Hole of Abaddon Beginner Guide - Tips to Survive in the Dark Fantasy Realm


Hole of Abaddon is one of the best role-playing games you will ever try with command battles. Besides the command battle system, there are many fantastic gaming elements embedded in this game. On this island, there are many powerful monsters that disturb your explorations in different depths. The deeper your explorations are, the more challenging they become and the stronger monsters you encounter. Surviving in this dark fantasy realm is hard, but not when you have the tips in this Hole of Abaddon beginner guide.

Hole of Abaddon Beginner Guide

Hole of Abaddon: Dark RPG Download Hole of Abaddon: Dark RPG on PC

You will battle against monsters, and the battles are controlled simply by the commands given in the gameplay. You have no choice here but to take down the monsters you meet. So for that, you should be strong enough, and in this guide, we will help you to be stronger and survive well during challenging situations, providing you with the best and most appropriate tips. Therefore, read this guide to learn how to survive in the dark fantasy realm by playing Hole of Abaddon: Dark RPG on PC with LDPlayer 9. 

Battle Against Monsters

Battle Against Monsters

As you know, the battles are command-based; you only have to choose the command you want to battle against the monsters you meet. The monsters have a specific HP level, and you should lower the HP to zero by attacking them continually to win the battle against a monster and advance to the next level. Sometimes, during the battles, you have two options: escape or attack. We suggest you use the escape option only when you feel like the battle is tough. Otherwise, you should use the attack option to deal with the monster and reach the next level. 

Life Potions and Smoked Chickens for a Perfect Survival

Every time you advance in the Hole of Abaddon gameplay, exploring through different depths, you will receive coins as you kill the monsters during the explorations. Spending coins, you can purchase life potions and smoked chickens. But do you know why you need them? When you battle against the monsters, you will lose your HP and SP by receiving damage from them and getting exhausted from the battles attacking the enemies. Therefore, you need something to recover your HP and SP at those times. 

Life Potions and Smoked Chickens for a Perfect Survival

If you run out of SP, your natural healing will be ineffective, and you will continually lose HP. Therefore, ensuring you do not run out of SP is crucial. You will be defeated in the battles if you run out of HP. Therefore, instead of waiting for natural HP recovery to replenish HP, you can use life potions for that, and for SP recovery, you can use smoked chickens. As they are very helpful for you to survive during the battles, you must keep them abundantly with you by purchasing them from the Hole of Abaddon shop. 

Synthesis of Gear

Gear synthesis is another important aspect every Hole of Abaddon beginner should know about. You will receive various gear items when you go through explorations and complete achievements. These gear items will help you power yourself up in this Hole of Abaddon game. When you have gear, go to the Equipment tab and equip the gear with your character. 

Synthesis of Gear

Also, you can synthesize gear items to make them very powerful by combining two of the same items. Following this tip mentioned in this Hole of Abaddon beginner guide, you can power up your character by providing the best gear items and synthesizing them to make them even more powerful.

Beat the Bosses for Luxurious Rewards

At the end of each depth, there is a boss monster who is very large in nature, awful in appearance, and awesome in power. Their HP pool is incredible compared to other mini enemies you will meet throughout your journey in each depth. Beating these bosses is very tough, especially if you are a beginner player with less knowledge about the game. These bosses have massive HP pools, so three or four attacks are not enough to beat them down. 

Therefore, the boss battles will keep going for several minutes. During the battle, you must maintain your HP and SP amount. If your SP is low, it stops the auto recovery of HP, and then when the boss attacks you, your HP will be lower but won’t recover automatically, which paves the way to your death in the boss battle. 

Beat the Bosses for Luxurious Rewards

If you lose the boss battle at the end of each depth, you have to go through the same depth again, which is a waste of time. Therefore, maintain your SP and HP following the tips above and deal mass damage to the monsters without giving up on the battles, no matter how hard they are. Once you beat the bosses, you get luxurious rewards. 

When you beat the bosses, one thing that makes you feel anxious is you cannot see their HP status. It is because when you face a stronger enemy that you have never defeated before, you cannot see their HP status. But with the experience you get when you continually play this Hole of Abaddon game, you will be able to predict it to some extent. Defeat the boss monsters and become the best warrior in this dark fantasy realm. 

What are the Shiny Light Sources?

While exploring this dark fantasy realm and going through different deaths, you will come across some shiny light sources. When you see some shiny light sources in your explorations, grab them because gold or some kind of item might be hidden there. Make sure to tap it to get it before it disappears. 

What are the Shiny Light Sources

You already learned how important it is to have gold in this gameplay to get stronger and to survive perfectly. Therefore, don’t miss the shiny light sources you encounter within your explorations, but tap them and collect them for your gameplay. As we said, besides gold, there is a chance to get various other items too. So, don’t ignore the shiny light sources you see in several depths. 

Besides the shiny light sources, you might find things like pots and wooden boxes. You might find special useful items for your gameplay in all those things. So, it is good to tap them to break them repeatedly. Once you break them, you can get what is inside of them. Therefore, don’t just ignore the pots, wooden boxes, and shiny light sources; just tap on them repeatedly and get what they offer you. 

Complete Achievements

Once you reach level three, you will unlock most other features in this Hole of Abaddon game. There are many achievement categories that you can complete here, and all these achievements will give you different rewards, such as Stellas, for completing them. 

Complete Achievements

These achievements are somewhat advanced, but you can obtain the best rewards once you complete them. And also, these achievements are valid throughout the whole gameplay. There is no specific time limit for these achievements, so they are valid for all the time. Always check on the achievements tab to see the achievements you have to complete and to claim the rewards for the completed achievements. 

Boost Your Stats with Stellas

You have attributes here that determine your power and ability capacity. All these attributes upgrade together in a specific value when you level up in this game, going through different explorations in various depths. 

Boost Your Stats with Stellas

Other than that, you can level up the attributes individually here by assigning Stellas for the attributes you wish to level up. You can earn Stellas by completing various achievements, as we mentioned above. Using the Stellas earned from completing achievements, boost your most important stats. An excellent investment will always give great benefits. So invest your Stellas in the most important and useful attributes that help you to get through the battles quickly. 


The Hole of Abaddon gives you a unique role-playing gaming aspect to experience. A unique crafting system, a command battle system, and many other RPG elements make this game a real dark fantasy. No one can help you in your in-depth explorations on this island with many monsters. But, as you have this beginner's guide and tips, nothing can bother you in your explorations here in this Hole of Abaddon dark fantasy realm, not even the boss monsters!

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