Genshin Impact 2.8 - Meta Team Building Guide


With almost 2 years in operation and many characters released, many new players are joining Genshin Impact in order to experience the game prior to its new big update coming up with Patch 3.0.

In this guide, we will go over the meta teams most players are currently using as of Genshin patch 2.8 and advise players on the top 5 characters they should save their primogems on in order to be able to clear all of the current game contents in Genshin Impact with ease.

Let’s play Genshin Impact on LDPlayer 9.0 and find out.



LDPlayer 9.0 - The Alternative to Play Genshin on PC

With its newly released 9.0 version update, LDPlayer has improved so that even high-end requirement games such as Genshin Impact can be played through LDPlayer with relative ease. 

Utilizing its functions to manually adjust FPS and graphics, coupled with its function to bind key gameplay buttons with keyboard mapping, players with lower-end PCs and Laptops can experience the full extent of playing Genshin Impact on PC, ignoring the game’s high requirements, granting players the perfect gaming experience with minimum effort.

Genshin Impact 2.8 - Meta Team Building Guide

Genshin Impact Resonance and Meta Team Building Guide

Characters' Roles in Combat

Genshin Impact’s core combat revolves around 3 specific factors that players need to take into account in order to deal the most amount of damage: Raw Attack Output, Elemental Damage Buffer and Crowd Control, and Elemental Reactions Damage. 


Raw Damage Output essentially revolves around the characters’ overall damage potential based solely on their stats and rarity, as such, On field DPS-based characters are more powerful in this category as they need to be on the field for a long time in order to dish out the most damage. Some of the characters for this category are: Ganyu, Ayaka, Ayato, Childe, Itto, etc.


Elemental Damage Buffer and Crowd Control relate to characters that buff the team’s power using their ability. These buffs can come in the form of a direct attack buff, an EM buff, or special Elemental Damage specific buffs. In addition, characters who have skills that crowd control enemies such as pulling or staggering the enemies also fall in this category. Some examples are Kazuha, Venti, Sucrose, Bennett, etc.


Finally, Elemental Reaction damage relates to characters that heavily rely on enabling the on-field DPS to trigger special elemental reactions in order to deal additional elemental reaction damage to enemies. The characters of this category are Fischl, Beidou, Yelan, Xinqiu, etc.

Meta Teams and Elemental Resonance

In the current meta in the game, there exist a total of 3 different types of teams and elemental resonance that are considered Meta by many players for their ability to clear almost all Genshin contents without any difficulties.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of these teams heavily relies on the players’ own familiarity with how to use the team, so it is important to practice using the teams in order to use these teams in the most effective way possible.

1. Pyro Resonance Team

This team relies heavily on the usage of 2 Pyro characters in order to form a Pyro resonance in order to take advantage of the 25% atk up. This team enables the player to deal massive amounts of damage by enabling the Melt or Vaporize reaction in addition to Swirls, reducing the enemies’ Pyro resistance.

In order to utilize this team you will need to have 2 Pyro characters, 1 Anemo Character with the ability to crowd control and 1 Hydro/Cryo character in order to trigger the Melt/Vaporize reaction.

2. Perma Freeze Team (Cryo Resonance team)

As the name suggests, the main goal of this team is to freeze the enemies for as long as possible in addition to making full use of the Cryo Resonance for extra dps and crit chance. 

In this team, you will need to have 1 Anemo Character with the ability to Crowd Control the enemies, 2 Cryo characters, 1 for on-field DPS and the other to enable the Cryo element/ Heal or Buff and finally, a Hydro character in order to apply the Freeze status on enemies, making them impossible to move for extended period of time. The main upside for this team is that it allows for easy dps with the characters requiring minimal crit chance investment thanks to the Cryo Resonance.

3. Mono Geo Team (Geo Resonance Team)

The Mono Geo team heavily relies on characters of the Geo element and their ability to deal damage scaling off their Def in addition to the Geo Resonance reducing enemies resistance to Geo.

The Core of this team is Gorou as he allows for massive Geo damage buffs based on the number of Geo party members that are present in the team. In addition to Gorou, 2 more Geo characters need to be in the team in order to take full advantage of Gorou’s buff, preferably a Geo on-field DPS and a buffer/healer of the Geo element. The final slot of this team is flexible and you can fill in characters that might help the team’s damage output like Bennett or Rosaria.

Top 5 Characters You Should Roll For In Genshin Impact

Number 5: Zhongli

One of the first ever new Geo characters to be released and the only character in the game who have ever received a buff, despite being extremely old - both in terms of age and release - Zhongli still holds up as one of the game’s most powerful characters released to date.

Not only can Zhongli provide the whole team a hefty shield that scales off his massive HP, he can also reduce enemies elemental resistance and deal massive amounts of damage with his Elemental Burst. The only reason why he is low on this list is due to the fact that shields in the current meta of Genshin Impact are not as valued as Dps and Zhongli is not as versatile nor deals more damage than other characters on this list.

Number 4: Ganyu

One of the big 3 most powerful DPS in the game’s history, Ganyu is one of the must have characters that players should roll for.

Ganyu’s strength lies in the fact that not only can she be both an on-field DPS that deals massive amounts of damage, but she can also be an off-field Cryo enabler and buffer, making her extremely valuable for Freeze teams. 

However, with newly released characters and DPS, Ganyu’s annoying charge shot play style has stale over the 2 years of gameplay, making her not as desirable as other characters on this list. Still, she is one of the most powerful DPS to date and is an absolute must have for meta players.

Number 3: Xingqiu

A 4* Hydro enabler and one of the game’s most iconic Hydro characters, Xingqiu takes the 3rd spot on this list for being the most versatile off-field hydro enabler in the game.

Xingqiu is one of the must have characters in the game as not only does he enable almost all of the meta teams in the game, he is also a 4*, making him easier to obtain for all players. In addition, he is also extremely easy to build.

Number 2: Bennett

The most misunderstood 4* character since launch and the game’s most powerful buffer with no contest, Bennett is the player’s cheat to make almost all contents in Genshin easy.

Providing a large attack buff and an impressive quick heal, Bennett provides the best utility for all players in every team imaginable once his C1 have been unlocked, making him one of the best and must have characters in the game.

Number 1: Kazuha

The undisputed king of world exploration and Spiral abyss for almost 8 Genshin patches in a row since his release, Kazuha is the game's most powerful character and is one that all players should roll for.

Kazuha’s kit allows him to provide the entire team with crowd control, elemental damage buffing, enemies resistance shredding, elemental reaction enabling and massive amount of Anemo damage, making him the most versatile character in the history of Genshin. If you want to have the easiest time playing Genshin and clearing all of its contents then rolling for Kazuha is an absolute must.

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