Tips and Tricks to get better in Bullet Echo



Tips and Tricks to get better in Bullet Echo


"Lead your team to victory in this unique Tactical Team Shooter."
Bullet Echo's punch line says it all. The game is unique and amazing. Bullet Echo is offered by ZeptoLab and available on both iOS and Android platforms. The game is designed to be a team game with different heroes and their unique abilities.


Players can choose to play with random players or with their friends to enjoy the game better. As of now, there are 21 heroes available in the game, and according to ZeptoLab, the more heroes are coming soon.


The game offers multiple features, including quick fights, auto shooting, and special abilities to dominate your opponents. In this article, you will get to know the tricks to get better in Bullet Echo. So, let's get started.


Know your Character:


Know and understand the abilities of the character you are using. It doesn't matter which character you use, but knowing their ability is the first step to become the best player.


For example, if you are playing a match and you don't even know the abilities of your character, then how are you going to win one game or all games ever.


So, the best way to do that is to figure out the abilities of all characters as it can also benefit you when you are against the enemy. You know your ability and theirs too, which gives you an upper hand.


Tips and Tricks to get better in Bullet Echo


Focus on Leveling up:


Focus on leveling up just one hero at a time. Select a hero you think you understand better and max him out first, then start working on the next one and so on.


If you do this, you will make your heroes beast one by one while other people are stuck at multiple low-level heroes, which won't stand a chance against a maximum level hero.


If you have already started leveling up multiple heroes and you are still a low-level player, then stop right now and work on one hero. If you don't, then you will be at a stage where you will have to spend money or quit the game.


So, instead of losing money and interest, why not start working at one hero at a time. Do proper research before starting the upgrades. The best part is that the game allows you to do research on heroes and their max abilities, which means you can know what your hero will do once you maximize it.




Now, as you progress in the game, the battles will become harder and harder. So, what is the best way to deal with them? To deal with them, you need a few things, understanding your character, understand the maps, how the game work, how your character's abilities work, how to find enemies or how to avoid enemies, and how important is the accessories in the late game.


For example, you are playing at a high level. Now, think like the pro players. They will stay at the edges until the last zone. In the last zone, everyone will try to avoid a zone, which gives other players a chance to kill them. That's what you will have to do in high-level games.


Your character must be at a decent level to do some heavy damage, and you will need skills to find enemies with your listening power to win at high levels.


Tips and Tricks to get better in Bullet Echo




As mentioned above, try to listen to the footsteps of other players. You can also see footsteps, but the enemy will have to be in a specific range.


However, with listening skills, you can pinpoint the location of the enemies and kill them. The other way to find enemies is through gunshot sound and sign. If there's a fight, you will listen to the sound of gunshots, and you will see signs on the map.


You will also be able to see gunshots if you are in the close proximity of the fight.


Ammo and Armor:


The first thing you need to do is find ammo and armor as soon as possible to survive. At the start of every game, you get a pistol, but you cannot kill anyone with it. To kill someone faster, you will need to find ammo.


If you have a pistol, there's a chance that you might survive if the enemy also has a pistol. You also spawn with your primary weapon, but you will need to find ammo to use it.


So, find ammo and armor as soon as possible to stay alive. Once you have found ammo go for the shield because the shield depending on the hero, sometimes even double your health, which is a very good thing.


It will take twice as long to kill you because you have twice as much health and shield combined. So, eventually, you become a harder target to kill with a shield.


Also, try to keep an eye on the extra armor. If you are an aggressive player, then you might get in more fights than any other player, which means you will get damaged too. So, extra armor will provide you the shield you need.


Tips and Tricks to get better in Bullet Echo


However, you can only pick one armor at a time. The ammo you can find easily, but armor is a bit hard to find.




The next thing to find is MedKits and health items. Try to get medkits as much as you like; it will come in handy after a fight. But do not use them in open areas. The best way is to take the cover of the building wall and use it to avoid further fights with low health.




These tips and tricks will help your game a lot. In fact, you can become a lot better by following them. All of these tips and tricks are from the personal gameplay experience. So, I know what I am talking about.


However, Bullet Echo is the most straightforward yet complicated game I have ever played. At first glance, it looks like a normal game, but when you play and progress in it, you will fall in love with the game design and everything.

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