One Punch Man World: The Best Team Building Guide


If you are a fan of the One Punch Man anime, you will love One Punch Man World, a 3D action RPG that lets you play as your favorite heroes and villains. The game has just launched globally, and it offers stunning graphics, thrilling combat, and a faithful adaptation of the anime's story. However, the game is not easy, and you may face some challenges in advancing through the solo stages. 

One Punch Man World

You may need to reroll for the best characters, upgrade them wisely, and build a balanced team that can handle any enemy. Don't worry, this guide will help you with all that and more. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of how to make a powerful team and progress faster. For smooth controls and better graphics play One Punch Man World on PC with LDPlayer. Let's get started!

How Teams Work in One Punch Man World

In the character selection section of the game, you can add the best One Punch Man World characters to your team. You can only control one of them, and the others will be controlled by the game. Although you won't be controlling them, the characters you select for your team are important because you can use their Link Abilities and Impression Arms while controlling your character.

All of the characters you can obtain in the game are divided into three main rarities: SSR, SR, and R. For the characters the game will be controlling, you can choose a character belonging to any rarity. Still, when selecting a character for you to control, you should aim to acquire an SSR character.

Impression Arms Explanation

Impression Arms can be described as weapons for the characters in the One Punch Man World. These arms come with their own stats and skills, offering a variety of abilities. Some have multiple stats, while others focus on a single one, and their abilities range from healing and defensive skills to control and damage boosts.

Impression Arms Explanation

In the character development menu, you can equip only one Impression Arm per character. Each Impression Arm can be used or recharged 1-4 times in a battle, depending on its level. You can level up Impression Arms to max level (level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and max). Here's a breakdown based on character rarity:

  • SSR characters have 4 Impression Arms: SSR, SR, R, and R.

  • SR characters have 3 Impression Arms: SR, R, and R.

The Impression Arms you equip determine your character's role, such as defense, healing, DPS (damage per second), or control. Some missions require specific character types, and you must use characters with the corresponding Impression Arms for those missions.

When the game controls the character, selecting them based on their equipped Impression Arms is crucial. A balanced team includes characters that improve the damage of other heroes. It's advisable to have at least 2 characters with such abilities and one with a healing Impression Arm. Equipping defensive-oriented Impression Arms leads to a more balanced team. However, it's essential to avoid equipping characters with Impression Arms that provide healing or boosts to only one character type. Now, before delving deeper, let's understand the different character types.

One Punch Man World Character Types

In the One Punch Man World, each character possesses a specific character type, somewhat akin to factions found in many other games. The primary factions include:

One Punch Man World Character Types

  • Morale - Red

  • Technique - Green

  • Overpower - Purple

  • Assault - Blue

Understanding these character types is crucial, as most monsters you encounter in the game are weak to one of these types. Leveraging a character with a strong type against these enemies allows you to deal forty percent more damage. This advantage can be a game-changer when creating teams for specific content, providing a significant boost in damage output. So, when strategizing and forming your team, keep an eye on the character types and choose wisely to exploit the weaknesses of your adversaries.

Memory and Will

Understanding memory in One Punch Man World is essential, as it is divided into primary, intermediate, and advanced grades. Each grade offers distinct functionalities, making choosing a higher level of memory a significant way to enhance your character's strength.

Memory and Will

Each memory entry comes with an attribute and trigger upper limit. The character's potential has the power to lift this upper limit, leading to leaps in corresponding attributes and providing your character with more advantages. For example, if the highest level of an entry is 3, the benefits stop when the total level of the worn entry exceeds 3. However, character potential can extend this limit. Here are some selection tips:

  • Prioritize your own potential attributes: Focus on memory and will entries that align with your character's potential attributes to expand the upper level and increase overall strength.

  • Choose terms based on functionality: Select memory entries that suit your role. For instance, if you have Sleeping Saitama, opt for entries that increase dodge frequency and speed up physical recovery to boost damage output.

  • Subtracted attribute entries can also be used: Some attribute-reducing entries, like Heart Attack, can be beneficial with the right combinations. They increase attack power without sacrificing understanding value.

  • Team type entry: If memory options are limited, or none seem suitable, choosing a team type entry can have a positive impact, especially for characters with low output or those needing to fill gaps.

When it comes to will, Match it according to the level of memory to compensate for any deficiencies. For instance, if you have a memorized entry of 5/6 Passionate Will, choose a Level 1 Passionate Will to complete it at 6/6.

