LDPlayer Beginner Guide for Project W with Tips for the Adventure


Project W is a turn-based role-playing game, and as this is an RPG, there is a beautiful storyline that you have to follow. Yes, the gameplay has an epic story and is very adventurous, meaning lots of challenges are available in this journey here. There are plenty of battles everywhere you go, and you will meet different types of enemies in each battle. So if you want to know more amazing facts about this game, then the first option is this Project W beginner guide with tips for adventure. 

LDPlayer Beginner Guide for Project W with Tips

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Many heroes are there for you to come in different classes with different roles, even if they differ. You can benefit from using the heroes if you have a good idea about them. Also, you should take steps to preserve your characters more time on the battlefield by leveling them up, which will lead you to victory in all the battles. So with the knowledge about all these aspects, you can play Project W on PC conquering all the challenges you will meet in this adventure gameplay. 

Project W Combat

The first thing you will know about here is the combat system in this game, and for successful combat, you should know about the best strategies and tactics. Not only should you have a broader idea about the combat system to have incredible battles.

Every battle has a win condition and a defeat condition, and if you want to win a battle, you should prevent the defeat condition and work on the win condition to achieve it. Once you complete the win condition given in the battles, you will be able to be the winner here. 

Project W Combat

To defeat enemies in battles, you should use the skills given to your character against enemies. When you unleash skills, you can damage massively to the enemies, so use the right skill against the right enemies. 

Since the battles are turn-based, meaning your units and the enemy units take turns attacking the opposing team units, you should take the maximum benefit from these turns to deal massive damage to the enemies. According to the character's role, their skills will be changed, but you need to take advantage of all types of skills each character has when their turns come. 

And also, you can freely move your characters at different points on the battleground to attack enemies using the given joystick. The next thing about skills is when you activate a character's skills, you need to activate it, targeting a specific enemy in the range where the skill can be cast. So, always target an enemy and cast the skills; otherwise, the skills will be wasted for nothing. You have to tap on the skill and drag it into the targeted enemy's direction and then release the skill; then, your character will attack the enemies using the selected skills.

But if you think of a more straightforward method to unleash the skills of your characters while moving the characters here and there, you should use the best android emulator LDPlayer 9, to play this game on PC. As it has a Keyboard Mapping feature, you can set keys for all the skill icons and the given joystick so that you do not have to tap on the touch controls, but you can do everything easily just by using keys simply. 

Project W Counter Relationship

The counter relationship is the connection between the five elements introduced in this game. There are five elements in this game, Fire, Water, Earth, Darkness, and Light, and each element has strengths and weaknesses against each element. You can take this connection as a battle advantage because every hero or enemy consists of one of the abovementioned elements. 

So, if you know how to earn the battle advantage through this counter relationship among these five elements, you won't be defeated on the battlefield but will gain an extra advantage over the battles. 

Project W Counter Relationship

We will explain how to take advantage of the counter relationship through an example. If one of your enemies has a specific element, you should use a unit with a superior element to deal with that enemy to have the battle advantage for your side. So, when you attack the enemies, check their elements and always use units with superior elements to attack them. Suppose you use a unit with a dominant element over an enemy unit with an inferior element. In that case, the crit chance will be increased when attacking, and the enemy will be massively damaged. 

But if you use a unit with a restrained element over an enemy unit with a dominant element, the attack damage will be reduced, and the attack becomes weaker. Not only that but the crit chance will also be reduced in such situations. So, as mentioned in this guide, you should take maximum advantage of these counter relationships in battles to easily win the battles with less time. 

Level up Heroes

Leveling up heroes is one of the best Project W tips you should use in your gameplay to make your characters grow and power up. As mentioned in this guide, you should level up your characters through the Hero menu. When you go to the Hero menu, you can check everything about the heroes available for you right now. 

Level up Heroes

So, you can select heroes one by one and then upgrade their hero levels using the EXP potions. When you upgrade the level of your heroes using these EXP potions, you can also increase all other stats of your characters. Therefore, when you have the necessary amounts of EXP potions, you should use them to level up each hero and upgrade their other attributes to make them strong. 

As leveling up improves the heroes more, you should do it often with the necessary resources. When you level up your Project W characters, you will unlock new skills for your character. You should level up the character more often to unlock more character skills. 

Equip the Characters with Gear and Enhance Them 

Characters should be equipped with gear because it is another Project W tip you can use to improve their power by adding extra attributes. Every piece of equipment has attributes, and when you equip your character with gear sets, your character will receive extra statistics. 

So, when you have the necessary equipment, you should always equip all the characters with the equipment pieces. There are seven gear pieces that you can provide your character with, and when you equip all the items for your character, sometimes your character will be able to obtain set bonuses. 

Equip the Characters with Gear and Enhance Them 

Once you equip your character with the best gear, you should enhance these gear pieces to increase the attributes each gear piece supplies. But it will cost you unique materials, so when you have the necessary items, you should enhance the equipment to make them the most powerful. 

When you improve the gear pieces, the Project W game allows you to select how many levels the gear piece should upgrade automatically once. So, once you choose the number of levels and start the enhancement process, the enhancement process of an appropriate gear will only be stopped when selected levels upgrade the equipment. 

Project W Quests

As with every other RPG, you have quests to complete, which will only end once you complete all the chapters here. Even if you are bored, you should complete these quests as it is a ladder to have higher progression in no time. 

Project W Quests

There are two types of quests here, Main and Side, and when you complete these two quests, you will obtain lots of rewards. As it is a very beneficial way to get more prizes for your gameplay, you better follow these quests. The quests will be easier at the beginning of Project W gameplay, but when you continually play it, you will expand your gameplay and see the quests gradually become complex. 


These are the basics and tips every Project W beginner player should remember and learn when entering it. Now that you've learned about each aspect well, we invite you to start playing it with LDPlayer 9 while customizing the best control layout for you. When playing this game, make sure you take measurements to improve your heroes, as their strength is always necessary to win perfect battles. So, remember what you have learned here, and always use these tips and beginner guidelines we have given you, which will benefit your adventure.

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