Arknights Near Light Rerun Event Rewards Guide


With the Luo Xiaohei Collaboration event coming to a close and the release of Chapter 11 of Arknights’ main story fast approaching in addition to a brand new limited event on the horizon, Arknights is rerunning one of its most valuable and hardest events to date for players to obtain various rewards to strengthen their roster in preparation. The Event in question is the Near Light Rerun Event, with the return of the 5* Welfare Vanguard Operator - Wild Mane.


In this guide, we will go over the details of the Near Light rerun event and advise players on how they can best obtain all of the event’s rewards with minimal efforts and recruit the event exclusive welfare operator - Wild Mane. In addition, we will also go over whether or not players should roll on the brand new Rotation Banner - featuring the 6* Caster Operator Ifrit and the 6* Specialist Operator Weedy.



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Near Light Rerun - How to Obtain All The Rewards

Near Light Rerun Main Story Stages

Like other events before it, the Near Light Rerun event is divided into 3 different types of stages, one of which is the main event story stages. These stages will serve as players’ primary source of farming and event currencies.


There’s a total of 10 stages in the main story stages section and clearing them will reward players with 10 Originites in total when players first clear stages.

In addition, farming these stages will grant players event currencies needed to be used to exchange for event exclusive materials in the shop. The amount of currencies obtainable is proportional to the amount of sanity spent for each stage and every stage will have a special material that might be dropped once clear, therefore players should pick a stage that has the materials you need and farm that stage throughout the event for maximum efficiency. 


It is highly recommended that players farm the last 3 stages of the main stage in order to obtain the most amount of Tier 3 materials for upgrading characters.

EX Challenge Stages

In addition to the main story stages, a total of 8 EX Challenge stages, offering challenging stages that players only need to clear once to claim their full rewards.

When first clearing the EX challenge stages, players will be able to activate the Challenge Mode, enhancing the difficulty of the stages and reward players with an additional Originites for each clear for a total of 8 extra Originites.


These stages are extremely dangerous and difficult to clear, therefore players should pay attention and strengthen their squad before attempting to clear these stages.

Event Shop

The event shop this time provides players with a large amount of character upgrading materials, event specific furniture items, 3 special Headhunting tickets and the tokens for the FREE Welfare Operator Wild Mane.

Players should prioritize getting all of the 5 tokens of the free operator Wild Mane in addition to the special event limited furniture items as they are exclusive to the event and won’t be available once the event has ended. In addition, special module upgrading materials are extremely valuable in this event so players should prioritize getting those as soon as possible for future investment. Otherwise, Tier 4 and Tier 3 character upgrading materials and EXP are the best items players should get once they have finished getting all of the prioritized rewards.

Near Light Rerun- Main Missions

Special Missions will also be available for all players to clear in order to gain special event currencies. In addition, these missions will also reward players with special furniture and a free Welfare - Wild Mane.

In order to clear the missions, players will need to finish all of the event battle stages in addition to the challenge stages. All of the missions will only counts the first clear of each stage so for any players who have finished the event before, they will 

need to clear the stages once again in order to claim the mission reward.

Near Light Rerun - Daily Missions & Prestige

In addition to the main missions which can only be cleared once during the event’s period, Near Light Rerun event introduces players the concept of special limited time available daily missions where players can spend special missions points obtained when logging in daily to obtain various missions that rewards a variety of Tier 3 character upgrading materials.

In addition, when clearing the main missions and daily missions, players will be able to upgrade a certain faction’s prestige level, letting players access to special battle stages and story beats, allowing them to obtain even more rewards and Originites from these special battles once cleared. However, it is important to keep in mind that these battles are extremely difficult, even more difficult than the EX stages, therefore, players should absolutely be prepared before taking on these challenges.

Limited Free Welfare Operator - Wild Mane

Wild Mane is a 5* Welfare Vanguard Operator of the Kazimierz faction that specializes in generating DP for early game deployment and crowd controlling, pushing the enemies away from the exit in order to stall them as long as possible for you to place your operators once she have generated enough DP.

Wild Mane is a Vanguard of the Charger archetype, meaning she will have low DP cost even for a 5* Vanguard and she will refund all of the DP cost to deploy the first time she is retreated, making her a very good operator to start the fight within maps that have large amounts of enemies swarming the field at the same time.


Wild Mane’s low cost in addition to her abilities make her an extremely valuable operator to have, especially for players who have just started the game and don’t have a good stage opener in the form of a good DP generator.

Rotation Banner - Should You Roll

With the rerun of the Near Light Event banner, a rotation featuring 2 6* Operators - the 6* Caster Ifrit and the 6* Specialist Weedy.


Ifrit is one of the initial release day operators of Arknights but remains one of the most unique Caster 6* Operators to this day due to her special abilities and attack range.

Ifrit specializes in grilling enemies in a straight line, dealing massive amounts of arts damage to all enemies in the 5 titles in front of her while debuffing them and reducing their arts resistance. She is a very niche operator but is one of the best casters for a player to have if the player knows how to position her properly.


Weedy is a 6* Specialist operator that specializes in pushing large amounts of enemies long distances and is one of the game’s few non-premium true damage dealers.

Weedy’s main strong point lies in her ability to summon a water pump to aids her in battle and her 3rd skill which greatly pushes all enemies in front of her a long distance, further strengthen if her water pump is pointed in the same direction, dealing massive amounts of true damage to those enemies based on the distance they moved.

Should You Pull

Probably Not. Unless you really like these 2 operators or are lacking a true damage DPS, rolling for these 2 operators is not recommended as stronger and more versatile operators are on the horizon and will arrive with the release of main story chapter 11 and the limited event coming up.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Perfect Engine to Experience Arknights

Recently introduced, LDPlayer 9.0 not only allows players to easily download and play Arknights on PC, it is also designed and specialized so that players can have the best experience playing Arknights on the highest FPS and highest graphics

Furthermore, with LDPlayer’s keyboard-mapping function, players can clear Arknights stages more effectively using only keyboard buttons, allowing players to be able to do the most famous Arknights trick - the Pause deployment trick, making the stages faster and easier to play and clear than when playing on mobile.

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