Queen's Libido Diary Beginner Guide and Tips for Your Fantasy


Queen's Libido Diary is here now, and what you most want is now to do your best for the gameplay. Doing the best at any game you want comes with practice and a proper guide, and that will be here as we are bringing you a beginner guide with tips that are generally going to help you make yourself a long run in the game. This is where you will begin an adventure with the team, so this guide will surely make you most prepared.

Queen's Libido Diary Beginner Guide and Tips

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Before having some guides and tips related to the gameplay, it is better to know about our game. Queen's Libido Diary is basically a porn game, and here you see both Livera and Arkas live in harmony. They had no conflicts and were generally at peace until the Garan Empire launched a big assault on the Livera by forcing the Arkas. Now things have been set in the middle of chaos as well as conflicts, and now there are many things to pursue here.

So, get ready to play Queen's Libido Diary on PC with LDPlayer 9, and it is now the best time for you to get prepared for the game because you are new to the gameplay. No more talking here, and let's start the guide.

Note: Please note that this is an adult mobile game. So it is better to refrain from the content if you are a minor. 

Hero Summoning

As with every other gacha game, Queen's Libido Diary is also going to make you better through the best characters chosen, and there is a specific summoning system that you have to deal with. You have to go through the summon and pick up the best character from Queen's Libido Diary tier list, as this can define if you are going to have the easiest winning or the hardest defeat.

Hero Summoning

You have to learn several things here with the Queen's Libido Diary summoning, and you will earn your games through the progress you make. These girls are featured with five rarities: UR, SSR, SR and R: UR. Based on the girls' rarities, it will always be very advantageous for your gameplay. So the recommended rarity for the heroes here will be UR. If you are a F2P player, you can get the best advantage by using Monika as your hero here.

Each and every summon you to make in this game will always progress you from the reward progress. And this will last only some of the time because it will be reset at 150. And you are also allowed to earn one point with one summon. This is not applicable to the Friends summon. Summoning comes in different types in this game as well.

What is a Basic Pool? 

This is the normal summon; you will require 10x summon items to do this. Although you can use 1000 diamonds for this as well, we don't recommend any player to use them for their summons as they are going to be very useful at your events.

The dropping rates for the basic pool will be 4% for the 5-star heroes, 42% for the four stars, 25% for the three stars as well as 29% drop rates for the heroes between 1 to 2 stars.

What is a Friends Pool?

You will have to use the 100x Friends Coin here, and the dropping rates are going to be different than the basic pool. A 25% for the 1 to 2 stars, 34% for the three stars, 40% for the four stars and 1% for the 5-star heroes will be given as the drop rates here.

Now you can quicken up the summoning process in Queen's Libido Diary with the use of the best android emulator: LDPlayer 9. This is literally going to create clones for your game with the Multi-Instance Sync called feature, and then we will be able to do the summon at one time with different instances. This way, you will be able to earn a hero as quickly as you can.

Don't Forget to Merge Your Heroes

Merging is such a great way for a Queen's Libido Diary player to power up themselves, and this process is also known as the ascension. You can literally increase the level cap and base stats, go for more bonuses and have more H scenes unlocked by just doing a merge. Remember that this is an adult android game. So there will be a lot of adultery scenes to unlock through merging.

Don't Forget to Merge Your Heroes

But merging cannot be done the way you want because several conditions apply to it. To do a merge, you need to make sure that the heroes are coming from SSR and UR rarities because you can only do it to these heroes. You will need Fodder as well as a duplicate for the hero to do a merge, and please make sure to avoid using a hero from UR rarity as your Fodder.

What Is a Faction Pool? 

Finally, the faction pool requires players to use 10x faction items for a summon, and this will not be the same. This means that the faction pool is going to be changed every day at 05.00. this pool gives a dropping rate of 34% for 1 to 2 stars, 32.8% to 3 stars, 28.7% for four stars and 4.5% for 5-star heroes.

The General Shop Guide 

Let's now get to learn about the shop in Queen's Libido Diary. This comes with some packages as well as some gems you can buy to make your gameplay the best progress. Although the shop comes with different items to buy, there are other places to buy things because it allows you to collect your Daily Rewards, which are collected from the Monthly Card. This is a place that is filled up with many excellent things that can help you to make the gameplay much better.

The General Shop Guide 

As a player, you can also scroll through all the packages that have been displayed here, and it will give you more deals as well as the packages currently available at the game. You can decide to buy them and continue making more progress through your gameplay.

Queen's Libido Diary Events

It is recommended that every player take part in the events. Many of them appear in the game from time to time, so if you are a new player to Queen's Libido Diary, know that this will be one of the best methods for you to earn some free rewards.

Queen's Libido Diary Events

There will be separate tasks and goals that you have to fulfill through these events, and successfully completing them can make you go for tokens, spins, gems, and many more to be earned for free. Now that you know these are the best items for the best gameplay achieved, remember to take part in the events and always be sure to go with it whenever available.

Queen's Libido Diary Friends

Let's learn about friends as the next point from this Queen's Libido Diary beginner guide. A section displays its name as Friends in Queen's Libido Diary, and clicking them will allow you to see what friends you currently have earned. It even allows you to send and collect friends; the maximum number of friends you can have here is 30.

Queen's Libido Diary Friends

As we already discussed in the summoning section, this is the area you can do a friend summon, and if you do it once, it gives you one coin. If you see that the current list of friends is not that useful or you no longer need to interact with them, you can even block or delete them.

What is Mystic Realm?

Mystic Realm in Queen's Libido Diary is a type of battle available in this game, and you can see different sections to go there to. It is allowed to engage with these battles and challenge them for as much as you want, and there will be no limitations for it. You will encounter many enemies to beat here, and defeating them will allow you to earn rewards. Doing so can make your way clear up to the next stage.

When you have cleared a stage, it will be counted from the game, and you have ten chances to clear one stage for a day. This does not apply to Abyss, and if you exit from the game or are defeated by an enemy, that is not going to be counted.


So this is all for bringing you the beginner guide and tips for the Queen's Libido Diary game. Make sure you do your best while enjoying the adultery scenes since this is an NSFW game. Despite being an 18+ game, there are more things to enjoy here, and referring to this guide will give you more potential over your gameplay.

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