Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD Guide and Tips for the All the Beginners Into the Adventure


Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD is a tower defense game that combines waifu hero collecting, magic and love. The game possesses cartoon-style 2D graphics, and the shape of the characters in the defense is quite cute. The sound effects are merged relatively well, along with the unique background music, to help create an exciting atmosphere while you enjoy the game.



Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD Guide and Tips for the All the Beginners


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The gameplay of the Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD is quite simple; at the start of the match, each side will get to choose their hero, and you also get to choose one skill from three randomly generated skills. In addition to that, each side also gets 180 Mana to use for summoning Agents in your squad to defend, but when you are summoning, you will get a random Agent out of five sets of heroes available then you can even enhance their power during battles.


There will often be waves of monsters appearing and the Agents that the player has summoned to the field will automatically attack and destroy them. Through killing monsters, you will receive Mana and with each wave of monsters passing; you will get to select different boost skills. Since you will have a hard time seeing the fights and your Agent clearly on the battles, to enjoy the game on a bigger screen with better graphics, play Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD on PC with LDPlayer 9. Let's start. 


How to Create a Team in Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD?


After you have successfully completed a match, you will receive shards, heroes, and agents, all of which can be leveled up using the shards. Unlocking new heroes can be done in this manner. Within the character tab of the Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD, you will be able to inspect and level up your characters. 


You'll find a grid with photographs of your heroes and agents just below the button labeled "Battle" in the area of the game that deals with combat. A few numbers will be displayed above the grid. After clicking on the hero, you will be given the option to change heroes if you have unlocked any others. 


How to Create a Team in Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD


After clicking on the Agent, you will be presented with a list of available agents below the grid from which you can select the Agent you would want to replace the current one with. You can make several different teams in this way, and you can switch between them by using the numbers that are displayed above the team grid.


Which Hero Is the Best?


There are now just five heroes available in Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD, and you will be given one of them when you first begin playing the game. Every one of these heroes has unique abilities or attacks, and depending on the agents you already have, those heroes may or may not be useful additions to your squad. First, let's take a look at what each hero brings to the table.


  • Yukio - His abilities are centered on Mana, and he can generate more Mana, copy the Mana of your opponents, and conduct area-of-effect (AOE) wind bolt assaults that can assist you in clearing out clusters. This makes him the finest character for the early game.




  • Gaia - She is the perfect hero to play with if you are utilizing a strategy that involves growing things like plants to deal damage and slow down the progression of the lane. This is because she has the ability to repair the damage that is done to the plants by the monsters. Aside from that, she will do the same amount of damage as the other heroes.


  • Selene - She is a master of poison, and she will slow down your opponents by poisoning them. Poisons also do damage over time, so if you know how to manage your Mana, she is the next hero you can utilize to boost your overall damage output.




  • Hestia - Flames are her speciality; all of her attacks cause the target to catch fire, and just like poison, the burn continues to inflict damage over time as long as it remains on the monster. Players who prioritize heavy damage over mana regeneration and use agents like Youki that generate flammable items on the lane will benefit more from using her than other players will.




  • Cadence - cadence is good at attacks that use water style. She will cover your opponent's screen and can reduce the damage they do. She is best used in the late game when your opponents have better heroes and more power than you do to slow down their progress. She won't do much to hurt the monsters that come out of the portal, but she will make things hard for your opponents.


How to Choose the Agent? 


So, as we mentioned before, you should select the Agents for that team according to the hero that you intend to use. For instance, what the hero Yukio does is help you generate Mana, and as he levels up, you will have less trouble doing so. Similarly, what Agent Reika does is help you earn Mana with every attack. 


How to Choose the Agent


However, unless you frequently run out of Mana or are playing a very mana-hungry strategy, you should not pair her with the hero Yukio because they both do the same thing. When building a team, you should add agents that complement the hero strategy. Now that we've established that, let's look at how you may make use of each element to your benefit.


Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD Playing Strategy 


In this strategy, we'll use Agent Yuki's ability to grow plants. To set the plant Yuki grows on fire, you'll need an Agent like Rosalie, Chiharu, or any other Agent that deals Fire damage. When monsters go through a plant on fire, they will take more damage than they would normally. 


If you use this strategy, you shouldn't use agents that attack with water, because their attack will interact with the fire puddle and put out the fire. The best element to use here is an agent with poisoning skills because the poison slows down the monsters and makes it take them longer to get through the fire puddle. This lets you do more damage.


Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD Playing Strategy 


The second strategy that you can use to play Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD is to use a water hero or Agent that can flood the lanes or make it rain and then use agents that provide lightning damage. 


This strategy is effective due to the fact that lightning attacks do increase damage, and agents' attack speed increases when they are in the water. Neve is the most effective Agent you can use for this purpose to slow down enemies. Not only does her attack speed rise while it is raining, but her strike also slows down adversaries, giving your lightning heroes more time to deal damage.


If you look at all of your Agents' stats, you'll see that Ember does the most damage as she levels up. To make a team with Ember, you can use agents that copy the target, increase the target's star amount, and other things that boost damage. Once Ember is high enough level, you can use a combination of the strategies above, or you can make your own Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD strategy now that you know how to make the team.


Where Are the Free Stuff?


If you don't want to spend money, the first thing you need to do is get used to the ads. Like most other games, Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD has a few places where you can get free stuff.


Where Are the Free Stuff


First is the Battle Reward. If you're willing to watch a 30-second ad, you can get twice as many rewards. Since most hero and agent shards come from boxes, it's not a bad idea to watch a 30-second ad to get twice as many boxes. You can also get a few gems from the daily shop and the battle pass. 


If you need coins, you can choose to watch ads to get 500 coins for free. If you watch four ads every day, you can get 2,000 coins. Climbing the season ladder of Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD is the last and most important thing you can do to earn gems, hero shards, agent shards, and coins. It's hard, but the rewards are good.




If you're new to Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD, this tutorial should have taught you all you need to know to get started and have a great time. You could have a lot of fun without relying too much on strategy by switching things up and trying new things while playing. This is the last part of the Merge Goddess: Royale Rush TD guide, and we appreciate your attention. Please enjoy your day.

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