Battle Derby Tips and Tricks - Play, Crash and Fun with Ultimate Beginner's Guide


Battle Derby action-packed death race-style car game that lets you experience death match, Search and Destroy, and battle royale modes with no respawns. It's an exhilarating game that brings a unique experience to the action shooting genre. In this ultimate beginner's guide, we'll dive deep into the world of Battle Derby, providing you with tips and tricks to navigate the chaos, dominate the battlefield, and emerge victorious. 

Battle Derby Tips and Tricks

Battle Derby Download Battle Derby on PC

Whether you're just starting your journey or looking to sharpen your skills, this guide has everything you need to play, crash, and have fun in the fast-paced world of Battle Derby. Playing Battle Derby on PC allows you to enjoy the game with smooth controls, a better field of view, and high-quality graphics. Let's get started!.

Battle Derby Controls and Tips

To get started with Battle Derby, it's crucial to grasp the controls and understand what you need to master. In this section, we will delve into each control feature and provide some tips and tricks for using them effectively.

Battle Derby Controls and Tips

Left Joystick

This controls the vehicle. Where you pull the joystick, the car will move in that direction. One move you should learn is circling, slowing down, and backtracking on demand. In most battles, you will be surrounded, and if you don't master these maneuvers, the game will be quite hard.


There are two buttons for shooting. The rightmost shooting button will activate the vehicle's default weapon, and the one that appears whenever you pick up a gun will shoot the weapon you picked up. You can hold down these two buttons at once, and when you do that, once the first weapon shoots in its cooldown, the other weapon will shoot, increasing your rate of fire and damage output.

Health Box

When you pick up a health pack, this box will light up. Then, when you want to heal, you should hit this button to heal. Whenever your health gets lower, make sure to pump it up to max rather than saving it. This is because the health bar is like your only shield, and if it is low, you can't buy some time to get out of the fire. With a few shots, you will be on the death countdown. So, treat it as a shield and keep it topped up. Pick up and hoard health packs; they are the best friend you have.


Whenever you use this, your car will move faster in the direction it's facing. This can be used to get out of danger zones, or you can directly dash at a car and deal damage. But whenever you can't control the vehicle, you can use the dash and turn the vehicle, and it will slow down quickly. However, you should not use it all the time. If you do, you will miss the target lock, and someone else might take your kill. Only use it when it is actually necessary, since it has many uses. Every player should play with it and practice how to use it properly.

Learn the Three Finger Control

The clutch is that using all controls with two fingers will be quite challenging, which is why adapting to using three-finger controls is essential for mastering the game. With three-finger controls, you use your thumb to move your car, press and hold the pistol shooting button with your right hand index finger, and use your thumb to dash and shoot with the other gun. This technique enhances your speed and reaction time, making it easier to utilize multiple options simultaneously. However, mastering three-finger controls may take some time.

Learn the Three Finger Control

If you're looking for better controls immediately, consider playing the game with LDPlayer. With the LDPlayer Keyboard Mapping feature, you can control the car using the WASD keys and set up the shooting button to the space bar, allowing you to easily shoot while controlling the car. Additionally, you can set up the shooting button for the other gun and dash with the shift key. This setup enables you to dominate the battlefield, even with low-value cars. Try it today, and experience a smoother and more intuitive gameplay experience that will enhance your performance in Battle Derby.

Guns of Battle Derby

There are four types of weapons you can pick up in Battle Derby. The pistol is your default weapon, and it does not have infinite ammo; you have to pick up pistols if you want to shoot with it. The advantage of this weapon is its good locking range and target locking compared to other guns.

The next weapon is the Dracula. It shoots fire bursts and heals the shooter. This is a good choice for cars with low health. This weapon is particularly effective in close-quarters combat situations where you can quickly engage enemies and replenish your health simultaneously. However, it's important to remain aware of your surroundings and not become overly reliant on the healing aspect of the Dracula.

Next is the Lightning Gun. This weapon shoots lightning bolts, as the name suggests. When a vehicle gets hit by lightning, it slows down. This is best when there are players using drive-by shooting. Once the vehicle slows down, hit both shooting buttons and start circling the target. This will allow you to avoid getting pinned down by other players while also making you a harder target to hit.

The last gun is the rocket launcher. It has high damage but has a very low ammo count. In lower ranks, this weapon can blast vehicles with one shot, but as you rank up, the usefulness of this weapon gets dismissed drastically.

Doing Quests

Doing Quests

Inside the small book located on the right side of the screen, you can access the quest section of Battle Derby. Here, you will find four active quests, with one hidden; drag the quest left and right to scroll through them. There are two types of quests. The time quests only stay active for an hour and disappear, with a new one appearing regardless of whether you collect the prize of the quest. 

So, make sure to collect the boxes when you do a quest. The quest value depends on the box they provide; the yellow box quests should be your first target since they drop more coins and cards, followed by the gold ones, and silver quests are of least priority. Do them if you have no other choice.

Every quest you complete earns you 20 quest points, and these points contribute to opening even pricier boxes like epic ones. To make it easier to complete them, make a habit of checking out the quests before each battle. Try to do the ones that are not overlapping together. 

