, to instantly go to your AD Carry to provide them with resistance in case they end up being ganked out of the blue.


Late Game:


Once you enter the mid and late game, you should never overextended and should always stay near your ADC. Try to always guard your team and also activate your Unbreakable whenever the enemy team ends up activating their powerful skill shots.


If you feel like your ally is focused, jump towards them and start using your Stand Behind Me, which helps increase their dual resistance. Make sure to auto-attack all enemies near your team even once so that they can be marked with your passive. If they do end up being marked, there’s a high chance that they are going to be stunned eventually.


You can use your ultimate to instantly deny enemy teams their initiation and to zone them out, especially when you are taking their objectives. When you are playing Braum, we recommend staying with your team to help them during team fights. Make sure to keep your carries alive as much as you can while protecting them against the enemy team and doing everything to keep them alive. The carry that you once have present is one of the primary damage sources while keeping them alive is really important.


Once you are in the late game, upgrade your boots to a Stoneplate as they provide you with additional health. If your team has a more fragile champion, go for Redemption instead. Do not worry about saving your allies by using your second skill. While you are a tank, do not push lanes alone unless you are very confident that you won’t die as you are immobile and are an easy gank target. Make sure to gank with your team when 2-3 enemies are dead while also trying to capture the Elemental Drake and Baron. This further heightens your winning possibilities.


One important note is that using your passive can also be applied to multiple enemies at the same time. If you have already applied a stack of your passive, you should quickly move on to the next to keep the train alive.


How to win with Braum:


Winning with a Tank is fairly straightforward. Your main objective is to protect your AD Carry, which has been reiterated time and time again throughout the course of this guide. You should try stunning multiple enemies using your passives by attacking them at least once. Try to peel enemies as much as you can in the early game since you will end up winning the trade most of the time.


Now that you are familiar with how you should play Braum, it is important to understand the playstyle which you should use in order to get easy wins on the champion. You should always play as a reactionary champion rather than one that takes charge. What does this mean? In essence, you are not the champion that sets up plays for your team in the early game. Instead, your job is to make sure that you are able to enhance your team's plays by providing them with much-needed protection and using your passive to stun enemies.


In the laning phase, your job is not to deal tons of damage or to set up kills. Instead, you should wait for the enemy team to show some aggression on your AD Carry and then bombard them with your skills and abilities. In most games, people end up underestimating the power of Braum’s passive and his ability to lock down enemy teams into place.


Make sure to always stay In front of your AD Carry at all times during the laning stage and beyond. Once you can leave your AD Carry and do not need to babysit them, your best bet to make plays in the Mid Lane as pushing the tower there or capturing objectives there easily lets you take control of the Runes and ultimately Baron as well.


How To Play Team Fights as Braum:


Team fighting as a tank is extremely straightforward and mainly revolves around pristine positioning. Your first course of action should be to protect your AD Carry and to stay in front of them. Once the fight starts, you should initiate first with your ultimate in most cases, especially if you see multiple people being affected by it.


It is then of pivotal importance for you to get your passive off on every champion on the enemy's side. This lets your team stun them while also providing you with bonus magic damage which can be extremely useful to finish people off. By this time, the enemy team will now start casting their spells, and you should be prepared for them. In order to do so, use your second skill to quickly run towards the most vulnerable member of your allied team and then protect them with your Shield. Doing this provides you with some resistance while also saving your allies from imminent death.


However, if the team fight is initiated by the enemy first, then you have two good reactionary responses. Your first order of business can be to try and run away. By using your ultimate and Shield, you can easily buy enough time for your team to escape, usually meaning that you’ll be the only casualty in an otherwise disastrous encounter. Doing this can be extremely important in the late game as that is when a carry’s death can lead to an instant loss.


But, if your team wishes to counter-initiate, you should not start off with your ult. Instead, use your Shield so that your allies are able to position themselves appropriately. Once they are, by using Winter’s Bite, you should then be able to get your passive off on each and every one of them, allowing your team to stun them. You can then use your ultimate to catch them off-guard and seal the deal for your team.


