One Punch Man World All Banners, Pity System and Everything You Need to Know


One Punch Man World game has dominated the internet as a storm because of its unique combat system, boss battles, world explorations, and, of course, the heroes. The heroes here take place in a special place because of their amazing abilities and powers, which make the battles so thrilling and epic. And when it comes to filling up your game with the best heroes, the game has already introduced you to a recruitment system which runs with gacha procedures. In this article, we will explain everything about this gacha system. 

One Punch Man World All Banners

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When speaking of the gacha recruitment system, every One Punch Man World beginner must learn about the banners, their pity systems, etc.; for that, you can use this article. Here, in this gacha system, there are various banners with various pity systems, and each banner provides different probability rates for different hero rarities. Which heroes you will pull out through these banners is decided depending on these things. So let’s learn about all these banners through this beginner guide to playing One Punch Man World on PC with LDPlayer 9. 

Limited Time Banner

This is the limited collection hall, a banner limited to a specific time in this One Punch Man World game. In this banner, you can unlock the villain-type heroes in your gameplay. In this limited-time banner, besides the exclusive gacha currency, which you can use to summon heroes one or ten at once, you can use gold coins to summon heroes as well one time per day, which is the daily limit. 

Limited Time Banner

The speciality of this banner is that it will be updated with new SR and SSR heroes with each update, and also, you will see exclusive heroes in this banner, which you won’t see in other banners. Here in this banner, the base probability for SSR characters is 0.6%, and there is a 50% chance to obtain the UP character Speed-o’-Sound Sonic with the guaranteed 90 summons pity system. The SSR characters in this banner are Speed-o’-Sound Sonic, Speed-o’-Sound Sonic-Prisoner, Saitama-Dreamworld, Atomic Samurai, Puri-puri Prisoner, Genos, and Silverfang. 

Note that this is the only banner that guarantees you give an SSR character with the ninety-drawing pity system, while other banners guarantee you provide an SSR with the hero or a chip. 

Beginner’s Collection

Beginner’s Collection

This is a very special banner for beginners in this game like you. Right after you complete your tutorial battle and unlock the gacha recruitment system in this gameplay, this is the banner where you will perform drawings for the first time. Once you start summoning, you can summon up to ten heroes at once, but if you are not satisfied with these results, you can refresh the outcomes an unlimited number of times. Due to this feature, this banner has become a reroll banner for all beginners. The first ten refreshes are free for you, but after that, every refresh will cost you World Silver in this banner. 

Hall of Everything

Hall of Everything is the standard banner you will see in this game. Unlike most other banners, this has no specific time limit as the time is unlimited, making this the permanent banner in this gameplay. Here, through this banner, you can draw characters as well as Impression Arms using certain Gacha currencies. 

Hall of Everything

The base probability of obtaining SSR items is 0.6%, while the base probability of getting SSR characters is 0.3% in this banner. Also, you can obtain SSR arm impressions in this banner, and their probability rate is 0.3%. If you wonder about the pity system here, it guarantees to give you one or more SSR items. And as we said, the gacha currency you need to summon heroes and items in this banner is the World Silver. You need 260 World Silver for one draw, and for ten draws, you need 2600 World Silver.

Exclusive Impressions Banner

Exclusive Impressions Banner

The exclusive Impressions banner, which is time-limited, was introduced to the recruitment system exclusively to summon impression arms. This banner is similar to the weapon summoning banners in other games where you can draw various impression arms belonging to various rarities to equip them with your heroes. In this banner, you can also draw arm impressions once per day using gold coins other than World Silver. 

The Pity System

Every banner we have explained above in this One Punch Man World gacha system guide has a pity system which guarantees you to give a higher rarity hero to your gameplay within a certain number of pulls, and we will show you them in this section of this article now. 


Limited Time Banner

Beginner’s Collection Banner

Hall of Everything Banner

Exclusive Impressions Banner

SR Pity

10 draws

10 draws

10 draws

10 draws

SSR Pity

90 draws

40 draws

90 draws

90 draws

Other than the pity system, due to the lower rates for higher rarity heroes and higher rates for lower rarity heroes, it will be impossible for you to always obtain the best heroes. But if you perform rerolls, there is a good chance of getting higher-grade heroes. So, when you reroll, first play the One Punch Man World game on your PC using LDPlayer 9, create multiple instances to reroll using the Multi-Instance Sync feature and then reroll using all the instances created. By rerolling this way, you are guaranteed to get the best heroes in no time. 


The One Punch Man World offers you the best heroes through various banners with probability rates. Since the recruitment system here works with the gacha mechanics, it is hard to pull out the best characters for the game in the One Punch Man World tier list. But now that you know everything related to the gacha system here, you will be familiar with using it perfectly following these guidelines.

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