For example, quests like 'destroy 5 cars with a pistol' and 'destroy 5 cars with Dracula' are both achievable at the same time. This way, you can unlock more quests and open more boxes. They are a great source of income, so don't forget to do them.

Car Upgrades

Car Upgrades

Before delving into upgrades, it's crucial to understand the four rarity levels: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Legendary cards stand out as the rarest, so seize the opportunity to grab them whenever it arises. Following Legendary, Epic cards are the next rarest. While they drop more frequently, acquiring enough of them for a car you've already invested in can prove to be quite challenging. Therefore, ensure that a car has a decent amount of upgrade cards before embarking on significant upgrades.

Next in line are the rare cards. Similarly to Epic cards, if you begin working on one, the chances of obtaining another drop significantly. However, rare cards boast decent stats even from the outset. They can even help propel your rank to 5, even if they fall within the 50-car quality range.

Lastly, we have Common cards. These possess the lowest stats in terms of quality and should primarily be upgraded if necessary for quests or when no other options are available.

Tow Upgrade Type 

Tow Upgrade Type 

When it comes to upgrading your chosen car in Battle Derby, you should know that there are two types of upgrades: quality upgrades and part upgrades. Quality upgrades necessitate collecting a requisite number of cards, with the amount needed varying depending on the car and upgrade level. 

Upon upgrading a car, all of its stats increase, but the most important ones we get out of this are weapon damage and car health. Part upgrades, on the other hand, enhance handling, speed, dash, and other areas of the vehicle. When doing part upgrades, keep all four upgrades in equal levels or you will have a car really fast but hard to control. 

Increase Your Rank and Player Level

Increase Your Rank and Player Level

Your player level in Battle Derby determines the additional content you can enjoy in the game. As you level up, you unlock more game modes to play, and your battle point multiplier increases, allowing you to earn more rewards from battles.

One of the benefits of leveling up is gaining access to free player level chests. These chests guarantee you 1000 coins, 10 normal cards, and 2 rare cards, providing a valuable boost to your resources for upgrading vehicles and purchasing items. Moreover, leveling up unlocks new features and functionalities within the game, enhancing your overall gaming experience.

The rank-up process follows a trophy road, where you can collect various rewards such as silver boxes, gold boxes, and yellow boxes as you progress. These boxes contain rare cards that can further strengthen your vehicles and improve your chances of success on the battlefield.

Battle Derby Economy 

There are three types of currencies in Battle Derby. The first is the green token known as DBGems, which only concerns you if you have an NFT vehicle. You can use DBGems to upgrade engines and other parts and enhance NFT cars.

  • Gold: Gold is the second currency in the game. They are required to upgrade your Non-NFT vehicles. You can earn gold through opening boxes, winning matches, and collecting them on the battlegrounds.

  • Gems: By winning matches and opening chests, you can earn gems. However, the quantity you receive is very small, so you must make the most out of them. Buying coins or skipping quests are easy ways to waste them. Instead, you should save them for legendary boxes. Legendary boxes guarantee one legendary card and 3000 coins. Legendary cards have a very slim drop rate, and with these, you can start building your legendary collection for free.

  • Battle Derby Store: Most of the store is filled with items that require real money to buy. However, in the middle, you will find four advertisement options that allow you to obtain some rare, epic, and regular cards for free. These reset every day, so make a habit of collecting these freebies. Additionally, other items you can buy are for gems, and gems should be spent on legendary boxes as mentioned earlier.

Hitting the First Three Ranks

In Battle Derby matches, securing one of the first three places means you're a winner! If you manage to clinch either the first, second, or third place, you won't lose any trophies. However, if you finish lower than fourth place, you'll risk losing some of your hard-earned ranks.

Hitting the First Three Ranks

But here's the exciting part: when you're among the top three ranks in a match, you become sponsored! This sponsorship grants you the opportunity to choose three boxes out of nine, each containing gems, rare cards, or epic cards. It's a fantastic chance to bolster your collection and enhance your vehicles.

Here's a pro tip: Whenever you find yourself in the top spot after a match, consider using the advertisement option to open all nine boxes. By doing so, you can swiftly acquire more rare cards without having to wait for boxes to unlock naturally. So, aim high, secure those top three spots, and make the most out of your sponsorship rewards to strengthen your arsenal and climb the ranks in Battle Derby.

Joining Events

Joining Events

Once you reach player level 5 in Battle Derby, you unlock the ability to participate in special events. These events offer unique battle rounds where you'll face off against opponents with your car. However, there are certain conditions you must meet to participate. Your car must have full engines and other parts leveled up, and it may need to reach a specific upgrade level.

After each battle in these events, your car will require repairs, which typically takes around three hours. However, if you have multiple cars ready for action or have enough funds to rent additional cars, you can skip this repair delay and continue competing in the matches without interruption.

Participating in these events provides an exciting challenge and the opportunity to showcase your skills against other players. By meeting the requirements and strategically managing your resources, you can make the most out of these special events and strive for victory in Battle Derby.


Battle Derby offers an adrenaline-fueled experience like no other, where skill, strategy, and quick reflexes reign supreme. By mastering the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the intense battles, crush your opponents, and emerge as the ultimate champion of the derby. So, rev up your engines, gear up for action, and let the battle begin!

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