Skeletal Conquest Beginner Guide - Tips and Tricks for a Perfect Start


Skeletal Conquest is an idle hero collector where strategy, combat, and resource management converge to create an enthralling gaming experience. Whether you're a seasoned gamer looking for a new challenge or a newcomer eager to dive into the realm of strategic battles, this guide is designed to provide you with essential tips and tricks to kick-start your adventure on the right foot.

Skeletal Conquest Beginner Guide

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In this Skeletal Conquest beginner guide will walk you through the basics of picking your heroes, managing your resources, and effectively progressing through the game's campaigns and equip you with the knowledge you need to make strategic decisions that will set you apart from the competition.

Let's play Skeletal Conquest on PC, so you have all the tools necessary for a victorious campaign in the game. Follow these tips and tricks, and you'll be well on your way to mastering the game and leading your skeleton army to glory!

How to Progress Quickly in the Game

To progress quickly in the game, it's crucial to understand the main elements and strategies. The game centers around idle combat, which occurs beyond a bridge in the main campaign. To succeed in battles, you must strengthen your army by upgrading the health and attack capabilities of your soldier production facilities. For faster progress following are the key areas to focus.

How to Progress Quickly in the Game

  • Upgrade Production Facilities: Focus on enhancing the HP (health points) and attack power of your soldier production facilities. This will allow you to defeat enemies more rapidly, helping you move through the game's chapters and level up your account.

  • Battle and Advance: To progress to the next chapter, tap the 'challenge' button located at the middle bottom of the screen to initiate a fight against the stage boss. Winning these battles is essential for moving to the next level.

  • Unlock New Features: As your account levels up, you'll unlock additional game modes and dungeons. Early in the game, prioritize strengthening your production facilities to earn more diamonds and gold, which are vital resources.

Understanding Production Facilities

Next you should learn about the production facilities and their upgrade system. 

  • Graveyard: This is where new skeletons are produced. Upgrading your graveyard allows you to create more skeletons from each grave. Prioritize this upgrade to increase your army size quickly.

  • Strengthening Sections: This area improves your skeletons' durability and damage output. As you progress in the game, you will unlock additional sections for strengthening your skeletons. It's important to keep these upgrades balanced across different types of troops to ensure none are significantly weaker or less effective in battle.

By focusing on these strategies, you will enhance your ability to progress through Skeletal Conquest efficiently, earning valuable resources and unlocking new gameplay features.

Completing Missions

Missions in Skeletal Conquest are located below the idle reward chest. They are essential for progressing effectively as they primarily reward you with diamonds, which are crucial for upgrades and advancements. Following these missions can streamline your gameplay, ensuring you are constantly working towards meaningful goals.

The missions generally involve straightforward tasks like upgrading troop production or defeating invaders. By simply following the mission directives, you can earn diamonds effortlessly. When you do pvp be cautious with PvP participation tickets awarded as a mission reward. Do not use them until a mission specifically instructs you to do so. Premature usage might leave you unable to complete a PvP mission until the next daily refresh, potentially stalling your progress.

Completing Missions

In the arena, losing a battle means losing trophies, which influences your matchmaking. Players with higher trophies face stronger opponents. To climb the ranks efficiently, you should aim to use your arena attempts in a concentrated burst.

As you know each day, you receive five free arena chances. You should save these until a mission asked you to do a certain number of arena challenges. This way you can convert 5 daily reset chances into 5 arena tickets..

Accumulate your tickets and plan to use them at once, focused on pushing trophies right before the arena resets. This tactic minimizes the chance for other players to challenge you and take your trophies, allowing you to secure the highest possible rewards. By adhering to these strategies, you can maximize your mission rewards and enhance chance in the Skeletal Conquest arena.

Resource Management

Understanding and managing resources efficiently is crucial to your success in Skeletal Conquest. Here’s how you can optimize your use of different types of resources:


Diamonds are a valuable resource in Skeletal Conquest. In the early stages, you can earn them from quests, achievements, new hero pages, and completing missions. These are your primary sources for accumulating diamonds quickly.

While many features in the game may tempt you to spend diamonds, it’s wise to conserve them initially. Most options that require diamonds also offer an alternative to watch advertisements. Utilize these opportunities to save your diamonds for more significant purchases later, such as high-level gear or unlocking advanced troops. If you want more diamonds you should also Keep an eye on the shop for free offers that allow you to collect additional diamonds without spending anything.


In Skeletal Conquest, coins are the second most crucial resource. To maximize your coin intake, always use the coin booster option, which requires watching a 30-second advertisement but gives you 20 minutes of enhanced gold production. This is a highly efficient way to increase your resources.


Besides the coin boost, you can activate attack and speed boosts in the same window, which will help you progress through challenges more swiftly. As we said before, progressing in the chapters unlocks other game mods, allowing more areas to earn resources and have fun. 

You should spend the coins primarily to strengthen your production buildings. Unlike diamonds, coins are more frequently used and are not worth hoarding since they’re not needed elsewhere in large quantities. By strategically managing these resources, you can ensure a smoother progression in Skeletal Conquest, enabling you to unlock and enjoy more features without unnecessary setbacks.

Maximizing Dungeon Rewards

Dungeons in the game are a vital source of resources. Here’s how to effectively utilize each type of dungeon to ensure you are maximizing your rewards and maintaining a steady progression.

