Ultimate Beginner's Guide on Divine Descent with Best Tips to Secure the Fate of Humanity


Divine Descent mobile game is here with a world that gives your hands the fate of humanity because this world is right now a mess. There are demons who have emerged in the world who will always threaten to collapse humans, and humanity is now at risk of disappearing. In other words, this is going to be their darkest moment, so to bring the balance of this world with humanity, there are many epic quests to follow through. What about having a beginner guide to complete these all?

Ultimate Beginner's Guide on Divine Descent with Best Tips

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So this will be your ultimate Divine Descent beginner guide, and this guide will also be included with the most important tips that can help your journey. The main goal is to bring prosperity to this world as well as to awaken the Light of God, and this is your time to bring a new era of light. So, let's start by playing Divine Descent on PC with LDPlayer 9.

Selecting a Character 

As in most of the usual games, Divine Descent also starts its gameplay, allowing you to select a character first. Up to this date, there are a total of 4 characters coming in the game, and we also have a 5th one coming into the later parts of the game, which still needs to be defined.

Selecting a Character 

The four characters that are currently available are:

  • The first one is the Witch, and her male version is the Maestro. Both of them are using magical powers with their weapons.

  • Lyn is the next character, and she has the male version of herself as the Hyun. They are also heroes who have a magical power with them.

  • Huntress is the wild hunter of the game and has the male version named Hunter.

  • Priests are usually the spell casters, and the female version of it is known as the Wizard.

During your initial character selection, you also have the opportunity to select their costumes, and you have three options by default. Choose a costume for the event, switch, or go to the arena by switching through them all. It is all up to you for the customization.

Follow the Quest Line for Rewards 

When you are proceeding through the Divine Descent gameplay, resources like EXP, currencies like Gold are necessary to fulfill different tasks in the game. Having more of these is a good thing, so you can focus on gaining more and more of these resources by following the quest line of this game.

Follow the Quest Line for Rewards 

Quests are divided into two parts: main quests and sub-quests. While you have started everything as a beginner, you can engage in the main quests, and the main quest again will be categorized into several moves. The tasks that are coming with the quests will be really simple, and if you really want yourself to back up with more rewards, it is always recommended to follow up with all these quests.

Get Stronger for High Battles

The enemies you have to face throughout the Divine Descent mobile game will be challenging. Some of them come with immense power in their hands, so you may have to put a big effort into beating them. This is why you need to have some upgrades to get stronger.

Skill Upgrade

Skill Upgrade

First, you can get a skill upgrade to get yourself stronger. With each upgrade you are doing to your skills, your fixed damage rate, as well as the CP rate, is going to become stronger. If you don't know what you need to focus on, drag it into the spin, and the spin will decide the best skill to be upgraded. Skill upgrades can be done one by one or all together. It is all up to your choice.

A fast upgrade in Divine Descent can upgrade the balanced power based on the order. If you don't have enough Gold in your hand or your skill has already hit the maximum level, the fast upgrade will stop automatically. You can also awaken the skills; to do that, you have to reach switch 1 of your character. There is only one chance to awaken an active skill, and it is going to boost the skill effect accordingly. This boost can happen after the awakening of the skill, and through that, a special effect is also going to evolve to assist your Divine Descent gameplay.

Top Up

Top Up

The next method to make your Divine Descent characters stronger is the top-up method. This is not limited only to the skills, just like in the skill upgrades, because here you can boost your characters even with a new costume. When you are playing this game for the first time, these new boosts are offered for you for several days, but please note that you may have to spend some real money here.

What are the Resources in the Divine Descent Game?

There are multiple resources available in the Divine Descent game, and they all have a unique purpose to the game. So, you better know them one by one as it gives you a clear idea of which one to focus more on collecting when it comes to resources.

  • Jade – first, we are talking about the Jade, which comes with the mana of earth and heaven. It can circulate a currency through the practitioners. Jade can be used to buy several items from the store.

  • B. Jade – B. Jade is similar to Jade but cannot be traded. Just like before, you will use this to buy things from the store.

  • Sycees – Sycees are a very valuable resource, which is more than Gold, and we can see it comes with a top level of circulation value. Buy items from the store by using Sycees.

  • Gold – Gold is a currency in this game and is mostly used in the Hyun continent.

Use the EXP Pool 

When you don't have enough Gold in your hands, obviously, you don't have many of them, while still, you are a Divine Descent beginner, you can choose to go to the EXP pool. Whenever you have lost considerable EXP in the game, you can proceed to the EXP pool and restore it even if you have not activated the VIP.

Use the EXP Pool 

Having no access to enough EXP is extremely hard, especially when you have to deal with multiple types of enemies. So, don't get into that trouble when you are proceeding through the game; instead, try to use the EXP pool whenever you want.

