Calibur League Battling Newbie Guide with Tips for all the Beginners


Calibur League is a strategy battle RPG with cute pixel characters that is a lot of fun. Even though these cute chibis characters are made of pixels, it's not hard to connect with them. If you didn't like the first 5 minutes of the game, you wouldn't like it later on, but if it caught your attention, you'd love the story. If you're a Calibur League beginner, this guide will help you learn the ropes so you can start out on the right foot.



Calibur League Battling Newbie Guide with Tips


Calibur League - Idle RPG Download Calibur League - Idle RPG on PC


The story of the Calibur League is very interesting, and you will fight a lot of battles. Even though the first half of the game makes it seem like you are alone, you can eventually build your own team to fight evil, and you can create your team around your favorite hero. Playing Calibur League on PC with LDPlayer 9 allows you to take in the game's plot and battles on a larger display and higher quality visuals.


You'll have never experienced combat like it in this game before, and you'll love it. Given that it's an Idle RPG, you'll need to devise a number of clever methods if you hope to come out on top. You can't boost your chances of winning without a solid plan. The primary objective of this game is to reach the top of the Calibur league by defeating as many opponents as possible. Let's start


Combat of Calibur League


The game starts with combat, which shows a lot about how it works. If you didn't pay attention during the tutorial in this section, you could review what was shown there. Basically, you can make the team fight other players or monsters in the PVE section. 


Each team can have up to five heroes, and before each match, you'll see a preview of the team you'll be facing and have to choose and arrange heroes that will help you win. Then, if you choose "Battle," you can start the fight, but you need to have ten energy points to do so. You can only have a specific amount of energy points at once, and they will fill up over time. 


Combat of Calibur League


You have to remember not to let this bar fill up because any extra energy you get will go to waste once the meter fills up. The best way to avoid this is to log in several times during the day and do a few fights to keep the meter from filling up.


When you are fighting, you have two options. You can choose to fight automatically or use manual controls. If you select auto combat, your team will fight normally, but their special skills will be used as soon as they come off cooldown, whether it's necessary or not. 


If you have a hero who can heal with his special skill, using it at the beginning of the match will waste that spell because all of your heroes are at full health at the start of the fight. Since each spell takes time to reset, you won't be able to use it when you really need it. 


For example, if you're fighting a team that does a lot of damage and puts on effects like bleeding, you should use your healing spells. When you heal your troops when they have some kind of damage over time effects, there is a chance that they become immune to it for a short time. You can't get that advantage by healing them early in the match. 


The next benefit of using manual control is that you can overcharge skills. If you let a skill recharge twice, you can increase its power this way. So even though manual control takes time, you get more benefits from it.


Heroes of Calibur League


The heroes you choose to play are the primary factor that determines how far you can advance in any given area of the game. These heroes belong to the Human, Angel, Devil, and Beast factions, respectively. You can acquire them by opening lucky boxes, which will reward you with shards. 


Heroes of Calibur League


In order to awaken them, you will also need shards, just as when you obtain them. Awakening heroes is essential because doing so increases not only the overall power of the hero but also the power of their talents. In addition to this, awakening heroes is the only way to activate their passive abilities. 


Unlocking passive skills will provide them with more moves to employ during the battle; besides this, you do not need to actively activate these abilities because once unlocked, they will be used in the appropriate situation automatically.


What You Should Know About the Classes of Calibur League?


As we said before, each of your heroes has a unique skill that you can use in battle. The skills they have depend on what class they are in. Here is a general overview of each class.


  • Warriors - They are the damage absorbers. They usually have stunned, and skills like silence, and they can take a lot of damage before they die. You should definitely have one of them in your formation.



  • Knights - They are the melee DPS in the game. They will fight with your warrior and help the team by knocking back and attacking buffs. The most important thing about their knockback is that they can stop an attack and reduce the damage your team takes.



  • Magicians - They will deal the most damage possible with their area of effect attacks, they will inflict enemies with effects that deal damage over time, such as poison, and they will assist your squad by placing debuffs on the opposite team.



  • Priests - They are the healers who you will not be able to survive without for very long, as they are an extremely vital class that heals your squad and provides immunity to certain conditions such as poison and bleeding.


  • Archers - The same as Magicians, they have abilities that affect several enemies at once, and their attacks generally cause additional damage with bleed. Having them on your team will significantly cut down on the amount of time the combat takes.


Where Is the Idle Reward?


In most idle games, you will see a constant battle between your team and an opposing force. During these battles, the opponent will drop things, which your team will then gather into a chest. After that, you can come back after some time is passed and collect your reward. Calibur League also has a similar feature, but it does not have combat animation; the feature is called Kingdome support, and you can find it in the upper right corner of your lobby. 


Where Is the Idle Reward


You can earn experience points, coins, and items for your heroes by doing this, but it can only hold 12h worth of rewards, so make sure to log in before this time period. If you want additional supplies of these loots, you can get them by watching advertisements. Considering that each advertisement only takes thirty seconds to complete, you should be able to take advantage of all five opportunities to increase your profit easily.


What Should Be Your Daily Goals?


Because of the energy system, you won't be able to finish the game in one sitting. That's not how idle games work, so you'll have to log in every day to progress in the game. As soon as you log in, the first thing you should do is get all the free rewards, such as lucky boxes, attendance gifts, and idle rewards. 


Since your Idle rewards in the Calibur League increase according to your progress in the game, you should get the idle rewards you can get for watching ads at the end of the day. Then go to the shop and look at each tab. There are a few places where you can get rewards every day just by watching ads.


What Should Be Your Daily Goals


Afterward, you should do the special events. By taking part in special events, you can get the starts you need to take part in the tournament. Also, the number of stars you get fills up a bar above that window. You get things like tickets, gems, and mystery boxes when you reach a certain milestone. If you want to do the same things as the tournaments, you should go to the daily quests and finish them. 


The daily quests will show you what kinds of things you can do in the game, and clicking on each quest will take you straight to the place where you can finish it. You can use this as a guide and shortcut to save time. If you do these things every day, you can slowly and steadily move up the ladder.




With the information we've provided in this Calibur League beginner's guide, we're confident you'll have no trouble picking up the game. Finally, we'd like to stress that you shouldn't be in a rush to level up in idle games; steady advancement is sufficient, as well as it will not drain your pocket. With that, we thank you for reading and must adjourn this Calibur League guide.

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