Bullet Echo: Tips and Tricks to win every game


Bullet Echo is a free to play shooting game offered by ZeptoLab. The game is available on the Android and iOS platforms. For now, the game has 21 different and unique heroes and their ultimate abilities to help you through the game.


Every Bullet Echo player has the same free access to all these heroes. According to the developers, they made sure that the fair gaming environment is available for every player.


Bullet Echo: Tips and Tricks to win every game


In Bullet Echo, you can choose your heroes and upgrade their abilities and level to make them best. All you need to do is be the last man/woman standing to win the game. In this article, you will get to know the tips and tricks to win every game in the Bullet Echo.


Top noteworthy tips to win every game in Bullet Echo:


It doesn't matter which character you use; you can use any character, but you will need tips and tricks to make it work. If you have already played bullet echo, then you might know some of these tips but let's go through them for the player who doesn't know. So, without further ado, let's get started.


Walk Slowly:


The next tip is to walk slowly; walking slowly in the game can save your life. The faster you walk, the further away enemies can hear you, and if they can listen to you, that means they know your location, and they are going to kill you.


The reason for this is that the map in Bullet Echo isn't that big; you can literally cross the entire map before the circle closes.


Look Around:


Don't be foolish and walk in a straight line with tunnel vision. A lot of players in bullet echo walk building to building in a straight line and never look right, left, or behind them.


For people who haven't played bullet echo yet, you can only see what your flashlight sees. So, you have to look right, left, behind, and in front of you to spot enemies.


Every time you leave the building, look around quickly to spot enemies; it doesn't take much time, but most players forget to look around them.


Bullet Echo: Tips and Tricks to win every game


So, in short, scan the area as much as you can because if you get caught with your pants down, you will be dead before you know it.


Center of the Map:


The Center of the map might seem charming, but that's all it is - the center of the map is the most dangerous place in the entire map. You are going to get yourself surrounded by multiple enemies, and in the end, you are going to die.


The yellow X you will see on your map is the center of the map; stay away from it until the last zone. Almost every player tries to go towards the center of the map. Instead, stay on the edges of the zone.


In some scenarios, you might spawn right at the center of the map, which is pretty dangerous. In that case, run away as soon as possible and as far as you can go. If you want to survive and win the match, stay on the edges of the map and try to avoid other players.


Stay on the Edges:


Stay on the edges of the map, as mentioned above. Try to start the game from the edges and move from there. The first step is to collect all the items on the edges and then try to find enemies near you but never go to the center of the map until the last zone.


Staying on the edges has the benefit of being alone. You are sure that no one is behind you, which means you can focus more and more on the right, left, and the front side of yourself to find the enemies.


Stay in Cover:


Try not to go into an open area at any cost; it's not worth it. Try to move through building to building and use the walls as you cover. You can use this while moving towards edges or while moving towards the center. Keep in mind, never walk without cover.


Bullet Echo: Tips and Tricks to win every game


Why use building walls as a cover?


Building walls have two benefits; no one can see through them, not you or any other player, and the second one is you cannot get hit or shoot through walls.


Let the other players fight:


Now, this tip is for the players who like to win every game. If you are one of them, then stay away from fights, and the best way to do it is to stay on the edges.


Let all the players kill each other and then go for the one versus one in the last circle. Kill the last person and be the winner.  For that purpose, you can use the Stalker, which is the basic all-rounded hero/character in the game with invisibility ability. You can use this ability to become invincible and kill other players.


Keep your ability charged:


The last zone is the place where you will need your ability the most. So, keep it charged at all times. For example, you are using Stalker with an ability to become invisible. Then you engage in a fight and use the ability.


Now, the best move is to move towards edges and charge your ability again for the last zone. The Stalker's ability to become invisible for a few seconds in which the other players can't see you or hear you, and that's his most potent weapon.


Using this ability gives you an advantage over other players in the last. So, keep it charged for the last zone and use it to kill the other player to become the last man standing.


Last Zone:


This tip is for the aggressive players who like to get more kills and want to win every game. As soon as the last zone starts, try to rush towards the circle but follow all the above tips to stay safe.


The chances are that most of the players will make a mistake while trying to stay in the zone, and at that moment, you can take advantage of the situation and kill them. That way, you might get damage, but you will also be able to secure kills.


Bullet Echo: Tips and Tricks to win every game


When you see that only one person is alive except you, right then use the invisibility ability (if you are using Stalker) to find and kill the last enemy alive and become the winner.




Join this free to play, player versus player shooting game with your friends and family to get the most fun out of it. The game offers a unique style of shooting game with the torch, pistols, primary weapons, shield/armor, medkits, and much more.


The above-mentioned tips are tricks that have every information for you to win every game in Bullet Echo. Follow these tips to the letter, and you will see the improvements right away. These tips and tricks will make your game easier, and if you have tips of your own, do not hesitate to use them.


However, do not level up multiple heroes simultaneously; it will make you lose your interest.

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