5 Mistakes You Are Doing in PUBG New State That Lead To Your Death


Making mistakes in a competitive game like PUBG New State can lead to your imminent demise. As such, here's a guide that addresses the most common mistakes done by beginner and advanced players in the game and how you can overcome them. If you haven’t already, you can download PUBG New State on LDPlayer for free.





5 Mistakes You Are Doing in PUBG New State That Lead To Your Death


Understanding the route of where the plane is dropping is an integral part of playing any Battle Royale game. A lot of players make the mistake of Hot Dropping. Hot Dropping is when you start getting into spots that are usually more populated.


They can be populated for a large number of reasons. For example, in PUBG New State’s case, Troi is a relatively dense city, so places with more open cover or are simply known to have a higher chance of dropping better loot are generally much more crowded than their counterparts. IF you want to play for placement which means that you want to get a higher rank, then dying early simply doesn't make sense.


Even if you drop at a crowded area and get a few kills, it still won't equate to the placement points you get from simply playing the game for a longer time and getting a better position. Therefore, you should try and spend your time finding a spot where fewer people are. Usually, the location is always to the left-most side at the center of where your plane’s route is the least populated.


DO note that some spots in the game will always remain populated no matter what the plane route is likely. This can be due to the rarity of loot there or the fact that they are generally places representing the center of every plane route, which means most players are more comfortable going there than other spots. When this happens, players will prefer that spot even if the route does not favor them.


If you start to avoid hot Dropping, you can easily place higher as many players die during said hot drops, which usually leads to about 25-30% of the population of the game being wiped out in the first five minutes. If you haven’t already, take a look at our guide for how you can get to the late game circle in PUBG New State


Not Using Loot Routes:


While looting patterns are randomized in PUBG New State, they still are worth remembering for their ease of access and use. You should always have an idea of where you want to go next. This should be changed if you know a squad is camping the next spot we where you want to go or if it is unfavorable to you in terms of where the circle will end up landing at. In both cases, do not go for your loot route and draft another one.


But, in every other case, you should go for a looting route as you will always know where the weapon spawns are and will have a rough idea of the average amount of loot you are getting at every match. Plus, as you keep repeating the same steps, you will get faster traversing through your loot route and will end up looting faster.


How To Draft A Loot Route:


Drafting a loot route is easier than it looks. The first part of drafting a route is to find a spot that is easier to land in. It should not be on top of rooftops or places where only one single player can land. Next, you should try and land at a larger building or area and cover it extensively. This is especially useful if you are playing with more than two players. If you land at a very small building or a closed area, there's a high chance that you might end up getting cornered and will not be able to make a ton of space for yourself and your squad.


Instead, you should try and focus on landing in an open area and make your way from there. If you end up getting into a spot that has tons of loot, memorize it! Turn that into your first base of operations. But make sure to talk to your squadmates and always have a few backup spots nearby if you are not the first team to land there.


Once you have your landing spot sorted, your next step is to find out what spot you should be going to next. In most cases, you should find a building closest to the circle and start moving towards there. Once you start moving towards that building, understand where the circle's edge is and make sure there aren't any outliers.


After you are done with these steps, you have drafted yourself a loot route that is both cohesive and accommodates any setting, whether you are inside the circle or not.


Not Adapting Your Play Style:



5 Mistakes You Are Doing in PUBG New State That Lead To Your Death


PUBG New State is a game of many tidings. You won't always be in the most favorable situation, and you can't always play defensively as you need to make the most out of the situation. In any case, you should never have a playstyle that is strict. Instead, it should flow alongside the current state of the game.


For example, if you have good loot at the earlier part of the game, you should instantly put it to good use and should start trying to clear out as many enemies near you as possible before they can contest you. Remember that Battle Royale games rely on you trying to control as large of a perimeter as possible. Securing a safe spot for you and your team early can help you secure loot from a much larger area allowing you to further exert your dominance over the battlefield.


With a more futuristic touch added on, the world of Troi is extremely dense and packed with close spaces. Therefore, it isn't very smart for you to go around in the open, especially when almost every building in the game is intractable, which means that players can be hiding inside these buildings.


The game also emphasizes close-quarter weapons like Shotguns which are usually low-tier loot. So, you'll end up finding a lot of campers who are hidden inside small crevices of buildings trying to find a juicy target. You won't have much luck playing spread out with your team as the numbers have an advantage in PUBG New State.


However, one such playstyle that you can go for is using the city's density to your advantage. You can move around buildings quite quickly and can move through them undetected. This can help you in two distinct manners. Firstly, you can sneak ahead on an unsuspecting enemy with the element of surprise always behind your back. Or, if you are away from the center of the circle or are low on loot, you can easily use the building sot move through cover and get ahead of the enemy team.


Identifying Potential Hiding Spots:


Once you know that there are campers, how does one get through them? Well, simple. Firstly, PUBG New State provides you with tons of new gadgets such as the Riot Shield, Deployable Shield, and alongside conventional throwables, which you've seen in a lot of other games. In most cases, these should be enough to let you through even the toughest of situations.


The number of times you will see a new player making subpar decisions by pushing an area they should not have pushed or prepped well enough usually revolves around their utility.


The utility is the auxiliary item that supports your overall mission of getting ahead of every enemy team. What it primarily entails in New Sate is that you can use your grenades, stuns, and flashes to your advantage to quickly rat out an area you suspect. Instead of bringing in your body yourself and probably getting in the line of fire, you can easily divert attention from yourself and your team by using some of your throwables to get a tactical lead.



