Ultimate Beginner Guide to Survival Dave with Best Gameplay Tips


Welcome to the Ultimate Beginner Guide to Survival Dave, your essential companion to mastering the thrilling oceanic adventures of this popular game. In Survival Dave, your journey is mixed with tower defense, facing a vast ocean teeming with challenges ranging from ferocious sea creatures to intricate rescue missions and hidden treasures. 

Ultimate Beginner Guide to Survival Dave

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With a blend of tower defense strategies, resource management, and real-time combat, the game offers a dynamic gameplay experience that requires both quick thinking and careful planning. This guide will walk you through the foundational aspects of the game, from understanding the basic mechanics and managing the game's economy to advanced strategies for leveling up your buddies and selecting the right talents. 

Our goal is to provide you with the best gameplay tips that help you optimize your strategies, make the most of your resources, and enjoy every moment of your adventure in the ocean's depths.  So, let's play Survival Dave on PC with LDPlayer. Hop on to your raft and prepare to dive into the waves—adventure awaits in the vast and mysterious waters.

How to Play Survival Dave

The gameplay of Survival Dave is intuitively simple yet exciting, perfect for those who enjoy dynamic and strategic challenges. As a player, you step into the shoes of a brave adventurer named Dave, navigating through a series of oceanic challenges aboard your trusty raft.

How to Play Survival Dave

The game is divided into various stages, each designed with increasing levels of difficulty to test your survival skills. During each stage, you'll encounter predetermined waves of sea creatures, each wave aiming to overrun your raft.

Managing the Threat

A critical element of the game is the "Fish Meter," which tracks the number of sea creatures currently threatening your raft. To progress, you need to prevent this meter from filling up. Overwhelming the meter results in losing the game, so quick reflexes and strategic planning are key.

To defend your raft, you must eliminate all incoming threats by utilizing available weapons and skills. If you need a special place where many enemies are clustered together to be cleaned up faster, you can actively click on these areas and focus all yours and your buddies' attacks there, allowing for faster clearing. Remember, speed and efficiency in dispatching these sea creatures are vital, as surviving the onslaught allows you to advance to the next stage and earn various rewards.

Perk Selection Strategy

In Survival Dave, while your basic armament consists of a tiny pistol and your buddies' attacks, a significant portion of your damage output comes from the perks you select. Perks can either enhance Dave's existing attacks or introduce entirely new abilities that augment your damage capabilities.

Perk Selection Strategy

Perks are obtained by clicking on boxes that randomly appear after defeating sea creatures. It's crucial to actively collect these boxes because new ones won't spawn until you've picked up the existing ones, given the screen's limit on how many boxes can appear simultaneously.

Perks Selection by Progression

Choosing the right perks depends heavily on your current progress in the game. When you're just starting out and your team is not yet fully developed, selecting perks that significantly boost your damage output is important. Excellent initial perks include:

  • Lightning Orbit: Creates an orbiting lightning attack around your raft.

  • Lightning Attack: Strikes nearby enemies with lightning.

  • Practice Shots: Increases the effectiveness of your basic attacks.

Once you have a strong team and Dave is dealing substantial damage, you can opt for perks that enhance your team's overall effectiveness or slow down enemies, such as:

  • Water Fizzing: Causes additional splash damage, impacting multiple enemies.

  • Slowdown: Reduces the speed of incoming enemies, giving you more time to deal damage.

  • Poison: poison the water, combine this with freeze and radio perks to get the full benefit.

Optimizing Perk Upgrades

Optimizing Perk Upgrades

After selecting your initial perks, every subsequent box you collect will offer the chance to upgrade existing perks. It's advisable to always review the new perks available, as new skills typically provide a higher damage boost than simply upgrading current ones. Once you reach the perk limit, focus on picking up level-ups to further enhance your damage output.

Level Up Your Buddies

In Survival Dave, effectively upgrading your buddies is key to overcoming the game's numerous challenges. To enhance your buddies, you need to feed them fish, which are collected through the fishing mini-game included in the game.

