Defend Your Base with The Last Barrier Tips - A Beginner's Guide and Complete Walkthrough


Welcome to the definitive walkthrough for The Last Barrier, your ultimate guide to thriving in a world where civilization's remnants cling to survival in the most unlikely places. As the commander of a fledgling colony nestled within the desolate confines of a post-apocalyptic subway, your task is not just to survive but to thrive against odds that grow increasingly dire with each passing night.

The Last Barrier Tips

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In The Last Barrier, every decision counts, and every action can tip the scales between prosperity and doom. From the silent depths of abandoned tunnels to the frenzied chaos of monster sieges, this guide  dive deep into the mechanics of survival and defense, learning how to efficiently manage your base's economy, deploy your comrades in roles where they shine the brightest, and turn the tide of battle with strategic prowess. 

If you are new to the game, let's play The Last Barrier on PC with LDPlayer and join us as we break down the complexities of The Last Barrier, offering everything from essential gameplay tips to advanced strategies for managing your resources and expanding your safe zone. Let's start. 

How to Play The Last Barrier

Before you dive into the world of The Last Barrier, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the game's mechanics and functions. This section will walk you through the basics to get you started.

How to Play The Last Barrier

  • Movement: To move your character, use the left and right arrow keys. Your movement direction depends on which arrow you press.

  • Objectives: Keep an eye on the objectives section, as your goals will update as you progress through the game.

  • Call Your Comrades: You can summon your comrades in two ways: either click directly on the comrade's icon or use the plus sign to add them to your line.

  • Assign Tasks: Once all your comrades are in line, you can assign them tasks. Click on the "Assign Task" button, which appears below the "Call Comrades" button. This button becomes visible only when you have comrades available for tasks. After a task is completed, walk over to them to collect the resources they've gathered.

  • Resources: Scrap and food are the fundamental resources in the game. You'll need these for various tasks and building construction. If you have both comrades and resources available for a task, the "Deploy Comrade" button will appear, allowing you to proceed.

Two Modes

You'll start each stage of The Last Barrier in "Working Mode," where you can gather resources from boxes and mushrooms and construct new buildings. This mode remains active as long as no monsters are in sight. When a monster appears, the game shifts to "Attack Mode." In this mode, you cannot build or gather resources. 

Your focus shifts to surviving the onslaught by moving up and down the tunnel and fortifying your defenses. While in attack mode, your hero and their squad will automatically engage enemies if the bullet icon is selected for attack mode. The flag icon indicates a defensive stance, where they will hide behind the hero.

How to Progress

To clear the stage in The Last Barrier, you must achieve the stage objectives displayed on the left side of the screen. During this process, you'll encounter monsters intent on destroying your camp. There are mainly two types of attacks you'll need to withstand:

How to Progress

  • Regular Attacks: These occur at night and are generally manageable. Stay vigilant and prepare your defenses to repel these assaults.

  • Wave Encounters: The left side of the screen also indicates major waves attacking your colony. Unlike smaller, more manageable enemy encounters, wave encounters consist of significantly more enemies, requiring extra effort and strategy to survive.

In addition to regular attacks and wave encounters, venturing out at night increases the risk of ambushes. The type and intensity of monsters ambushing you depend on how far you venture beyond your walls. With the onset of night, monsters begin to emerge, growing in strength until you reach a safe zone. These ambushes can lead to encounters with monster waves more formidable than those during wave encounters. Therefore, it's crucial to retreat to the safety of your camp as night approaches to avoid these enhanced threats.

The Last Barrier Economy

In The Last Barrier, there are several types of resources essential for progress. Understanding these resources and their applications is crucial. Let's explore them:

  • Gear Parts: Gear parts are primarily required for constructing and upgrading buildings, as well as for conducting research. They can be mined from the ground, or you can convert food into gear parts using the train.

The Last Barrier Economy

  • Food: Food is necessary to increase your population and acquire gear parts. It can only be obtained by assigning workers to mushroom fields. After harvesting, there is a waiting period before mushrooms regrow.

  • Gold: Gold is used to upgrade your skills. It can be acquired by playing stages and completing additional objectives.

Platinum: Platinum is the most challenging resource to earn in The Last Barrier and is needed for many advanced skill upgrades. Occasionally, it is awarded as a stage reward, but the acquisition rate is low. Therefore, you might need to spend money in the shop to buy platinum and accelerate your progress.

The Last Barrier Shop

If you're inclined to make purchases in-game, The Last Barrier offers various packages in the shop, ranging from $2.99 to $20. The value of these packages is often judged based on the amount of platinum offered. For example, the VIP Platinum + Gold package offers 15 platinum per $1, whereas the Grand Chest of Platinum provides 20 platinum per $1, making it $10 cheaper and more valuable than the Gold + Platinum packs.

The Last Barrier Shop

Visiting the free section of The Last Barrier shop before playing each day allows you to collect one platinum pack and 20 gold packs as a one-time offer, plus a daily advertising pack that offers 1 platinum and 15 gold. Utilizing all three options, you can accumulate approximately 25 gold and 4 platinum. However, it's advisable not to collect these packages immediately upon starting the game. The rewards from these free packages increase as you progress, so it's best to save them until the end of your gaming day, maximizing the amount of platinum received.

What Building Do

There are several buildings in the game, each with a specific purpose that you need to identify before playing. Let's take a look:

  • Generator: This is the heart of your colony. This structure enables other buildings to work. If this gets destroyed, the game will be over.