Make Sure to Challenge the Bosses

In the Divine Descent gameplay, other than the usual enemies that you are continuously beating, we can see some bosses challenge as well, and don't underestimate their power. Just never. They are stronger than the usual enemies, and these bosses are also very hard to beat. But still, there is something good that comes with beating these bosses because you can get tons of useful rewards by beating these bosses.

Make Sure to Challenge the Bosses

You will be granted two attempts in a day to challenge an exclusive boss in the game, and if you want more than 2 attempts, then you will have to raise your VIP level. You also need to note that these exclusive bosses can only be taken through solo challenges. If you manage to beat the boss by taking all three stars, your reward amount will be doubled.

The best thing is that challenging a boss doesn't make you cost attempts with your first elimination, nor the failed challenges. If you have a higher level with your hero, you can challenge the high-level bosses as well, and although this is a tough challenge, you can still earn some better rewards with that method. When you engage through these boss challenges, please note that they are going to reset daily at 0.00.

Enhance Your Gears from Time to Time

Although your hero in the Divine Descent game carries a weapon by his hand, more is needed all the time because having help taken from little gears can also be a great help. When talking about the gears, those can support our little works, but to make them all more powerful than the original status, you have to enhance your gears. It is eventually going to make your performance smoother and very effective against enemies.

Enhance Your Gears from Time to Time

A gear enhancement allows a player to increase the effect levels, which will increase the gear's HP, armor, and damage to the next level. This will sharpen your gameplay better than ever.

Cultivate Pets and Upgrade Them

To become more efficient and successful through your Divine Descent gameplay, cultivating pets as well as doing upgrades to them has a great impact. Pets are usually the assistants for your game, and their pet effect potential will be based on the stats they have gained from upgrades. When they have a higher potential, it means that they can gain more stats with the best upgrades they have been done with.

Cultivate Pets and Upgrade Them

You need to note that a pet's initial potential will be random. Please pay attention to the quality of your pet as well because if this quality is at a higher level, it means that there will be a maximum limit applied for the initial potential as well. If you want some additional potential for your pets in Divine Descent, make sure that you are granting them pet stars, and if there are pets coming from the same quality, please note that their maximum potential for the additional potential is also going to be similar to each other. For those looking for the highest rarity pets, you can keep an eye out for the ones with high initial potential because they are the highest rarity pets.

Upgrading the Pets

Upgrading the Pets

Now that the best performance and the stats of the pets in Divine Descent come through upgrades, it is a must to upgrade them whenever you can. So for this, we can use different methods.

First, you can try to feed your pets and use Pri. Pet Biscuit for it, which allows the pet to gain more EXP. Through that, it is going to upgrade itself. If there are identical pets, you better focus more on the one who has the highest initial potential and proceed further.

On the other hand, there is Pri. Pure Amrita that you can use to advance your pets. This will allow them to gain more stat bonuses as well as passive skills as they want. But please note that for further upgrades to the passive skills, you will be required to have a pet skill book.

You can also star up your pets. If there are any identical pets by your hands, purples or the above purple pets are allowed to consume these identical, and then it makes them star up themselves. To do this, you will have to use the star-up gem. Once you have done with the pet star up, they will have additional potential along with the stat bonuses, and most importantly, their active and exclusive skills will also be raised here.

Refer to the Bag and Use Items

Most of the items and tools you will need in your battles are stored in your bag. There are many of them here, and it is better to look into this bag if you need additional support to the victory.

Refer to the Bag and Use Items

There will be tools like shields, knives, and many more here, and they all will give you additional strength to beat the enemies out of the game. So, if you are a beginner, referring to the bag is also okay whenever you need some support.

Use Divine Descent Codes

The last point from this beginner guide is about the Divine Descent codes. What are these codes? These are a set of characters made into one phrase, and they don't have any meaning either. Usually, these codes are officially released by the game developers, and you can use them to power up your game for free. How?

Use Divine Descent Codes

It is because the codes are here to bring you additional gifts and offers like more EXP, currencies, and many more, and all you have to do is redeem and claim them. To get the prize it offers accurately, you will have to type the code exactly as it is shown, or else you won't be able to win the prize. On the other hand, these codes will only work for a while. They have a very limited time to be active, so you better use them soon accordingly.

If you want to get yourself with the most recent codes, please ensure that you follow the official social media channels this game uses. They will release the recent codes and keep an eye out for the Discord of Divine Descent as well to grab the new codes once they have arrived.


This brings an end to the Divine Descent beginner guide and tips, and we hope that all we have discussed here can make a bigger impact on your game. You have to start the game, continue to play, and then refer to this guide because we carry the most important details for your gameplay, which will eventually make you a master player. There are no complete things to proceed with because, with the right gameplay tips and understanding, you are definitely going to win. So, good luck on chasing enemies.

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