Arknights New Gamemode Guide - Integrated Strategies 3


With the fast approaching special Thank You Event and the arrival of the IL Siracusano event in Arknights with brand new limited time events and operators, a brand new game mode will be introduced to the game in the form of Integrated Strategies #3 - Mizuki and the Caerula Arbor, a special roguelite mode where players will have the chance to challenge various randomized stages and strengthen their operators with special buffs through relics obtained from the mode. Through this game mode, players will be able to obtain various rewards and learn to utilize their beloved operators in the most efficient way possible.


In this guide, we will go over the details of this special brand new game mode for Arknights and explain the game’s brand new mechanics and advise players on how they can best obtain all of the game mode’s rewards and how they can best go through this game mode. Finally we will also go over the brand new summon banner for Arknights featuring the 2 6* operators - the 6* Thorns.


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Mizuki and The Caerula Arbor - Gameplay Mechanics Guide

With the brand new game mode of Mizuki and The Caerula Arbor, brand new gameplay mechanics have also been introduced into the game in order to facilitate the roguelike gameplay and aid players in completing the challenging stages of this new game mode.


The main points of this gamemode is the expeditions players will go on in order to obtain various rewards and challenge many powerful foes in order to reach the end of the journey. Expeditions consist of different notes that players will need to clear through in order to reach the end of each floor of the abyss and fight the bosses.

During the expedition, players will be able to pick a specific path they will go through and clear the notes on the path in order to advance in the quest to reach the depth of the abyss.

There’s different types of notes that players will have to face, including battle notes (consisting of a stage that players will need to clear to advance), advance battle notes (consist of a battle with elite monsters and enemies with higher stats), event notes ( consist of different types of randomizes events that grants special items), shop notes ( where players purchase items) and boss notes ( a big boss fight where players will need to defeat the boss in order to advance in the expedition).

Initial Squads and Recruitment

To begin an expedition, players will have to pick special squads cards where players will be able to obtain special buffs that will be in effect for the entire duration of the expedition into the depth. These squads effects will aid players in advancing in the expedition and will serve as the foundation of the expeditions, therefore, players should pick the squad before starting their expedition carefully.

Once players have chosen their squad, players will be presented with up to 4 operator recruitment vouchers that they can then spend their Hope resources to recruit the operators into their squad. The higher the operator’s rarity, the more hope they will cost and the less chance players will have to recruit strong operators to add to their expedition squads. Players should choose carefully who they want to bring into the squad and prioritize a mix of different operators with different rarity and abilities that they are familiar with.

Keys and Dices

Unique to this brand new game mode are the keys and dice special items that players will need to use in order to obtain various effects during the expedition. The usage of these items are extremely crucial to advance in the expedition as they will determine whether or not players will obtain a buff or debuff to their operators while within the depth.


The usage of the dice is quite self-explanatory. When beginning the expedition, players will be granted a certain amount of dice to use during the expedition to trigger special events and bypass special mechanics. When obtaining rewards, players will have the chance to use their dice to improve their rewards. The higher the dice rolls, the higher the rewards’ rarity players will get. In addition, during each floor, players will be forced to roll a dice to determine whether or not they will obtain special buffs for the floor or will be inflicted with special debuffs on specific operators in the squad.

Keys can be used in the game mode to switch between the predetermined paths that the players have chosen during their expedition. If players want to switch paths, they will have to spend a certain amount of keys in order to unlock the gate and switch to the chosen path. Keys can also be used to withdraw special ingots from the bank and to open specific treasure chests that require them during the battles or during special events.

Mizuki and The Caerula Arbor - Rewards

By clearing a certain amounts of expeditions and obtain points in the gamemode, players will be able to increase the level of the reward ladder and level up, obtaining special exclusive rewards from the gamemode, including a special L2D skin for the 6* Operator Mizuki and a welfare operator - Highmore

Mizuki L2D Skin

Mizuki will be getting a special L2D skin with special effects and never before heard voice lines from the game mode. This skin is available permanently and will be available for grab once players have reached a certain level of the points ladder in the game mode.

Special Welfare Operator - Highmore

Highmore is a free 5* Guard Operator that players will have the chance to obtain while clearing and obtaining points in the brand new IS3 game mode. Highmore is a reaper guard meaning she has the ability to deal damage to all enemies in the column in front of her, dealing constant damage and recovering HP proportional to the damage dealt.

Highmore’s strong point lies in her ability to increase her recovery rate and dodge rate during her S2, allowing her to become a self-sustainable lane holder as long as there are enemies within her range and that she can defeat those enemies within the time period. This makes her a prime candidate for a budget line holder for newer players that struggle with harder contents in the game.

Standard Banner Rotation - Should You Roll

With the announcement of the brand new game mode, a standard banner rotation have also returned - featuring the 6* Guard Thorns.


Thorns is a 6* Guard Operator with the ability to completely hold an enemy lane by himself without any help of other operators. Thorns is infamous in the Arknights community to be the perfect operator for new players as he can, by himself, clear many different stages.

Thorns most powerful strength lies in his talent to self recover HP when he is not attacking enemies within his range. When there are enemies within his range, with his skill activation, he will be able to deal massive amounts of damage to 3 lanes of enemies in front of him dealing both physical and arts damage and is able to hit both ground and airborne enemies, for an unlimited duration. This skill allows him to completely destroy the enemy line and help to safeguard an entire line of defense by himself.

Should You Roll

No You Should not. While Thorns is absolutely powerful and is one of the best operators in the game, a special limited banner is approaching with the Thank You Celebration Event for Arknights coming up, therefore, you should save your resources for the limited banner.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Perfect Engine to Experience Arknights

Recently introduced, LDPlayer 9.0 not only allows players to easily download and play Arknights on PC, it is also designed and specialized so that players can have the best experience playing Arknights on the highest FPS and highest graphics

Furthermore, with LDPlayer’s keyboard-mapping function, players can clear Arknights stages more effectively using only keyboard buttons, allowing players to be able to do the most famous Arknights trick - the Pause deployment trick, making the stages faster and easier to play and clear than when playing on mobile.

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