  • The Train: This is a way of acquiring new employees and scraps. Once you provide food to the train, it will depart and return with one unemployed person and five scraps. However, each colony has a human capacity limit. You cannot acquire more people if the number you have is equal to or higher than the cap.

What Building Do

  • Tent: If you want more workers, this is the building you need to build and upgrade. Each level of upgrade will increase the human capacity by one. You have to constantly work on this if you want more workers.

  • Debris: If you want to unlock new buildings, you have to walk along the tunnel and find these debris. Once you clear these debris, you will be able to unlock new buildings.

  • Shovel Camp: This type of tool camp requires one unemployed person to run. When you add them to the tool camp, they will become diggers.

  • Gun Camp: This is where you will be able to create gunners. Place an unemployed comrade into this building to turn them into a gunner.

  • Warehouse: This building automatically extracts goods that come to your colony. This is very useful when there are so many things to look after.

  • Healing Station: When your walls can't hold off the enemies and they get into the camp, they may kill or injure your workers. The healing station is the building where you can heal them.

Camp Wall

The wall is one of the most important defense buildings in The Last Barrier. You can assign your comrades to guard the area at the flag. Get close to the flag and you will see the "assign" button appear. Once pressed, a comrade will be assigned and will keep guarding the place until released.

  • Fixing the Wall: As you get attacked, walls will take damage. To fix a damaged wall (that hasn't been destroyed yet), you can assign an unemployed person or an engineer to the wall, and they will fix it for free.

Camp Wall

  • Expanding Safe Area: If you don't want to get attacked on your night walks, one thing you can do is find and build the next wall on the side you want to expand into. As long as you stay inside two walls, you are safe and won't get ambushed.

  • Speed Bonus: If you have walls on both sides of the tunnel, you will gain a bonus to your walking speed in the area between these walls. However, remember that mushrooms will not grow if you decide to build the wall in an area that contains mushroom growing areas.

Upgrades and Research 

Upgrading buildings in The Last Barrier further extends their functionality. For example, upgrading the tent will increase human capacity, as we said earlier. Once you build the engineer building, you will unlock the way to do research. Research allows your colony to build unique buildings, increase their efficiency, and unlock higher-level upgrades. 

You can use the research progression located on the top left corner of the building. To see the research being done, click on the flask icon, and you will see the list of research you are currently working on. When it comes to upgrading buildings, new buildings appear as debris for you to unlock when you level up your generator. 

When upgraded, it will give you access to new buildings, technologies to research, and new game features. However, before you start the upgrade, wait until the research currently going on or when the generator upgrades; they will be canceled, since the lab will be disabled.

Comrad Type

There are several types of comrades in The Last Barrier, each specializing in specific areas. On every building, you can see a comrade icon. When you get close to them, if that icon turns green, it means you have a comrade who can perform the task; if not, you cannot do that task. According to their type, they specialize in some tasks and will be less effective at others. 

You have to understand who they are and what they can do to use them efficiently. Most of the comrades you get at the start of the stage and those that come on the train are called "unemployed." These have no specialization and can't be used for more than collecting resources. 

Once you have created a specific building, you can assign unemployed workers to that building to turn them into that type. For example, if you want an engineer, you need to assign one to the engineer building, and they will turn into engineers. Let's see what the specializations are:

  • Digger: Diggers can gather resources on the ground like gear and food extremely fast. However, they are not very good at building stuff.

  • Engineer: These types of comrades build things extremely fast, research new technologies, but they cannot attack enemies.

  • Gunner: Gunners are submachine wielding comrades capable of dealing high DPS (damage per second) to multiple low-level enemies at once. However, they are not very good at dealing single target damage.

  • Sniper: Once you build the sniper building, you will unlock this comrade type. They are long-range and can also set up mines in the safe area. If you want to use them, make sure to speed up your camp development and unlock this building at least three days before the waves come. Snipers have the lowest production rate, so to make enough of them, you need to start early.

Does the Difficulty Matters

When you start a new run in The Last Barrier, you will be asked to select a difficulty. There are four difficulties: Casual, Normal, Hard, and Extreme. If you are new and just understanding how to play the game, Casual is the best option. You will get attacked less and you can build the camp relatively easily. 

In all other modes, this relaxed vibe will be diminished, and you have to have a good understanding of building priorities, the workers you should have, and how to bolster your defenses if you want to play on other difficulties. Other than the challenge it offers, there are no differences in the rewards; you will get the same amount of resources regardless of the difficulty. So, learn the game with Casual difficulty and amp up the difficulty when you want a challenge.

Upgrading Station

In The Last Barrier, Upgrading Station is where you can buy new skills for gold and platinum. If you take a look at the top section of this window, you will see a few tabs divided according to the comrade types. When you start upgrading, you will see there are two types of skills: those that increase your camp progress and those that improve your comrades' efficacy. Some will require only gold to do the upgrades, and some will ask for both gold and platinum. 

Upgrading Station

Since platinum is very hard to earn, first work on the upgrades that only need gold. Each tab has at least a few; unlock them all. These gold upgrades will make your hero sturdier, and your camp development speed will increase. Then, as you collect platinum, focus on unlocking research for engineer and sniper, and then move on to platinum upgrades for your hero. Lastly, you can do the upgrades of other tabs. 


On our journey through The Last Barrier, we've armed you with the knowledge and strategies needed to transform your struggling outpost into a beacon of hope in a post-apocalyptic world. From the initial setup of your base to the fine-tuning of your colony's economy, every piece of advice is designed to enhance your gameplay experience. Remember, success in The Last Barrier is not just about surviving; it's about thriving, strategizing, and outsmarting the darkness that lurks outside your walls.

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