Gacha Life 2 - Every Feature that You Need to be Aware of


Have you waited for so long for the Gacha Life 2 release date? Why don't you start playing the game now that it has already been released? But before you get started with your gameplay, we love to inform you about some features of this game that you must know. You know that the game is about customizing really cute chibi characters. There are numerous features that you will come across when it comes to customization. Understanding them will enable you to create very remarkable customizations. So go ahead and find what lies in this guide helpful for your gameplay. 

Gacha Life 2 - Every Feature that You Need to be Aware of

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Sometimes, there may be features in this game which seem insignificant. Although they seem insignificant, they may be powerful enough to do a great job in this game. Unless you use these features, you might never know what they're capable of. If you are a Gacha Life 2 beginner seeking help understanding features in this game, then let us help you understand them through this guide. Once you know all the features you need to be aware of, you can play Gacha Life 2 on PC with LDPlayer 9. 

Pose Layers

The pose layer feature lets you put a specific body part or an item of your chibi character upward or backwards to something. There are many layers in which you can adjust how to show specific body parts or items applied to the chibi characters. You can try this out to give your character a beautiful appearance when it does a pose. How to access this feature? 

Pose Layers

Here, you can go to the Studio mode of the gameplay, add a specific character to the studio, tap the pose option, and then tap the pose editor, and you will see the pose layer. Before adjusting the pose layers, choose a pose for your character. 

Left and Right Chevron Marks < ● >

This is also another feature which you can see in this game. Although this feature doesn't have a specific name, it works really well in this game. You will find this feature during the customizations and the Gacha Life 2 adjustment procedures. When you adjust your hair, face, head, upper body costumes, lower body costumes, and other extra items, you will see this < ● > icon. 

Left and Right Chevron Marks < ● >

What can you do with it? Even if this icon or feature seems insignificant, this is an important part of the customization. This function lets you switch between the assets. For example, when you customize the shape of your eyes, left and right, giving them two different shapes, and suddenly you feel you want to swap the shapes of left and right, you can tap on this icon shown above at the bottom left corner of the eye shape right box to swap it. 

Lock On

Lock On is the next cool feature we have discovered in this game. To access this feature, go to the Studio mode, tap any character and then you will see the lock-on feature. What is the benefit you can have from this lock-on feature? This feature lets you lock the character you added to the studio in a specific position. 

Lock On

Once the lock-on feature is turned for a character, you cannot move it to any place. If you are building a specific scene or a story in the studio mode, adding more characters in different positions, this lock-on feature will be helpful. After this feature is applied to a certain character, you will never get frustrated about the character being misplaced accidentally from its set place. Therefore, make sure to use this lock-on feature when you create stories in the studio mode. 

Adjust the Layout

Some of you may like to play the game in portrait mode, while some may love the landscape mode. So, how do you adjust the layout of this game? Unlike in other games, the layout or the orientation will never change according to the settings you have done to the device you use to play the game. But to change the layout here, the game has given you an impressive feature. 

With this feature, you can adjust the layout according to your convenience. Go to Settings in this game by tapping the gear icon at the top right corner of the main game screen. Then, you will see the layout feature in the options tab. There are two layouts: portrait and landscape. Choose any layout you like using this feature and play the game. 

Adjust the Layout

Color Palette and Slider

Even though you have seen the color slider in this Gacha Life 2 beta test gameplay, which you use to change the colors of various body parts and outfits of your chibi characters, have you noticed the color palette? We bet that you haven’t spotted it until now. 

Color Palette and Slider

When you customize the colors of your chibi character’s body parts or outfits, you always use the color slider. The color slider is great for players who want to customize the characters quickly without going deeper because it only consists of a limited number of colors. But once you swap for the color palette, you will see many color shades available for you to use in your customization. 

How to switch between a color palette and a slider? If you want to change the skin tone color, tap on any color shown there, and then a color slider will open. Check the top left corner of the color slider, where you can open the color palette. As you know how to swap between color palette and slider, try this on your Gacha Life 2 beta test

Lobby Music

Tap on the picture icon shown at the top right corner of the game’s main screen, and then you will see backgrounds available, which you can add to the lobby of your game. Other than the backgrounds, here you can change the lobby music of your gameplay, which is a cool feature. 

Lobby Music

There are six cool lobby music in this Gacha Life 2 Android game. They are all distinctive and different from one another. And every piece of music gives you cool and happy vibes. You can choose any music you want to be played as the background music when you play the game. Or you can put it to none so that no music will be played in the background of your gameplay after the Gacha Life 2 download


Since we have given you all the details about the most essential features you need to know, you can now play the game amazingly after the Gacha Life 2 download. Focus on some Gacha Life 2 Android game tips and tricks to smoothen up your gameplay a little bit more while gaining maximum advantage from the features above.

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