GoldenKnights: Metaverse Beginner Guide for Newbie


A wholehearted hello to all of you who have reached our article. Today we bring you a new GoldenKnights: Metaverse beginner guide for all the gamers out there. But as our title suggests, we are highly focused on amateur gamers who have just stepped into the gaming world or have just known about GoldenKnights: Metaverse. Before getting into the beginner guide, let's learn about the game.






This game has been an RPG gacha game in the gaming world since 2016. The publishers of the game SOLZAM decided to re-launch the game in the name of GoldenKnights: Metaverse recently. This P2E action-oriented game is available on android platforms. This game will be a great way to gain some RPG-based action gaming and earn a generous amount of money. 


GoldenKnight: Metaverse will directly take into the battlefield without any heads-up. Although the gameplay is manageable, some players, specifical beginners, will find it a bit complex to play. So this article lists all the essential guides you would expect to find in the Golden Knight: Metaverse gameplay. So without further delay, let us move into this beginner guide.


Manual vs. Auto

The first GoldenKnights: Metaverse guide we have is the game's combat style. Combat style, take any game is extremely important. The Combat style can take the game to extreme levels. The gameplay is wholly based on auto-combat. The players can level up quickly when in the auto feature. But the combat style in GoldenKnights: Metaverse is highly fascinating. 


This factor naturally made the player take up manual combat. Sometimes auto-combat fails to appropriately cover the extraordinary skills you have. During these situations, manual gameplay can come to your aid.


Apart from choosing the combat style, it would be a great idea to mix up both auto and Manual combat styles. More challenging game levels or combat requires specific skills. When it comes to precise kills, manual combat would be the best option. As for less challenging combat or game levels, you can opt for auto-combat.



How to Gain the Best Result from Manual Combats?

Since auto-combat is not going to work all the time, players might move into manual combat as well, and when they are in manual combat, they have to deal with a lot to ease up their battles. Sometimes even if you have the right skills, it may be hard to control your game actions since many combats are named to come up with repeating actions all the time.


This issue can be relieved with the best android emulator: LDPlayer used on your game, and the Keyboard Macros are going to help you here. It sets a single key for all the repeating moments, and you will be able to do the maximum performance at your combats. 


And if you want to have the best performance taken from the combats, you can set the Keyboard Mapping feature where it makes a personalized key setting for all the movements. So you will be able to move naturally through your combat without any lag or hesitation. 



GoldenKnights: Metaverse has an enormous collection of characters. These characters play a vital role, and the trademark point of the game. When choosing which character to play, beginners will happen to be in a complex phase. The player is allowed to take three heroes into the battlefield. 



The best option is to have a synergy of Heroes belonging to different categories. The many Heroes in the game belong to different categories. They have a distinctive set of abilities and skills solely based on their categories. Here is a brief insight into them:


  • Support: This category is the team's support system and is highly likely to aid, buff, debuff, and heal the team.


  • Attack: This class is mainly found on the front line when deployed on the battlefield. They are capable of elevated damage and damaging the enemies with crippling debuffs.


  • Defense: This category owns high tons of HP and resistance. Along with this, they are capable of absorbing a hell of a lot of damage and also have the ability to damage enormous enemy crowds. 


Elemental Matchups

In GoldenKnights: Metaverse, the elemental matchups are equally important as the classes of the heroes. The elemental matchups of the heroes play a vital role on the battlefield. If you want to take down an enemy quickly, we suggest 


You learn about their elemental matchups. Some elements can be more assertive against some elements. These are capable of dealing an extra 30% damage. Some can be weak against some elements. And these elements are capable of dealing 20% less damage. Here is the list of elements available in this game.


  • Poison strong against Water
  • Nature strong against Poison
  • Steel strong against Fire
  • Fire strong against Nature
  • Water strong against Steel
  • Light and Dark are neutral in every situation.



Unlock New Heroes

The main pride in any gacha game is the numerous heroes available for the players to choose from. There are many ways to claim heroes. You can get them by completing quests, buying them through resources, or summoning them. These are the ideal ways. Here the player can buy heroes by spending 70 rubies, the game's premium currency, utilize many scrolls to summon heroes, or spend 700 rubies which will get you an 11× summoning. 


Scrolls are many to summon characters. And every scroll summoning has its 10× variant. You can obtain these scrolls through quest completion and daily and weekly tasks. Here is a list of scrolls that you can use to summon Heroes:


  • Fire Summon Scroll: 3-5 star Fire Hero
  • Water Summon Scroll: 3-5 star Water Hero
  • Regular Summon Scroll: 1-3 star character
  • Rare Summon Scroll: 3-5 star character
  • Legend Summon Scroll: 4-5 star character 
  • Event Hero Summon Scroll: 5-star character
  • Poison Summon Scroll: 3-5 star Poison Character 



GoldenKnights: Metaverse : Currencies

GoldenKnights: Metaverse is a play-to-earn type of game. The player can get fantasy money and the natural world in games like this. Nowadays, Cryptocurrencies are the real deal. 


The two primary currencies available in this game are GOLA and Godium currencies. Sodium currencies are the fantasy currencies you earn by finishing particular game levels. GOLA currency, on the other hand, is cryptocurrency. To get GOLA, you need to trade Godium. You can turn these GOLA currencies into real cash.


You can switch Godium for GOLA through the Godium Swap menu. To get to the Godium Swap menu, all you have to do is to tap on the SWAP button. You can find the SWAP button on the main screen. Apart from switching Godium to GOLA, you can also check the Godium exchange rate.



GoldenKnights: Metaverse: User Account Progress

In this game, the player can unlock certain new features from the beginning. Most gacha games differ enormously on this point. Extra game modes can be unlocked when you level up in the story—leveling up means you need to rank up your account and gain experience. Constant progress in your user account is vital. 


This will be the only way for you to move from one stage to another, earn currencies, and unlock other features in the game. The moment you obtain your Godium, you can cash out your wallet. This can be done by connecting your MetaCode wallet to the game and withdrawing through your ETH network. But this system is 100% reliable as all transactions are secured and reflected in the blockchain.



Double Pity System

Another outstanding feature in GoldenKnights: Metaverse will be its double Pity System. Double Pity System refers to two varied meters that will fill up at the Summoning of new characters. When you carry out enough summonings and the bar is filled, you will get a free new summons. There are two types of Summoning:


  • Special Summoning: able to get a 4-5 star character. 


  • Confirmation Summoning: able to get a 5-star character. This will require 50-100 summonings for the bar to fill up.



We are at the end of today's article. Although the gameplay is pretty simple, you would need to know specific beginner tips that will level up your account quickly. We hope our GoldenKnights: Metaverse beginner guide helped you to understand how the game works. Follow all the tips listed above to stand out in the game.

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