League of Legends: Wild Rift

Riot Games, Inc
Last Updated: 2024-04-06 Current Version:
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News and Guides for League of Legends: Wild Rift

10 Bad Habits That Ruin Your Gameplay In League Of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift is a strategically intensive game that has taken the gaming world by storm. As a new or experienced player, here are some bad habits that you might have accompanied in your gameplay that you should be fixing as soon as possible.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Seraphine Build Guide, Skills Counters, and More!

Seraphine is one of the Versatile Champions who has recently gained popularity as a result of her incredible enchanting voice and unbelievable abilities which we will discuss later in the article.

LOL Tier List for Climbing Solo Queue -March 2024

The LoL tier list is made out of a total of 5 ranks that define their strength in the game, and depending on the lanes, their performance will also be changed.

League of Legends Wild Rift Rammus Build Guide, Counters, Combos, and Much More!

Rammus the Armordillo is one of the tankiest champions in the game. Known for his fantastic CC, shields, and the ability to disrupt a team fight, the fast-moving turtle, knows no bounds when it comes to being an effective ganking jungler who is still tough enough to stand in the frontlines and soak up all of the damage.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Nasus Build Guide, Counters, Combos, and Much More!

Nasus is really a fun champion to play within LOL: Wild Rift. He might seem like an easy champion to master, but his combos say otherwise. Find out more in the guide below!

How to Win and Communicate As A Team in Wild Rift

Communication is an integral part of Wild Rift. As such, here are some tips and tricks that should help improve your communication skills in the game increasing your win rate significantly.

League of Legends Wild Rift Blitzcrank Build Guide, Blitzcrank Skill Combo and More!

Wild Rift has tons of different champions for you to pick from. One such iconic champion is Blitzcrank! Known for his hooks and skill-shot-reliant abilities, here's everything you need to know about the champion, including his entire skill build, rune build alongside tips and tricks.

League of Legends Wild Rift Irelia Build Guide , Skill, Combo, and More!

Irelia is an excellent assassin that is known for his extremely high DPS output. With the champion being newly released, here's everything you need to know about the skills, abilities and combo usage of the champion.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Rengar Jungle Build Guide, Skills, Counters, Combos, And More!

Rengar is an extremely powerful assassin who has been recently introduced in Wild Rift. The champion is known for his high damage output and his playmaking abilities. We're going to be providing you with everything you need to know about the champion including a complete build guide, skill combo, and more!

League of Legends Wild Rift Ezreal Build Guide, Combos and More!

Ezreal is one of the most powerful ADCs in LOL: Wild Rift because of its attack speed, movement speed, burst DPS, and ability to build both AP and AD items depending on the situation. To provide you an in-depth look into Ezreal, we have compiled a comprehensive guide for you. Ezreal Wild Rift Skills, Ability, Combos, Synergies, Weak & Strong Against, and much more have been explained in the article.