Top Troops: Adventure RPG Guide and Tips – A Complete Walkthrough for the Fantasy RPG Adventure


Welcome to the Top Troops guide, which is specifically made for beginners. We are here to introduce you to the best gameplay tips that can help your way through the gameplay; this is a new fantasy RPG game that has both merging as well as the strategies and mechanics. First, you are going to see this game as a very easy thing to proceed with, but with time, you are going to see that it becomes very hard to master, and you will have to put in a lot of effort if you don't know what to do.

Top Troops: Adventure RPG Guide and Tips

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As a first-time player to the Top Troops: Adventure RPG, know that this is a fantasy game with a raging war, and you can see the king's evil brother has already wiped out the King's Bay. So you are here to build the strongest army, then merge the troops you are building so that they can be headed into the battles with the best rank and strength. So many game modes are also there to go through, so it is a must to have your best commands released in order to become the best player in this game.

If you are struggling to decide what to do for the best gameplay achieved in this game, fear no more, as we are here to guide you. We will bring you the best gameplay tips and tricks so that the epic battles are not going to be a struggle for you. Play Top Troops: Adventure RPG on PC with LDPlayer 9, and then refer to this guide to become a master. Let's start.

Understanding the Top Troops: Adventure RPG Gameplay

Let's first start our Top Troops guide by understanding its gameplay. The game is easy to understand, and even for a beginner, it won't be a challenge to get things started with. You will be placed into a battle when you first start the game, and all you have to do is drag your troops. There will be a tutorial for those who have started the game as new players, and we recommend you follow up with the tutorial because it shows what steps you need to take in order to progress through the gameplay.

Understanding the Top Troops: Adventure RPG Gameplay

Don't worry if you happen to lose the first battle because you will be guided on what to do next. After the first battle, there will be a second battle as well, which will lead you again to the main map, and from there on, you will be directed with different goals to accomplish step by step. There are units that you can use to battle in the Top Troops: Adventure RPG, and you can even merge them. You can win more battles and unlock more territories to have more battle units by your hands, and that is how the story flows in this game.

You have to focus on unlocking more territories as much as you can because that is how you will be rewarded with resources, currencies, and many more. The game can be played automatically as well because there is an auto-play option, and we recommend you stick with it until you get familiar with the gameplay mechanisms.

Selecting the Units

The next thing that we want to let you know in this Top Troops guide is about the Top Troops: Adventure RPG tier list. This is where you can meet different units in this game, and since they are being used in your battles, you must be aware of who is the strongest there and who becomes the worst. Your units have a bigger role to be played in the battles because they have different strength levels and belong to different types.

Selecting the Units

We have ranged, support, assassin, mage, melee, and frontline units to be used in this Top Troops: Adventure RPG game, and depending on this type, their usage for your gameplay and the battles will be changed. On top of that, they have different tier ranks as well, and if you want to have more power by your hands, then your ultimate focus should be given to the legendary units. Usually, these units have a bigger impact on the game with a bigger strength, so focusing on them will always bring luck in your battles for sure.

Merging Units in the Top Troops: Adventure RPG

As mentioned in this Top Troops guide, a merging mechanism is used in this game, which is one of the best ways that we can use to increase our power, especially when we are in battles. Take two or more troops from the same class, and if you try to merge them, you can increase your stats to a higher level. Merging is not only about giving you more stat power, but it also can provide you with a merge bonus, and all you have to do there is to merge 5 units.

The merging mechanisms can be a complex procedure for a first-time player, so let us break it down for you. Suppose you are merging a warrior with two other warriors. Then, you will be granted two warrior sets, and if you decide to merge a warrior with another 4 warriors, you can have two sets from the two warriors. Likewise, you can do this same procedure continuously so that it makes you level up more and more through the game, and eventually, you are going to have more strength and also make your troops become bigger with more power.