5 Mistakes You Are Doing in PUBG New State That Lead To Your Death


Another good way to identify potential hiding spots in finding one for yourself and ratting out other individuals is to pay close attention to sound. Sound is the most important sense when it comes to locating someone in the game. Even if players are hiding are camping.


It is unlikely that they will stay exactly still and not make any noise for more than 30 seconds. So, if you are in a spot that you doubt is safe, make sure to wait a few seconds for you to crystal clear and then enter the building. Take a look at our Epic Gameplay Tips for New State to learn more about the game!


Playing Against The Circle:


The circle is what makes or breaks your match in PUBG New State. If you get a circle close to you, you gain an increasingly significant chance of winning compared to you dislocating from your spot and traveling miles to a new location inside or closer to the circle.


While this can be determined or exhumed by sheer luck, most players tend to have a few good drops in particular and some bad ones. In any case, you can always find a spot that you like and then travel to the nearest circle as soon as possible. However, most make the mistake of ignoring the circle altogether or not giving it due respect and time.


You will see many players roaming around the circle or at the edge of the circle, not realizing the amount of damage the circle will cause if they are trapped alongside the fact that it will be much harder for them to travel inside the circle due to two probable reasons.



5 Mistakes You Are Doing in PUBG New State That Lead To Your Death


Firstly, lurkers. Lurkers are players who move around the edge of the circle insight of snagging a free kill on someone who is lost or even on those who are moving inside the circle at the exact edge. While this is a boring playstyle, it is quite effective as tons of players are clueless about their surroundings when frantically running to the nearest circle.


Secondly, you are going to be facing off against campers. As the name suggests, these players spend the entirety of their time in the circle staying in one spot, trying to snag a few free kills. They'll be hidden in the alleyways of the map, especially in taller buildings where they can easily maintain a vantage point of their surroundings.


Surviving The Circle:


With these two reasons for death understood, the most probable way for you to survive the onslaught of damage that will be coming your way is to try and get ahead of the curve by moving to the center of the circle as quickly as possible. Moving to the center ensures a high chance that you'll be a part of the next circle which means you won't need to relocate.


While looting is an integral part of the game, it is okay for you to sometimes skimp on some loot, maintain an average weapon arsenal, and have great positioning. Good weapons or gadgets won't save you from bad positioning or the circle any day. Therefore, you should try and find a mix between playing in the circle and going towards it while also making sure you have enough loot to take out the last players standing.


Not Positioning For The Late Game:


The Late Game is where most of the action happens in a Battle Royale game. With the ability to weave in and out of most circles, the ticks you get from the last few circles do not present you with pleasure. As such, you have to be extremely precise with your movement and need to be adept at making split-second decisions that can truly change the course of the game.


When it comes to late-game positioning, make sure you are as open as possible. Why is that? Well, there aren't a lot of buildings left in the late game circle. So, there's a very low chance that you will be able to find one worth it is salt. Even if you do, with the number of throwables present by well-equipped players in the late game, you won’t stand a chance against getting bombarded by the enemy time.


Staying in the open allows you to freely rotate and scout around the map. If you do end up getting shot from somewhere, you can easily take cover and relocate without the fear of being confined by walls or doors. Plus, if you are in the circle, especially at the center, there's a high chance that players will be coming towards you from multiple angles. So, you can get off some easy picks on unsuspecting players as they frantically move towards the inner circle.


If you do not position yourself appropriately, you might have to face off against enemies from various spots who will be nested in areas that are hard to penetrate. As you get to higher ranks in PUBG New State, you'll notice that engagements are few and far between, but team fights are extremely fast.


This is because players know how to avoid each other and establish a perimeter around themselves, as mentioned earlier. More importantly, however, they can take down players much quicker than before due to their superior aim. In the late game circle, when you are up against players like this, you need to make sure you can see them as soon as possible if you end up getting shot first, and you also need to be aware of your surroundings. Therefore, having good positioning with a reasonable vantage point can ensure swift victory for you and your team.


How To Take Winning Aim Duels:


When it comes to the late game circle, most of the kills that will be happening will be at significantly longer ranges, with most players knowing the general positioning of everyone else around the map. Therefore, the element of surprise that you once had will not be existent in this setting. You will need to use your wits and the lay of the land to trump those against you.



5 Mistakes You Are Doing in PUBG New State That Lead To Your Death


To take successful aim duels, use the Peek Feature found in PUBG New State. You can enable it from your controls option present in the game. After you do so, you should be able to peek from cover and fire quickly. Do note that peeking still exposes quite a large chunk of your body, even for a brief period. The main advantage of peeking is that it is much easier for the enemy to land headshots on you as your head is practically covered.


Once you start taking aim duels, identify the weapon the enemy uses and quantify it with what you have. For example, you won't be having a lot of success facing off against a sniper hard scoped on your angle. But, if it's an AR, you can probably get a few shots in here and there.


Never take aim duels against a team you know will be coming towards you since they'll need to leave their spot because of the circle. While killing them earlier might guarantee clearance from one particular angle, it is usually much easier to take them down when they are moving towards you because of the circle as they will not be able to instantly find a spot that is safe enough for them to be at.




The mistakes mentioned above are the most commonly done in any Battle Royale game, including PUBG New State. After you are done with getting rid of these, you should inherently turn into a much better player!


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