Roger That-Merge Adventure Beginner's Guide for Making You Better for the Adventure


Roger That-Merge Adventure is a unique game with plenty of great activities to do, and whoever comes here will never get bored as everything takes a new shape in this gameplay. It is a simple game that gives you the chance to live on a pirate island rich in gifts and treasures in every corner and every inch of the island, and there are many adventures you have to face successfully. Still, you need the best Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner guidelines for a better adventure with the best Roger That-Merge Adventure tips



Roger That-Merge Adventure Beginner's Guide


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Since this is a two-in-one guide, you can learn the best Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner facts and the best Roger That-Merge Adventure tips through this. After that, you can go to the gameplay directly and enjoy playing Roger That-Merge Adventure on PC using the best android emulator LDPlayer 9, which gives you a chance to play any android game on PC. From now on, you can see the beginner's guidelines from this guide, and the tips can be learned later in this guide. 


Get Help from Journal

Since this is a simple game, there are not many things left for you to learn, but if you lack the basic details of the game and what to do when first enter the game, it will not do good for you, and that is why you will learn the basics through this Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner guide. 


The first one to concern is the Journal, and the Journal is a good companion for you in this game because the Journal is rich in information that you need to complete tasks. In the first phase of the game, you receive simple tasks, but you cannot hope for the same when you level up because the higher the level, the more complicated and complex the task. 


Get Help from Journal


Therefore, you can go to the Journal for some help. Let us tell you how the Journal becomes a more important companion for all the Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner players here. 


If you get a task to repair a bridge, the game says you must collect various items to prepare the bridge. If you need help finding the required things to repair the bridge, you can go to the Journal, and in the Journal, you can see different categories such as Wood Favor, Forest Helpers, Vitamin Power etc. In each category, you can see the items belonging to them, such as in the Wood Favor category, where you can find the wood planks and so on. 


So, like this, you can get help from the Journal, and this will be a good helper for all the Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner players like you because of your lack of experience in this content. 


Merge Items

The next Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner aspect is merging items, and as the game's name says, you can merge things and upgrade them to a more quality one. Yes, this is the foremost thing every player must do: merge things. Since it is significant here, it is better to learn about it for all the Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner players. 


On the island where you live, according to the game, there is a place divided into little squares where you can see all the gathered items in the game, which is known as Tavern, and each item occupies one square of this area. 


So, going to this area, you can start merging items and merging items is fun and helps you earn more new items for your gameplay. For example, through explorations, you only can earn raw materials. Still, when you merge the raw materials, you can produce more advanced items needed for you in certain instances. 


Merge Items


Let us look at an example and clarify your doubts about merging. If you need a wood hammer to complete some specific task in this game as a Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner, there is no way you can collect a wood hammer anywhere. But you can collect wood logs from cutting down trees and merge the wood logs to form a bundle of wood logs. Then, you can combine the pile of wood logs to construct a wood hammer. This is how you produce a wood hammer by collecting the raw materials. 


Like this, you can merge raw materials to form secondary productions or obtain a higher product than the first material. 


Roger That-Merge Adventure Tips

With this Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner guide, not only are the essentials to learn when someone first enters the gameplay, but you will learn the best Roger That-Merge Adventure tips that anyone can use in the game. Not because the essentials aren't enough, but because you can make the gameplay wonderful with the suggestions. 


From now on, this Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner guide will provide you with the best Roger That-Merge Adventure tips to use once you start playing it. 


Accomplish Tasks

There are many tasks for you here, and when you start playing the game, you will be given one task after the other as you complete the previous task assigned to you. There will be only one task for you at a time, but when you complete it, the game never stops there and gives you another one to complete. Like this, you have unlimited tasks to complete here, and the given task will be displayed at the top left corner of the screen. 


Accomplish Tasks


You already know this is a game based on explorations, and when you explore this lonely island, you have to do many things to survive and unlock more areas here. Therefore, for the sake of that, you have to complete different tasks related to your survival skills and completing these tasks will be one of the best Roger That-Merge Adventure tips that everyone can use in their gameplay. 


Completing tasks will help you to level up quickly because there are a certain amount of stars to gather to conquer one level and go to the next. And the stars will be given for all the tasks you complete here. Therefore the more tasks you complete, the more stars you will receive, making it easier for you to level up faster in the game. So, this is one of the best Roger That-Merge Adventure tips that any beginner player can trust and use, as it only benefits you. 


Some tasks are complicated, and some are easy, and when you first enter the game, you are a Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner. The tasks you receive at the beginner phase are much easier than those you receive after you go through certain game levels. Even if the task is more challenging or manageable, that is not your concern because you only need to focus on how to clear the given task to earn a better level in the gameplay. 


Claim Gift Boxes and Treasure Chests

According to this game, you have to explore every part of the island, and when you do so, there are different things you can earn, such as gift boxes and treasure chests. As both of them are freely given to you, what is the need to ignore them? You need to claim the gift boxes and treasure chests because it will let you earn more prizes.


Claim Gift Boxes and Treasure Chests


You should not assume that the gift boxes and treasure chests are not worthy of opening because you will never know what is inside them until you claim them. Therefore, when you explore areas, you will see gift boxes and treasure chests lying on the ground. Then, you need to approach them and claim the prizes they offer, as it is one of the best Roger That-Merge Adventure tips that will be very useful to achieve better adventure in the game. 



Roger That-Merge Adventure beginner things and the Roger That-Merge Adventure tips are included here. Using these guidelines, you can achieve better adventurous gameplay with more fun and excitement. Since this is more like a puzzle game, you have to complete the tasks and explore new contents on the island where pirates once lived. Even if doing things on your own can make things worse, with the help provided through this guide with the best beginner aspects and the Roger That-Merge Adventure tips, things will be pretty clear and easy for you.

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