Blade XLORD: How to Progress faster?


Blade XLord is a Role-Playing Game developed by Applibot. The developer recently launched the game in the US and Canada on Android and iOS platforms.


Blade XLord is a story-based game that features key developers from Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger & Star Ocean. You have to rebuild the homeland of Ryde and Meryl and defeat the monsters who exiled them before from their homeland.


Blade XLORD: How to Progress faster?


Blade XLord has 32 characters and 64 weapons as of now, which allows players to assemble a massive army and take on their 18 ferocious bosses and other enemies.


Boosting Stats:


Blade XLord is a fast-paced game like every other MMORPG game. To keep up with the events and mods, you need to progress at a faster pace because the mods in this game get difficult fast.


Now keep in mind all of the upgradings will increase different stats and make you more powerful. The more powerful you are, the faster you will be able to complete quests and defeat the mods like Sand Worm.


The following are some of the stuff, which will help you with your progress:


Upgrade Units:


The first thing you need to focus on is upgrading your units. Now, this is the basic in faster progression. There are three ways to upgrade your units:


⦁    Upgrade Units by Completing Quests


⦁    Upgrade Units by Training Manual Books


⦁    Upgrade Units by Bonus Points



Upgrade Units by Completing Quests:


Upgrading your units by completing quests is good for slow-paced players. It takes a lot of time to upgrade a unit at a level where it can be helpful.


Upgrade Units by Training Manual Books:


Via system upgrade, you can donate a bunch of books to your units, and your units will level up and become a bit more powerful. You can donate three types of books:


Training Manual (El)


Training Manual (In)


Training Manual (Ex)


Blade XLORD: How to Progress faster?


All these books help your unit get the knowledge he needs to become more and more powerful. As your unit becomes powerful, ultimately, you will be one step closer to become powerful.


Upgrade Units by Bonus Points:


The scroll of Secrets doesn't make big changes in your unit's stats, but it helps a lot when you need a specific amount of knowledge to save Training Manual Books.


How to get the Scroll of Secrets?


You can get the scrolls from events. Go to the Events and then Day of the Week Quests. In there, you will see the quests you completed. Now you only get scrolls randomly; you can't choose your rewards in daily quests.


Upgrade Weapons:


Next up is upgrade weapons. Weapon increases your chances of winning as well as increase your character's stats.


Open upgrade weapons and select the weapon you want to upgrade if you have the upgrade material use it to upgrade your weapon.


If you don't have the materials, then you have to do quests. You won't get the materials from quests, but you will get the summon coupon, which you can use to summon weapons.


Now for some weapons, you need duplicate weapons as a material, and for some, you need Goldsteel. To obtain Goldsteel, you will need to go to the shop and exchange 10 Gold Pellet for one Goldsteel.


Blade XLORD: How to Progress faster?


Upgrade Accessories:


Now the massive boost comes from upgrading your accessories not from character level but from upgrading your accessories level.


For players who don't know how to get accessories, you can't get accessories from anywhere; you have to craft them by yourself.


Now in an SSR accessory, you get an Auto Skill, Sub Auto Skills, and Sigil Auto Skill. Your main auto skill either Increases your Attack, Magic Attack, Defense, etc.


Whereas Sub auto skills increase two to three stats randomly, it can be Attack, Magic Attack, Defense, Magic Defense, etc.


Sigil auto skill also increases 20% of the above Attack, Defense, etc. randomly, but you can only obtain it when you pair two of the steel type Sigils.


How to create Accessories?


Creating and upgrading accessories are the best way to increase your stats. To create accessories, go to Upgrade then Create Accessories.


Open Create Accessories, select any accessory you want to create. The system will automatically pick your character from Expert to Normal. Now, this is a bit hard to understand; your characters are good at creating accessories with specific Sigils.


For example, if you see an Expert title on your character, it means that character is an expert at creating accessories of the Sigils. You can see those Sigils under the Main Auto Skill on your screen.


There are a lot of Sigils, but you only get the bonus once you pair two same Sigils. To create accessories, you will need materials like "Flint Fang." You can only create accessories according to the amount of the material required.


Blade XLORD: How to Progress faster?


To create one "Power Bracelet" accessory, you will need One Flint Fang. Once you are ready to press the create button to create the accessory. Keep in mind that you will get random accessories and rarity levels. So, try to create ten at a time; it will increase your chances of getting an SSR rarity accessory.


To upgrade accessory, you will need a duplicate of that accessory, but the good part is that you can use any rarity from R to SSR to level up your accessory.


When you upgrade accessories, it boosts up your Auto Skills and Sub Auto Skill; it doesn't increase your Sigil boost. Also, the upgrading of accessory randomly upgrades any of the Sub Auto Skill; it can be a boost for all three or just for one.


Important Point:


In "Blade XLord," progression isn't in upgrading your account levels. It's in the stats of your characters, units, weapons, and accessories.




Upgrade Weapons and Units gives basic stats, but your main stats come from upgrading your accessories. You might be wondering that in most games, faster progression comes either from the Character Level or from the Weapon level. That is true, but in this game, your character level gives to much boost.


So, if you are not gaining a massive stat boost, then you are not making faster progression. The guide covers all the basic and important points of faster progression in Blade XLord.

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