Maximizing Dungeon Rewards

Mining Dungeons

The mines within these dungeons are a primary source for gathering resources. Each day, you receive a limited amount of stamina to spend on mining. To optimize your resource collection, use your stamina as fast as it regenerates, since mines can stay active for up to 7 hours you will have no place to store extra stamina and they can go to waste. That is why If possible, purchasing carts is an excellent use of real world money. As your cart number grows, you can use the stamina more efficiently to increase your mining output.

World Boss Dungeon

This dungeon offers rewards based on the damage dealt to the boss. Rewards include diamonds and skin upgrade stones, valuable for enhancing your characters. Make sure to use your two free daily chances to fight the World Boss. If you have additional time, watching ads to gain three extra attempts is beneficial for maximizing your rewards.

Resource Dungeons

Resource dungeons can be accessed using tickets and by viewing advertisements. If your resource stock is low, it’s crucial to use all available chances to extract resources from these dungeons. Even if you do not immediately need a particular type of resource, it’s wise to start collecting it in advance. Accumulating resources early prevents potential delays in game progression when those resources become necessary later.

When you go to spend them you should know that most resources in the game are designed to be used in specific areas of Skeletal Conquest without overlap, meaning you should spend them as you acquire them. This ensures that you are consistently keeping up with the game’s strengthening system and not missing out on potential advancements due to hoarding resources. 

Strengthening Your Army in Skeletal Conquest

As you progress through the Skeletal Conquest campaign, the game strategically introduces new troops and equipment, enriching your gameplay and tactical options. Here's how you can effectively strengthen your army and optimize your equipment upgrades.

  • Progression and Unlocks: Each new chapter you complete will unlock new types of troops and equipment, such as armor and weapons. However make sure to explore the map and manually unlock new production facilities by clicking on them.  

  • Equipment Rarity and Upgrades: The game features a variety of equipment rarities. By collecting enough copies of the same item, you can upgrade its rarity. This upgrade not only enhances the specific item but also contributes to the overall leveling up of your gear. This gradual improvement process allows you to strengthen your army over time without substantial money investment.

Strengthening Your Army in Skeletal Conquest

  • Item Collection: You can acquire items through multiple sources within the game, such as dungeons, the idle system, and item gacha. By strategically gathering items from these sources, you can gradually build a powerful arsenal.

  • Optimizing Item Gacha: The item gacha system provides equipment based on what you have already unlocked. Hold off on spending gems in the item gacha until you've progressed far enough to unlock the full range of equipment. This patience will pay off by maximizing the effectiveness of each gacha pull, potentially saving you time and resources in the long run.

  • Regular Equipment Checks and Upgrades: Regularly review your equipment inventory to ensure that you are utilizing the best available gear for your troops. Upgrading your equipment as soon as you have the necessary components can give you a significant advantage in battles, particularly as you face tougher opponents in higher chapters.

By following these strategies, you'll ensure your army is as strong as it can be, making your progression through Skeletal Conquest both smoother and more enjoyable.

Picking Your Heroes in Skeletal Conquest

Heroes play a crucial role in your army's effectiveness in Skeletal Conquest. Selecting the right heroes involves understanding their rarities and abilities, and strategically forming a balanced team. Here’s how to pick heroes that can enhance your gameplay and lead you to victory.

Picking Your Heroes in Skeletal Conquest

  • Rarity Levels: Heroes are categorized into several rarity levels: UR (Ultra Rare), SSR (Super Super Rare), SR (Super Rare), and R (Rare). UR and SSR heroes are typically the most powerful and have abilities that can significantly influence the outcome of battles.

  • Skill Types: Once you identify high-rarity heroes, evaluate their skills. Some heroes might excel in buffing the team while also dealing significant damage. Others might focus on healing but offer less offensive power, and there are also pure attackers who prioritize dealing damage with every skill they use.

Building a Balanced Team

A well-rounded team is key to succeeding in battles. You can have up to six active heroes, so it’s important to choose a mix that covers all necessary roles:

  • Damage Dealers: Include at least two high-rarity heroes who are focused on damage per second (DPS). These heroes can quickly reduce enemy numbers, compensating for other potential weaknesses in your team.

  • Healers and Supports: Initially, incorporate heroes that offer partial healing or support along with decent damage output. This will help you maintain your team's health while still contributing to the offensive efforts.

  • Mass Healer Addition: Once you unlock the sixth hero slot, consider adding a mass healer, such as an Arch Druid. This hero can drastically enhance your team’s longevity in prolonged battles.

As you progress through the game and unlock more heroes, regularly reevaluate your team composition. Experiment with different combinations to find the most effective setup for the current challenges. Also pay attention to how different heroes' abilities complement each other. 

Synergistic effects between heroes can amplify their individual impacts, making your team much more formidable. By following these guidelines, you can effectively select and manage your heroes in Skeletal Conquest, ensuring that your army is well-equipped to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.


As you venture deeper into the world of Skeletal Conquest, remember that the key to success lies in strategic planning and careful management of your resources and heroes. By focusing on upgrading your army, carefully selecting your heroes, and wisely managing your dungeons and resources, you will strengthen your forces and enhance your gameplay experience. Keep experimenting with different strategies and always be on the lookout for new opportunities to advance your Skeletal Conquest troops and tactics.

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