Bird Kind Beginner Guide and Gameplay Walkthrough for All New Players


Enter a magical world where the summoning tree spirit lives, hoping to restore the bird clan in this Bird Kind gameplay. So, as you have guessed, your duty is to help this summoning tree spirit to restore the birds. While expanding the forest, you can find new bird species, increasing your bird collection. Read the tips and tricks mentioned in this Bird Kind beginner guide for more insights and tips on this gameplay. 

Bird Kind Beginner Guide

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Helping your birds grow is important in this game to earn the currencies you need here. So, in this guide, we have already provided you with the best tips and tricks that can be used to level up your birds. Using these tips in this Bird Kind guide, you can have a marvelous Bird Kind on PC gameplay with LDPlayer 9, easily restoring the bird clans. Although the tips below ease up your gameplay, you can make it much easier with the features in LDPlayer 9 that you can experience when you play this game on your PC. 

The Summoning Tree

As your mission in this Bird Kind game is about restoring the life of birds, the summoning tree might be your first and best helper. The summoning tree helps you to summon birds to restore their lives. With the help of the summoning tree, you can fill up the forest with birds. 

The Summoning Tree

When you clear the forest for the first time in this gameplay, you will find the summoning tree spirit in the center of your forest. When you summon birds with the help of the summoning tree spirit, you can use up to three enchanted feathers during a summon. 

With the enchanted feathers you use, you can control the possibility of a certain bird type that will be summoned here. How do you get these enchanted features? These feathers come from the enchanter fox. And also, you can get them when you complete some missions and achievements. Or you can purchase it as a possible daily deal item. After the summon, the bird will appear as an egg at first, and then you need to incubate it in the nest before it hatches. 

Melodia and Gemberries are Important

Now we talk about the currencies in this game called Melodia and Gemberries. Have you heard of any of them before? As we said, they are the currencies in this game, and you can see how many gemberries and melodia you have in your gameplay by simply watching over the upper left corner of the gameplay screen. A musical note represents Melodia, and the gemberries look like berries. How do you obtain these currencies for your gameplay? Here in this guide, we will explain how to obtain each currency type separately. 

How to Obtain Melodia?

How to Obtain Melodia

You can easily obtain this currency type from harvesting your birds when they are ready. Yes, the birds harvest melodia, and the amount they harvest melodia will depend on the rarity and level of your birds. The common birds from the lowest rarity harvest quicker but only less melodia. The rarer birds with higher rarities take more time to harvest but yield more. And also, you can earn melodia even by selling birds you have summoned. You can have many uses for Melodia, such as upgrading the food flowers, clearing the forest, etc. 

How to Obtain Gemberries?

These currencies are hard to earn in this game; you can only earn them freely by completing the missions and achievements given in the gameplay. You can use these gemberries to hurry things up. You can hurry food flowers, incubate eggs, upgrade food flowers, and many other things using the gemberries in this game. 

Upgrade Food Flowers for More Gnats

As you know, your birds produce melodia, a currency type which you need to do many things in this game. To get more melodia in this game through your birds, you should upgrade your birds. The best food to upgrade your birds is the gnats. These gnats help you level up your birds very quickly. You can get gnats only by the flowers called food flowers. When you have more gnats, you can level up your birds. 

Upgrade Food Flowers for More Gnats

Therefore, as gnats come from the food flowers, you should upgrade the food flowers to produce more gnats in them. Leveling up the food flowers costs gemberries. Earn them from the methods mentioned above and upgrade the food flowers, increasing their gnat production. 

Clear the Forest

Clear the Forest

Clearing the forest is a major aspect of this Bird Kind game. When you first clear the forest, you will find the summoning tree spirit. And after, you will encounter new food flowers and other species of forests in this game. How to clear the forest? Looking at your surroundings, you will see leaves everywhere, as if in a forest. You can clear these leaves and unlock more habitats for your birds. To clear the forest, you need melodia. When you have enough Melodia to spend on clearing the forest, make sure to do so and earn a wide area of the forest for your bids. 

Missions to Complete

Completing missions is one of the best Bird Kind tips you can follow. The missions section in this game shows you the missions given to you here, and you can also check which missions you have completed and which are yet to be completed. 

Missions to Complete

At your beginner phase of the game, you cannot complete missions because it is a locked feature, but when you accomplish the journal score of 550, you unlock the missions for your gameplay. What is the journal score? We will later speak of it to you. The missions in this gameplay have a specific order of completing them. You cannot switch missions or skip them unless you spend gemberries. 

The Journal

As we promised you above, we will now explain the journal to you. The journal is your knowledge base, which includes every detail about your forest, such as the birds, decorations, cool creatures in your forest, etc. The journal has many pages with pictures of bird species, which you can raise in this game.

The Journal

The journal has a score according to how you perform in this game. This journal score is very important to unlock new features for your gameplay. So, how do you increase the journal score in this Bird Kind game? You just need to collect and level up the birds. With a higher journal score, unlocking other features in this game is easier. 

Merge Birds in Bird Kind

Merge Birds in Bird Kind

You already know it is essential to feed a specific amount of gnats to level up your birds. When you level up, you can get more Melodia from your birds. Besides the leveling up of your birds using gnats, you can merge the birds. When two birds of the same species are available, the merge button lights up. And then, you merge the birds, gaining a more powerful bird that can provide you with a large amount of melodia harvest. Therefore, do not forget to merge birds of the same species when you have them for better results in this Bird Kind game. 


The Bird Kind is a unique gameplay in which you have to do different things compared to other simulation games. In this game, you can collect and raise as many birds as you want to restore the bird clan because the game includes many bird species. So follow the tips and tricks above and have a great gameplay experience. Restore the bird clan by raising the best birds!

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