Best versatile Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift?


League of Legends Wild Rift is not your ordinary game. It requires a lot of attention, patience, teamwork, knowledge, and strategy. If we talk about strategy specifically, it's quite a wide range, an unpredictable thing in League of Legends Wild Rift.


Best versatile Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift


This is one of those things that you can't possibly understand until it's been executed: a team fight, solo vs. solo, or solo vs. duo. Many scenarios have happened before, and surprisingly due to the unique strategies, a solo player could get one or more kills in a solo fight.


Strategy alone plays an important role in League of Legends Wild Rift, but there are other things that help you execute strategies according to your liking. Today, we have brought you one of the many factors which can increase your win ratio and champion mastery. So, without further ado, let's dive right into it.


One of the many Factors to Increase Win Ratio:


One of the many factors which increases your win ratio and champion mastery is the right Champion Pick. It doesn't mean that you have to get better at every champion, but you must know a few of them to make your play as you might already be aware that in League of Legends Wild Rift, you have to pick two roles: One being your main role and the other being secondary role.


The reason to pick two roles is that sometimes you don't usually get your main role. With that being said, let's focus on the champions, so for those two roles, you must know at least six champions to make it work. Those champions will be divided into two parts your main champions and your secondary role champions.


While picking champions, you must focus on a few things: Champion Type, Ability Style, Champion Difficulty level, and what it brings to the table. For example, a few champions have the power to transform into AD Type Champions or AP Type Champions, depending on the items you purchase.


Suppose you are up against an AP lineup, and you need Attack Damage on your champion to counterattack your opponent. That will be only possible if you have a versatile champion.


Best versatile Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift


Versatile Champions Type and Details:


There are two definitions of Versatile Champions:


⦁    A champion who has the ability to become an AD Type Champion or AP Type Champion is also known as a Versatile Champion.


⦁   A champion who has been dominating other champions for a long time without getting rework or any buff in recent patches is also known as a Versatile Champion.


Let's say Kennen; Kennen is a League of Legends Top Lane champion, which isn't available in League of Legends Wild Rift for now. Kennen has been so overpowered for a long time where the other champion had their abilities changed, and still, after that, Kennen was so broken. At that time, Kennen was considered to be a broken or a versatile champion.


As we all know, Riot hasn't launched every League of Legends champion in LOL Wild Rift, but we will be able to see all those champions sooner than later. So just because of that, we don't have a wide range of versatile champions in LOL Wild Rift.


Some of the most versatile champions in League of Legends Wild Rift are as follows:


Dr. Mundo:


Dr. Mundo is a Top/Baron Laner champion who has the ability to build AD and AP items and dominate his opponent with ease. A champion who is quite famous for team fights and can take on 2-3 champions simultaneously. Dr. Mundo is super tanky and is hard to kill once he reaches level 6.


Best versatile Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift




Evelynn is also one of the Versatile champions, who can counterattack both AP Type and AD Type champions with ease (if played properly). Evelynn is usually a Jungle hero, quite famous for its ganking because of her Tanky AD/AP Damage. Her abilities are far beyond imagination as she can become invisible and has the mobility required to chase any champion. However, Evelynn is strong in the early game, and that's what a good player needs.




Ezreal is one of the most famous versatile champions as he can build AD Type and AP Type champions, and he can be played in two lanes; Mid Lane and ADC Lane. In Mid Lane, you can build AP Damage items on him, and in ADC Lane, you can build AD Damage Items. Ezreal is high mobility and a poke champion.




Jax is mainly your Jungler, but you can also use him in Top Lane. You can build AP and AD items depending on the situation. However, you must avoid fights in the early stages of the game as he is quite weak in the early games, but after level 6, he starts to gain his ultimate powers and become a strong late game champion. Jax is good for split lane pushing and 1v1 fights, but it doesn't mean he is bad for team fights.




Nasus is a Top Lane Champion with an ability to build AD Items or AP Items. Nasus is also a Tank, but if you compare it with Dr. Mundo, he is not that powerful, but other than that, he is quite famous for split pushing, Q/1 Ability, high health, and immobility. In League of Legends, many players played him in Jungle too, but it is not recommended because the champion is not good for jungling, especially in the early game as you will fall behind.




Best versatile Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift


Shyvana is not your typical champion in League of Legends, and that is because of her abilities, which help her do amazing combos and farm in the jungle easily. Shyvana is also one of your versatile champions who can build both AP and AD type damage depending on the situation. If you categorize Shyvana, then she would come as a Tanky champion with AoE Damage.


Versatile Champion who are so Overpowered in Patch 1.1:


The following are some of the League of Legends Wild Rift Champions according to the second definition of Versatile Champions:




Darius is one of the Versatile Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift. If you look at patch 1.1, this champion, along with some others, got serious buff. If played wisely and adequately, Darius can achieve Penta Kills solo.


Dr. Mundo:


Dr. Mundo has been all over the articles and has been announced as the most buffed/broken champion in LOL: Wild Rift for now. Dr. Mundo is also your top lane champion, just like Darius.




Draven is your ADC champion with an ability to overpower most of the champions in his lane. For example, Draven can overpower Ashe, Jhin, etc.


Best versatile Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift




This article mentioned everything you need to know about versatile champions in League of Legends Wild Rift. Now you can select champions of your liking and practice with them.


Keep in mind other Versatile Champions depend on patches and usually when they get rework in their skills. The first definition of Versatile Champions will help you choose the best Champions in League of Legends Wild Rift to overpower your lane and game. Make sure to follow the guide to the letter and achieve a lot of success in the early stages of the game.

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