Arknights 4th Anniversary Event - What To Expect


With the year of 2024 starting in full swing, players of Arknights will be starting strong with one of the most important events in Arknights’ history in the form of the game’s 4th anniversary event - So Long Adele. With this anniversary event, players will be able to partake in various important events and campaigns and obtain various fabulous and time-limited rewards for their efforts during this anniversary event. In addition, players will also have the chance to roll for and obtain 2 brand new 6* Operators - the 6* Specialist Swire The Elegant Wit and the limited 6* Medic Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska. 


In this guide, we will go over the details regarding the special Arknights 4th anniversary celebration campaign and advise players on how they can best obtain all of the special limited time rewards from the anniversary event. In addition, we will also go over whether or not player should roll for the special 4th anniversary rate up banner, featuring the 2 brand new 6* Operators - the 6* Specialist Swire The Elegant Wit and the limited 6* Medic Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska.


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Arknights Special Thank You Celebration Campaigns - How to Get All Of The Rewards

With the Thank You celebration upcoming in full swing, several special limited time campaigns and events have been announced to reward players with a large amount of rewards and character upgrading materials to prepare for the special 3 weeks side story - So Long Adela featuring a free 5* Operator - the 5* Guard Bryophyta.

Special Celebration Log-in Events

During the event’s duration, when players log into the game, they will have a chance to obtain various rewards and a large amounts of Orundums that can be used to pull on the special limited time available banner and a special 10 pulls ticket that can exclusively be spent on the limited banner to roll 10 pulls for free on the banner.

The first log-in event is the special limited time available 10 free pull summoning tickets for the limited time banner. This ticket can easily be obtained by the player simply logging into the game at least once during the event’s period while the special limited banner is still live.

The second log in special campaign is the special lottery event where players will be able to obtain various amounts of orundums for a total of 14 days straight. When logging into the game, players will be able to choose a bet, with low risk, medium and high risk options. The higher the risk, the higher the amount of Orundums players might get from the day’s login. However, if they chose wrong, they will receive the minimum amount of Orundums. The amount of Orundums ranges from 300 all the way to 600 everyday.

Finally, with the special limited time banner available to roll on, everyday players will be able to do 1 free summoning of the limited banner when they log into the game.

Special Celebration Side Story - So Long Adele Event

The Celebration Side Story of this time is the special mafia inspired Side Story- So Long Adele Side Story, featuring special event stages, an event shop with various amounts of character upgrading rewards and the special limited time available Free 6* Operator - the 5* Guard Bryophyta.

Take part in the event to partake in the various summer time activity and research involving the volcanoes in Siesta with Eyjaffiala and Swire during their summer vacation and battle various strange creatures that appear due to a special volcano eruption during their stay.


The Side Story will be divided into 3 phases with each week unlocking one of the event phases. The first week will unlock the first phase featuring the event story and normal stages. The 2nd week will unlock the challenge stages for extra currencies and the last week will unlock a special stage where players will have to challenge themselves and defeat up to 400 enemies at once.

Free 5* Operator - Bryophyta

With the special 4th anniversary event release, players will be able to obtain the free 5* Operator Bryophyta by completing the event’s missions and more.

Bryophyta is a 5* Instructor Guard Operator that specializes in dealing damage to enemies in front of him from a far distance and buffing allies that surround him with special buffs to enhance their offensive and defensive capabilities. Bryophyta’s talent allows him to grant a defense up buff to melee allies surrounding him when he is not blocking any enemies, so he will be able to increase the power of allies when they block the enemies for him.


Bryophyta’s skills further enhance his abilities by granting up to a 80% attack and defense up buff to the ally with the highest block count surrounding him, allowing him to massively support the power of allies, making him a very decent but niche support for melee operators.

Special Limited Time Rate UP Banner - Should You Roll

Together with the 4th Anniversary Celebration Campaign, a limited time banner will also be featured with 2 brand new operators being introduced - the 6* Specialist Swire The Elegant Wit and the limited 6* Medic Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska.

Swire The Elegant Wit

Swire the Elegant Wit is a 6* Specialist operator of the Merchant brand, granting her reduced redeployment time in exchange for consuming a certain amount of deployment points whenever she is deployed on the field for a certain period of time. However, Swire the Elegant Wit’s unique talents allow her to change this Deployment Point cost into an advantage by increasing her own damage proportional to the amount of DP she consumed.

Swire the Elegant Wit’s talent allows her to gain a special buff known as Coins whenever her trait causes her to consume Deployment Points, increasing her attack proportional to the amount of coins she have. In addition, if Swire the Elegant Wit is hit with lethal damage, she can instead instantly consume 5 DP in order to keep herself alive for longer and doubles the DP cost for the next trigger.


Swire the Elegant Wit’s skills allow her to use her special Coins that she has accumulated in order to deal devastating attacks to the enemy by launching the coins at them, dealing increased damage and the amounts of hits proportional to the amount of coins she uses. In addition, her attacks will deal 2 hits and she will gain 1 coin per enemy defeated during the skill’s duration.

Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska

Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska is a limited 6* operator of the Wandering Medic Class, a class that specializes in healing allies in a large radius and reduces their elemental damage in addition to cleansing allies of many annoying debuffs. Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska is the epitome of this class of operator due to her powerful skill kit.

Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska’s skill kit allows her to massively reduce the elemental damage taken by all allies within her attack range, making it so that allies are impervious to all elemental damage as long as they are within her healing range. Her 3rd skill is the final puzzle piece that makes her absolutely broken as it allows Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska to extend her healing range to the entire battlefield and heal allies up 5 times consecutively, making her one of the game’s best healer by a large margin.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Perfect Engine to Experience Arknights

LDPlayer 9.0 not only allows players to easily download and play Arknights on PC, it is also designed and specialized so that players can have the best experience playing Arknights on the highest FPS and highest graphics

Furthermore, with LDPlayer’s keyboard-mapping function, players can clear Arknights stages more effectively using only keyboard buttons, allowing players to be able to do the most famous Arknights trick - the Pause deployment trick, making the stages easier to deal with.

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