Level Up Your Buddies

Obtaining Fish for Leveling Up

To start the fishing mini-game, you first need bait, which is given as a reward every time you complete a stage. It's important to note that you can collect bait by progressing to new stages or replaying earlier once that you've already completed. Choosing an old stage can be particularly helpful if the current stage is too challenging.

Fishing Mini-game Mechanics

Fishing Mini-game Mechanics

Once you have your bait, head to the fishing area, select your bait and wait for a bite. When a fish bites, a mini-game appears, resembling a small clock. You must click the screen when the fishing hook aligns with the indicated green area to catch the fish successfully. If you miss the timing, you'll lose the bait and won't catch the fish.

Using Fish to Level Up Buddies

After securing your fish, you can feed them to your buddies to level them up. Increasing your buddies' levels improves their combat abilities, making them more effective in battles. Furthermore, collecting multiple copies of the same buddy allows you to merge them, enhancing their rarity and unlocking new passive abilities that significantly boost their effectiveness.

Rarity Levels and Their Benefits

Each buddy has various rarity levels: Common, Good, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical, with each level offering unique passive abilities that enhance your team's performance. For example, the Shark Head not only deals considerable damage but also provides:

  • A team-wide attack speed boost.

  • A split attack capability.

  • An enhanced halo that further increases attack speed.

By focusing on leveling up your buddies through fishing and merging, you can significantly enhance your team's abilities, allowing you to tackle more challenging stages and enjoy the full range of what Survival Dave has to offer.

Survival Dave Economy

Survival Dave features several key currencies that players can use to enhance their power and effectiveness in the game. Let's explore these currencies and how you can earn them:


Energy is the primary currency required to play any game mode in Survival Dave. Each stage attempt costs one energy point. The game regenerates one energy point every 60 minutes, recharging up to the maximum limit. It's important to spend your energy points before they reach the maximum to ensure none are wasted, as no additional energy points will be generated once the cap is reached.


Gold is used to level up your talents and can be acquired in several ways:

  • Stage Rewards: Completing stages often yields gold as a part of the reward.

  • Idle Loot Bag: This is found in the battle start window and accumulates gold over time, which can be collected when you log into the game.

Buddy Coins

Buddy coins are crucial for acquiring new buddies through the game's gacha system. To amass these coins, players should:

  • Farm Stages: Repeatedly play through stages you have already completed to earn more buddy coins.

  • Utilize Resources Efficiently: If you find yourself struggling to gather enough resources, the daily login reward system is a beneficial feature. Every day, simply click on the calendar at the top of the screen, select the current day, and collect your free rewards.

By understanding and effectively managing these currencies, players can significantly enhance their gameplay experience in Survival Dave, progressing faster and becoming more powerful.

Talent System

The Talent System offers a strategic layer to enhance your gameplay. Here, you can spend gold coins to unlock various talent nodes, each providing different boosts or abilities that can significantly affect your performance in the game.

Talent System

Within the Talent System, you will encounter forks or decision points where you must choose between two different talents. Once a talent is selected at a fork, the alternative becomes unavailable. This presents a strategic challenge as you must decide which talent best suits your playstyle and current needs.

If you wish to change a previously selected talent, you can do so by spending extra gold coins. However, remember that you cannot have both talents from a fork; you must choose one or the other.

Strategic Talent Selection

When navigating through the Talent System, focus on talents that enhance the effectiveness of your favorite perks first. This approach ensures that you strengthen the abilities you use most frequently, maximizing your performance. If you encounter a fork with a talent that boosts a perk you seldom use, consider selecting a more universally beneficial talent. 

Strategic Talent Selection

For example, talents that provide a blanket increase, such as boosting all attack power by 5%, are valuable for their overall impact on your gameplay. By strategically selecting and managing your talents in the Talent System, you can tailor your character's abilities to better suit your strategy and improve your chances of success in Survival Dave.


Remember, the key to mastering Survival Dave lies in strategic planning, timely execution, and continual upgrading of your resources and buddies. As you dive deeper into the game, keep experimenting with different tactics and make use of every perk and talent available to enhance your gameplay. With persistence and practice, you'll not only survive but thrive in the adventurous world of Survival Dave. Happy gaming, and may your adventures be grand and your victories swift!

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