Limbus Company Team Building Guide - The Best Tactics for a Team Build


Welcome to the Limbus Company team-building guide! If you're looking for a game that doesn't hold your hand every step of the way and requires you to use your brain, then you're in the right place. However, before you jump into the game, we recommend reading our Limbus Company beginner guide to get a better understanding of the basics.

Limbus Company Team Building Guide

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In this guide, we'll share some tips on effectively activating E.G.O. and what to consider before using it, identity synergy, and skills. If you've already played the game but skipped the tutorial, we strongly suggest going back and giving it a try, as it's the best way to get a solid grasp of the game mechanics.

Limbus Company boasts top-of-the-line graphics and bone-chilling sound effects that will keep you on the edge of your seat. If you're a graphics enthusiast, you'll be pleased to know that you can play Limbus Company on P.C. with LDPlayer 9. So, let's jump right into the Limbus Company team-building guide and start creating the ultimate team to take on any challenge!

Basics to Know Before Making a Team

When it comes to team building, there are a few key things like what are Limbus Company characters and identities, E.G.O., Elemental resources, skill use, and more. In this section, we will get to know them, and by the end of this team-building guide, you will understand the reason. 

Affinities/Elements System

The game has an elemental system called affinity, and you will find seven elements: 

  • Envy: Purple thorns

  • Gloom: Sky blue waves

  • Wrath: Red flames

  • Lust: Orange D.N.A.

  • Pride: Indigo swords

  • Sloth: Yellow rocks

  • Gluttony: Green leaves

Affinities/Elements System

Your sinner's skills belong to one of these affinities, and when you use a skill, that skill turns into elemental resources and fills up the gauge right side of your screen. 

Elemental Resistance

The game has three types of attacks: piercing, slashing, and blunt. The everyday enemies that you meet in the world have resistance to only one of these three damage types. But your sinners and Abnormalities have a resistance against one of the seven elements of the game. If you select a sinner that uses a skill that falls into the category of an element that the Abnormality resists, you will not get the hopeful output. So this becomes one of the things that you should look into when making the team fight Abnormality. 

Limbus Company Characters/Sinners and Identities

The first thing you should understand is the game does not have a lot of characters; instead, at the start of the game, you get twelve access to 12 characters called sinners. These sinners come in a few variations in different rarities called identities, and they have different attack skills, passive skills, and support skills. The main way of acquiring these identities is through extraction. Once you acquire an identity for them to be active, you have to go to the sinner's section and select the identity you want. They will not be active unless you do this. 

Limbus Company Characters/Sinners and Identities

In case you receive the one identity that you already have, you receive Egoshards. You can use them to Uptie a character or Threadspin an E.G.O. to unlock new skills and passive skills. If you press and hold on to each identity, you will be able to see individual skills, passive skills, and the ways to level them up and Uptie them. Through the team edit window, you can change different identities and make seven teams that you may need to overcome different elemental resistances.

Passive Abilities

The most important part you should look for when choosing the identity to be active if you are not selecting them for combat is their passive abilities. Passive abilities are skills that only benefit you when that character is not in the combat formation. Since different identities have their unique passive skill, you have to make sure to select the identity with the most beneficial passive skill if you are not using them for combat. 

If you want to get the benefit of these abilities, they require you to have a certain amount of elemental resources in hand. If you want to create the most powerful team, you have to also look into the identities that you are choosing for battle and activate the identities that let you generate elemental resources that passive abilities require. This will allow you to reap the benefit of your passive abilities in the shortest amount of turns. 

What Is E.G.O., and Why Is It Important

Well, now you know most of the things that you should look into when making the team. E.G.O. is the last piece of the puzzle; they are a special gear you can equip your sinners with. When you equip them, you will be able to press and hold the sinner's portrait or a skill line that is related to them in the combat window and replace the skill directly above with the G.E.O. skill. Then you can chain the skill to activate it and deal massive damage to your enemies, but in order to activate these E.G.O., you should have a certain amount of elemental resources, just like passive skills. 

What Is E.G.O., and Why Is It Important

But unlike passive skills, when you use E.G.O., the amount it is required to activate will be reduced from the amount you have, and if you lose the amount of any passive skill required, you lose the benefit of the passive skill. Same as normal skills, E.G.O. skills have elements they belong to, coins, attack type and all the things a normal skill should have, so that means they can be a failed attack just like the normal attack.  

That means you should always check if the E.G.O. attack has a high success rate, or you may be wasting your elemental resources on the wrong skill. The pulse side of using E.G.O. is when you use them; it provides the sinners with elemental resistance; some E.G.O.s provide buffs, regenerate lost sp or hp and many more useful things. The elemental resistance is very useful when fighting abnormalities because their attack also does element damage, just like your sinners' attacks do. 

The downside is you lose the benefit of passive skill, and your sinners lose the amount of sanity per E.G.O. use, and when you fall below 45 sanities, your ability check will be done at a disadvantage, and coins will fail more often. You have to compare the benefits and drawbacks before using them. 

As we said earlier, they require elemental resources, just like we explained about selecting sinners for your team to quickly activate passive skills. If you intend on using one or more E.G.O. in the battle, you should pick the identities that can provide the elemental resources they require. The affinity tab next to the sinner's team creation window shows what the elements your currently selected sinners provide are. 

If you do not see the elemental resources you need for your favorite E.G.O, you should change your formation. The best strategy is to pick one or two E.G.O.s and build your team around it. This way, you will be able to use the E.G.O. skill more often. If you need more information, you will learn a lot more about this through the combat systems of the game.

Final Thoughts on Building Teams

Now you have all the information that you need to know to make a solid team that serves different purposes of the game. Having this skill is important because Limbus Company allows you to look into the information about the enemies and abnormalities once you lose a battle. Then you can use this knowledge to make the best team that helps you to come out on top. 

Final Thoughts on Building Teams

But if you have the worst sinners, even the Limbus Company tips we provide will not help you. That is why it is important to find the best identities from a Limbus Company tier list and do the rerolling. In order to make sure you get the best heroes, you should play the game until you reach the first chapter dungeon. But this is very time-consuming. 

This is why you should get the help of LDPlayer Multi-instance manager and Multi-instance sync feature to progress many accounts at once to select the best Limbus Company sinners. You can learn how to do it through our easy Limbus Company rerolling guide


We hope this guide has been helpful in improving your team-building skills at Limbus Company. Remember to choose the right E.G.O., level up your sinners, and select the best identity is very important for your progress. With that, we are going to end this guide and thank you for reading.

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