The reason why it is not recommended for you to use your ultimate firsthand when counter initiating is that the reason for using the ultimate in most cases is to get enemies closer to you so that you can get your skills of. However, if the enemy is already closer to you, using your ultimate does not achieve a lot. Instead, holding it to catch fleeing enemies might turn out to be more beneficial.


Wild Rift Braum Pros and Cons:


Each champion in the game is balanced according to their role. As such, there are particular pros and cons for each champion in the game, which turn them into better picks in particular drafts. Here’s a list of the pros and cons Braum has:


Great Crowd Control:


Almost all of Braum’s abilities have some sort of way to deal tons of CC damage. Therefore, the champion is excellent in team fights as he can always use his ultimate or use the power of his passive to completely disrupt a team fight to his favor. As such, he’s an excellent pick in situations where you might need a champion that can be a massive nuisance to the enemy composition or if you end up seeing an extremely burst reliant, team fight heavy lineup.


Great Babysitter:


Braum is a viable pick in most matches, especially for the bottom lane, as he can play both an aggressive play style and can also turn into a baby sitter if needed. He is equally effective in both ways. However, we recommend building him and skilling him according to what you see best before the game starts.


Excellent Laning:


Braum has the ability to peel away the health of his enemies while also protecting his team in a divine manner. With his passive, he can easily provide a stun to an entire clumped-up group of enemies. This can be especially useful in the laning phase, where one single misstep can lead to an immediate counterplay by a good Braum player, which leads to easy kills.


Good Protection:


Braum’s Shield is perhaps his greatest ability against some projectile heavy lineups. With the ability to secure the entirety of his team against AoE heavy attacks and CC chains, he also can quickly provide one single target unit with greater resistance that lets them take the grunt of a beating while still staying alive. So, while he does not have any innate healing ability per se, Braum can be extremely powerful in places where saving your carry from an initial nuke can easily let them score free hits on the enemy.


Easy To Get Into


Braum is one of those champions who have a high skill ceiling but a very low skill curve. What this means is that perfecting or mastering Braum takes an extremely long time. However, getting an idea of how he generally plays and then using those abilities and practicing overtime to get adequately good can be quite simple.


His kit is straightforward and does not rely on insane combos. He can pull off wins even when playing from behind and does not have abilities that are hard to hit. This makes him a really good champion for beginners. However, you do end up being rewarded for high-skill plays on the champion as both his ultimate and Shield can be extremely situational at times. So, it is quite easy to spot the difference between a good and a bad Braum player.


Master of None:


If you haven’t noticed already, Braum seems to have everything in his kit. Therefore, it would not be erratic to say that he seems to be a jack of all trades but a master of none. He isn’t the best initiator in the game, and neither does he have the greatest damage, and he isn't the tankiest either. While he can do all of this quite flawlessly, he never really is a champion that will carry the game alone, and while that can be said for any support, he particularly does not have the kit to excel, whether in initiation or tanking.


Time Sensitive Tank:


Braum’s tankiness is entirely dependent on timing. At some particular points, when all his spells are off, cool down, and he is generally ready, it might get very hard for anyone to penetrate through his defenses. However, he has no built-in sustain, which means he can be quite an issue in the laning phase.


Requires Quick Reaction Speeds:


While the champion is easy to play, Braum does require some quick reaction speeds, which makes him hard to play for some particular players, especially those who aren't used to MOBAS in general.


Wild Rift Braum Matchups (Synergies, Strong & Weak Against)


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


Braum is a Support hero. Luckily this means that you won’t be getting countered a lot in the game. However, there are still particular champions you should pick Braum with as they provide you with insane utility and act as wonderful comrades in later parts of the game as well.


If the enemy team has tons of champions that are relatively squishy, then Braum is going to have an excellent time. However, if the opposing team has tons of mobile champions, there’s a high chance that you won’t be having a lot of fun since Braum isn’t the best at catching out extremely mobile champions.