Consider exclusive wills for special levels, choosing the entry corresponding to the type of increase based on your current memory. If the income of the entry for a certain level is lower than your current entry level, you can choose not to change it.

Team Building for Boss Battles

In One Punch Man World, conquering BOSS battles requires strategic thinking and careful team selection. Each BOSS has unique attack patterns and weaknesses, making it essential to understand their attributes before forming a lineup strategy. Here are some crucial considerations:

  • Role Selection: Choose characters based on the BOSS's characteristics. Tank-type characters absorb attacks, output characters deal damage, and those with control and auxiliary abilities help the team handle the BOSS's attacks effectively.

  • Equipment and Skills: Equip characters with suitable gear and skills. Select equipment based on character characteristics and combat needs to enhance attributes and skill effects. Use skill combinations strategically to interrupt the BOSS's attacks or deal significant damage.

  • Practical Skills: Stay calm and adjust tactics according to the BOSS's attack pattern. Evacuate or use protective skills during large-scale attacks. Utilize terrain and obstacles effectively for better positioning and defense.

  • Team Coordination: Maintain close communication and collaboration with teammates. Divide roles strategically—tanks draw attention, output roles focus on damage, and control/auxiliary roles provide support. Effective teamwork is essential to defeat powerful enemies.

  • Target Weaknesses: Identify the BOSS's weaknesses before the battle. Attack weaknesses with control and output skills to reduce defense and HP. Targeting weaknesses significantly accelerates defeating the enemy.

  • Continuous Trial and Summarize: Embrace failure and experiment with different lineups and tactics during battles. After each battle, analyze shortcomings and problems, optimizing lineup matching and tactical application. Through continuous trial and summarizing experiences, you'll gradually master the skills to defeat powerful enemies. Boss battles of One Punch Man World are challenging but provide opportunities for growth. By adapting strategies, communicating effectively, and targeting weaknesses, you'll improve your team's performance over time. 

Effective Team Examples

There are many powerful characters in the One Punch Man World tier list. As you know by now, these characters can be matched with each other. Below we have provided some popular teams you can try as a One Punch Man World beginner. Let's delve into the power of strategic synergy with these popular team examples:

Effective Team Examples

1. Saitama + Genos + Smile Man

  • Saitama (Front Line): The powerhouse, drawing enemy firepower with unmatched frontal combat abilities. Saitama takes the lead in dealing devastating blows and absorbing the brunt of the enemy's attacks.

  • Genos (Long-Range Output): A rare gem in the team, Genos contributes with cannonball attacks from a distance. While flexibility might be limited, Genos maximizes output when paired with the front-row combination, delivering effective damage.

  • Smile Man (Sturdy Tank): Positioned at the front line alongside Saitama, Smile Man serves as a resilient tank with a fleshy attribute. This setup ensures effective resistance to damage, creating a formidable defense for the team.

This team excels in a balanced mix of damage output and resilience. Saitama's raw power, Genos's ranged attacks, and Smile Man's tanking abilities create a trio that can handle a variety of challenges.

2. Fubuki + Genos + Atomic Samurai

  • Fubuki (Group Damage): Fubuki takes the spotlight in this lineup, contributing excellent group damage with multiple magic attacks. Her flexibility allows her to avoid enemy attacks, making her a versatile asset to the team.

  • Genos (Ranged Attacks): Once again, Genos makes an appearance, this time providing additional firepower with ranged attacks. His ability to switch to ultimate output mode can be a game-changer when the team needs an extra boost in damage.

  • Atomic Samurai (Melee Attacker): Despite being a melee attacker, Atomic Samurai brings a high combat damage multiplier to the team. His quick and significant damage output is ideal for face-to-face encounters with large bosses.

This composition focuses on high explosive output, swiftly concluding battles with a combination of Fubuki's magic, Genos's ranged attacks, and Atomic Samurai's melee prowess.

In both of these One Punch Man World team examples, the key lies in strategic synergy. The combination of frontline resilience, damage output, and flexibility ensures adaptability in various scenarios. Experiment with these lineups, tweak them based on specific boss battles, and witness the optimal results unfold. Remember, the beauty of these teams lies in their ability to evolve and conquer challenges, making them truly formidable in the world of One Punch Man.


As you climb to the top in your One Punch Man World journey, remember that team building is an art. Experiment, adapt, and embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. Continuous improvement in boss battles will not only enhance your gaming experience but also solidify your place among the One Punch Man World top heroes. Now, go out there and build the ultimate team!

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