Players that often leave out the monsters and get 18-level crisis contracts due to mishandling of the card axis and that fail in various high-difficult stages due to operator deployment slips pay attention.

To play Arknights on the emulator, you can configure the preset Back button (Esc key in the figure below) to pause the game process during the process of deploying the operator.

Specific operation: After dragging the operator into the game interface, press the Back button (default is Esc) to arrange the direction between operators and operators when the game is paused.

Deploy operators in Arknights during the pause process

Note: The game is adaptive to the Back button, and there is no need to set the key mapping on the game's pause button


The implementation of this function will effectively avoid the embarrassment that we missed one or two monsters when we set off in the main story and had to enter the stage again.

In addition, when you need card fees or card monsters in high-difficult stages to place operators, you can quickly and accurately deployed operators through this function!


A demonstration of this function:

Deploy operators in Arknights during the pause processDeploy operators in Arknights during the pause process

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