Synergies are the advantages you get from playing with other champions. They won’t really give you more DPS or anything of the sort. However, they do help increase your confidence in the team as you will be able to use those abilities together. Let’s take a look at some good matchups with Braum:


Ashe: The duo of Braum and Ashe is an absolute classic. Their icy Combo can lead to some quick deaths in the lane. Ashe is a completely immobile marksman who benefits from the peel damage Braum can provide. As soon as Ashe hits level 5, they can instantly pull out a burst of crowd control that can leave the entire enemy lineup permanently frozen to death.


Jinx: When playing with Jinx, you are provided with insanely fast attack speed, which allows you to activate your passive marks. However, just like any other game, she will be able to carry you to victory easily.


Lucian: Lucian is a really good champion to play with Braum. He lets you proc Braum’s passive faster in the lane, which is extremely useful when trying to establish some lane dominance.


Vayne: Vayne can hit and proc Braum’s passives very quickly. Plus – the extra Silver Bolts for general damage are really nice. Not only that, when the enemy is stunned, you can position yourself to shove them into a wall which is extremely useful.




League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


Seraphine: Seraphine's extremely low cooldown and spammable abilities will easily let her eat Braum’s first layer of Unbreakable. Plus, she has amazing harass in lane, which Braum generally is not able to handle since he has no in-built sustain in his entire kit.


Lulu: Lulu can help disable your Unbreakable ability by turning you into a critter. She also has tons of utility which can also render the offensive aspect of your kit useless for the most part.


Bard: In our opinion, Bard is a true hard counter. Since the champion is weak to kiting and poke and can’t counter-gank once Bard starts roaming, it is really hard for the support to bully Braum effectively.


Vayne: When it comes to an ADC counter, Vayne is the best one. Her mobility allows her to avoid CC, with her third skill being a good disengage. She is scary to engage in. However, Vayne is still a huge tank killer. So, it brings her great pleasure if the enemy has a tank as support.


An extremely important part of these synergies and counters is to remember the fact that this all statistical data taken from hundreds of games. So, it is not a given for you to lose a game if you have been counter-picked or for you to win if you have a synergetic champion picked. However, in the end, it all depends on practicing your champion, understanding of the game, how well-versed you are with combos, and how you play the champion themselves. However, before you pick the hero up, make sure you’ve got everything in the bag.


Wild Rift Braum Skins:


Skins are mainly cosmetic enhancements for champions in Wild Rift. Here’s a compilation of all the Braum skins in Wild Rift, including their price, rarity, and how you can purchase them. We’ll be updating this guide thoroughly throughout the seasons!


Dragon Slayer Braum:


Rarity: Rare

Price: 725 Wild Core

How to get the Skin: In the Store

Crime City Braum: H3

Rarity: Rare

Price: 990 Wild Core


LDPlayer Features for Wild Rift:


League of legends Wild Rift Braum Build Guide, Braum Skill Combo, and More!


After you’ve started playing Braum, we recommend you start practicing the champion on LDPlayer. The Emulator is arguably the best for the game. When you are playing a champion like Braum, you should be quick on your feet when it comes to combos and such. You can then use the Emulator to let you change your binds. Moreover, it also lets you use your keyboard and mouse in the same way you could in the actual PC version of League of Legends.


You can then also set up dedicated control schemes that also emulate the game’s PC version. Plus, here’s a detailed guide on how you can set up key remapping to absolutely obliterate your enemies in League of Legends: Wild Rift.


As you get better at the hero and take a look at combos, you’ll notice that there are a lot of combinations that require a mechanical skill. To make sure your combos land smoothly, you should use LDPlayer’s home-grown Macro Feature. They let you record a complete instance of a combo and then let you assign it to a particular bind to make sure they land every time. They also let you play much more complex champions other than Braum in a much more elegant manner.




Braum is not an extremely hard champion to play. But he is tons of fun. Just like any other character in Wild Rift, he offers tons of unique abilities and has a special playstyle that suits only him. This kit has turned him into a favorite in competitive play. The champion gets nerfed and buffed quite often. So, make sure to take a look at this updated guide whenever you can to make the best out of the champion.

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