Among Us: Polus Outpost and How to complete Tasks in it?


Among Us is getting a lot of fame because of its unique design and gameplay style. The game is available on the Android and iOS platforms.


In the game, players will have to complete different types of tasks to win or kill the crewmates as an Imposter and win the match.


Among Us: Polus Outpost and How to complete Tasks in it?


In this article, I will explain all the tasks in Polus Outpost and how you can complete them quickly to win against Imposter or Imposters.


Different type of Tasks in Polus Outpost:


There are different types of tasks, both general and map specific, but today I will be explaining all the Polus Tasks and how to complete them to win.


Common Tasks:


⦁    Fix Wiring

⦁    Shoot Asteroids

⦁    Submit Scan


Fix Wiring:


Fix Wiring is one of the most common tasks in Among Us. You can find this task on every map.


In Polus, Fix Wiring is usually located in one of these places:


⦁    Electrical

⦁    Office

⦁    O2

⦁    Laboratory

⦁    Laboratory's Decontamination


To complete the task, match all the wire correctly. You will have to match the yellow wire with yellow, pink with pink, blue with blue, and red with red to complete the task.


The matching sequence is different in every map, and every time you play it.


Shoot Asteroids:


Shoot Asteroid is one of the most common tasks in Among Us.


Among Us: Polus Outpost and How to complete Tasks in it?


In Polus, you can locate it in the Weapons Area. You will have to destroy asteroids by shooting a laser to complete the task.


Submit Scan:


Submit Scan is one of the tasks which you can find in all three maps.


In Polus, you can locate it in Laboratory. You will have to complete a full-body scan via a scanner in 10s to complete the task.


The full-body scan includes:


⦁    ID

⦁    Height

⦁    Weight

⦁    Color


Map Specific Tasks:


⦁    Insert Keys

⦁    Scan Boarding Pass

⦁    Reboot WIFI

⦁    Repair Drill

⦁    Monitor Tree

⦁    Record Temperature

⦁    Fill Canisters

⦁    Align Telescope

⦁    Replace Water Jugs

⦁    Store Artifacts


Insert Keys:


Insert Keys is a short task located in Dropship of Polus Outpost.


Go to the Dropship and start the task. In there, you will see ten key slots, but one of them will be nominated by color; put your key into it and turn it to complete the task.


Scan Boarding Pass:


Scan Boarding Pass is also a short task located in the Office area.


Go to the Office and start the task. You will see a scanner and a boarding pass. Turn that boarding pass and put it over to the scanner so the scanner can scan the QR code of Boarding Pass.


Scan the QR code and the task completed.


Among Us: Polus Outpost and How to complete Tasks in it?


Reboot WIFI:


Reboot WIFI is one of the map specific tasks, which can only be found in Polus Outpost.


Go to Communication and start the task. Simply pull the lever down, and it will ask you to come back in 60 seconds.


After 60 seconds, go back to communication and turn the wifi on by pushing the liver up; it will take about 6 seconds to boot up, and your task is complete.


Repair Drill:


You can find the Repair Drill in the Laboratory in Polus Outpost Map.


After starting the task, you will see the drill, which is in bad status. You will also see four cautions in four corners. What you need to do is click on the four times each to complete the task.


Make sure you don't press outside the button; otherwise, it will reset, and you will have to do it all over again.


Monitor Tree:


You can find Monitor Tree in the O2 area of Polus Outpost.


The mission is pretty straightforward; all you need to do is adjust the CO2, NUTRI, RAD, and Water level to a specific given level to complete the mission.


Among Us: Polus Outpost and How to complete Tasks in it?


Record Temperature:


You can find it in the Laboratory. Record Temperature is only available in Polus Outpost as it's the winter theme.


To complete the task, simply record the given temperature from Reading to Log. For example, if your reading screen says -10, bring -10 on the log screen to record the temperature and to complete the task.


The temperature will be random every time you refresh the screen.


Fill Canisters:


Filling Canisters is the most satisfactory task in Among Us. I don't know if it's just me or you all feel that way.


However, you can find in the O2 area of Polus Outpost. To complete the task, you will have to fill two canisters with oxygen and throw it away.


The next canister bottle will show up as soon as you fill the first one and throw it away. You will have to throw the canisters to complete the task.


Align Telescope:


Align Telescope is also part of Laboratory tasks. All you need to do in this task is Align Telescope, according to the picture given on the screen.


There are multiple objects to align with, but you can only complete the task if you align the telescope according to the given picture.


Replace Water Jug:


Replace water jug is pretty simple; all you need to do is go to the Boiler room and empty the water jug and then go to the other boiler room and fill up the jug with the water you just took from other boiler room.


Store Artifacts:


Among Us: Polus Outpost and How to complete Tasks in it?


Store Artifacts is also one of the tasks you find in Polus Outpost. All you need to do is store four artifacts to complete the task.


The task is very simple; it doesn't require a lot of time, which means you can do it while waiting for a WIFI reboot (60 seconds).




Keep in mind all the tasks mentioned above are randomly assigned to all the players. You can't choose a task for yourself. However, you can choose to complete the task according to the way you feel easy.


Among Us, Polus Map is a winter-based map, which includes some pretty interesting tasks. But some of the tasks are general tasks, which means they are the same as the other maps.


In each map of Among Us, you will find some new tasks as an Imposter or Crewmates. Complete those tasks to win as a crewmate or kill crewmates to win as an Imposter.

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