So basically, merging in the Top Troops: Adventure RPG should be a priority for any player as it is one of the best ways to increase your power with the troops, and it also gives you more attack power. So you will be able to battle with more strength and more power against your enemies.

Completing the Daily Missions

The next thing that we want your attention to be paid to in this Top Troops guide is the daily missions. You need to make sure that you are completing these daily missions because it carries tons of resources as well as rewards that are going to help your way through the gameplay. There will be simple tasks that you can complete here in a day, and following through them will allow you to level up, too.

Completing the Daily Missions

Leveling up in the Top Troops: Adventure RPG matters the most for every player because the more you level up, the more you get access to so many rewards. Among these rewards, there can be coins, unlocked territories, as well as some more troops to use in the battles, and all those are offered to you just by following through with these daily missions. In the meantime, the game will also be going to reward you when you log into the game daily as well.

Building the Empire

Since you are going to start this game with nothing on your hands, you have to build everything from zero, and everything needs to be started over with a base-building aspect. So, when you are a beginner, you have to focus on rebuilding your town hall as well, and you can do this by using your resources. So, what we mean here is that you are going to need a lot of resources in order to make the base building a success.

Building the Empire

Since you need a lot of resources to build more buildings, focusing on additional methods that help you maximize your resource earning is also a must. So, you better focus on merging them as well because in Top Troops: Adventure RPG, you are not only merging units but also it can be done to the resources. This will make you double your rewards and eventually make you stronger than the others.

Please make sure that you are rebuilding the buildings like gold mines as well as the buildings for gold storage more because that can help your empire as it provides more opportunities to deal with gold.

Summon Your Units

And the next thing is about the summoning. When you reach level 4 in this game, it will allow you to summon units, and to do that, you will have to spend your summoning shards. Usually, there will be two options to spend here. One option will cost fewer gems with fewer troops earned, while the other one requires you to spend more gems and will provide you with more units, too.

Summon Your Units

So, to succeed in the summoning option, you must earn as many summoning shards as you can because that is how you will get more opportunities in summoning. If you are looking for the best ways to earn more summoning cards, pay attention to the adventure mode because the more you proceed there, the more you will be rewarded. Just open more chests as well because you get to beat so many enemies here, and with that, you will receive these rewards as a gift for beating enemies.

If none of the above methods work for you, pay attention to the store. This store will allow you to earn shards daily for free, and you can also watch an ad because it also allows you to earn more shards. The Legendary, Celestial, Essential, and Faction are the four methods that you can use to summon in this Top Troops: Adventure RPG game, and please make sure that you use your gems wisely throughout the game for these options because earning them is pretty hard.

There is also another option that allows you to summon more units at once. This can be done if you have more gems in your hands, and the method is to play the game with the best Android emulator: LDPlayer 9. It has this Multi-Instance Sync option, which allows you to copy the game for several instances, and each of these instances can be used to summon. So you will be able to summon more units at one time.

What are the Clans in the Top Troops: Adventure RPG Game?

As a beginner who has just started this game, the next thing that we want you to pay attention to is the clan. This is one of the most important things we can recommend through this guide because if you manage to join a clan, you get more chances to level up through your gameplay.

What are the Clans in the Top Troops: Adventure RPG Game

There are some game modes in which you can only play along with clan members, and these allow you to earn more rewards. So, to take part in such options, you need to become a part of a clan, and based on the rank you get there, you will be rewarded along with your team. There are also some weekly as well as daily quests that can be participated in only when you are in a clan, and those are also the greatest options to earn more rewards. As you can see, you will need every opportunity to earn rewards from this game, so don't miss out on that chance you get through the clans, too.


And that is it. We are coming to the end of our Top Troops guide here, and everything we discussed under this guide will be a real help to you. Please note that when you need quick progress through this game, you must be aware of the best ways to progress, and that progression can now be taken with the best gameplay tips. So, refer to this guide and make yourself do your best in the game so you will be able to become a master of it quickly. Good luck with your adventure.

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