Return to Monkey Island Walkthrough Guide – A Guide and Tips for Beginners


Did you enjoy the story of two adventure games: Monkey Island 2 LeChuck's Revenge and The Secret of Monkey Island? Well, we have good news for you because that story will continue with the new game Return to Monkey Island, and here you will return to the thrilling series with more interest. You will have the classic point-and-click gameplay here with puzzles to solve, but we know you all need a guide. So let's get started with a complete Return to Monkey Island walkthrough with tips.

Return to Monkey Island Walkthrough Guide

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There will be islands to explore and more adventures to go on here, and so many old friends and new faces can also be seen in this game. There is a story with several parts on it with different puzzles and challenges, so you must get ready to know these all as a beginner. Or else it will be challenging to start the game as a beginner. So, let's start getting to know everything by playing Return to Monkey Island on PC with LDPlayer 9.

Return to Monkey Island Gameplay

As we already said, the story or the Return to Monkey Island gameplay will come from different parts, and there are five that you need to be aware of here as follows.

Return to Monkey Island Gameplay

  • Prelude – An Unexpected Story Begins

  • A Friendly Place as the Act 1

  • A Dangerous Journey as the Act 2

  • Return to Monkey Island as the Act 3

  • Things Get Complicated in Act 4

  • Beneath the Monkey Head as the Act 5

Although there are different stories coming with each of these acts, we are not going to take you through a complete walkthrough of them all because we are here to provide you with the best guide that helps to achieve the best gameplay here. So, understand all these acts and get accordingly to do your best through the Return to Monkey Island gameplay.

What are Return to Monkey Island Achievements?

The next thing we want to bring and explain to all the beginners from this guide is the achievements. We have 7 of them in this game, and we will look into them one by one now.

Story Achievements

Story achievements can be taken by progressing through your game, and five of them will be awarded to you one by one by completing parts one, two, three, four, and five of this game.

Achievements in Prelude

And here is where you are going to take the achievements from the Prelude, and the first one to be unlocked here is the Lucky Duck. You will have to unlock it by giving the four-leaf clover you picked from the field to the duck in the pond. And then, we have the Pegleg achievement, and to unlock this, you will have to return the Pegleg. This needs to be done by unlocking the outhouse with a key, and you need to return to the Scurvydog Shack.

Achievements in Prelude

Achievements in Part One

There will be six here to be done as an achievement, and the first one is Bragging. To unlock this, you have to talk with 15 people and tell them you are searching for the Secret of Monkey Island. There will be different dialogues to be chosen here, and several characters are also going to be featured with each dialogue.

Then you can examine the Wall's shop, and you need to have a thorough search here for all its maps. This way, you will be able to unlock the Cartography Nerd. Fan Service is the next achievement that you have to unlock through Return to Monkey Island achievements, and here you have to talk with Cobb. Encourage him to talk about the Loom, and at the end, he is going to hand you over with the spiel, which will unlock the Fan Service achievement.

Achievements in Part One

To unlock the Hey Wait! achievement, you will have to go for the Jail cell door of Otis. This needs to be done with the use of Wally's monocle; with that, you will be able to have a serial number. This number needs to be presented with Locke Smith so that he will give you a key, and this will allow you to open that cell door.

Mop Top will also be an achievement, and with the use of four mop heads, you are required to create a mop. All the mop heads you use here should be different from one another, and as a beginner, it will be better to reload because it provides you the speediest way for this process with multiple mop heads combined with each.

Then we also have the Mop Heist, which will be unlocked by picking the mop of the cook in the Scumm bar. This can be easily done by offering him the governor's mansion recipe book.

Achievements in Part Two

And here is one of another Return to Monkey Island achievement, and there will be a total of four here. The first is the Dead Dead Dead, and it requires the real death of Guybrush. You must wait under the water by digging your head in there until the time ends, and with multiple chances you have given in the game, try this until Guybrush really dies.

The Hot Headed achievement can be reached by making the Guybrush eat Scorched Alaska made by the Putra several times. You will have to make numerous attempts here to make him eat it, and on your fourth try, he will definitely have a bite. Then we have the Neat Freak achievement, and here you are required to search all eight reporting messes from the ship. First, you must find five; the other three must be found by reloading the game. And for the last achievement here, we have the Super Swabbie, which actually requires you to swap all the grease 20 times.

Achievements in Part Two

Achievements in Part Three

Unlike the above Return to Monkey Island achievements, here we have only two to accomplish as Not Bitter and the Tight Ship. The Not Bitter has to be unlocked by looking into the tree with L+E, and you have to scratch this tree five times.

On the other hand, the Tight Ship is there to pick up all the skulls after you have been headed into the Giant Monkey Head. You will be able to see the Tight Ship's achievement by repairing the ship.

Achievements in Part Four

Part four is where the Return to Monkey Island achievements amount are at a higher rate, and we have so many of them here. The first one is the Ahoy There, in which you have to talk with pirates using the Ahoy dialogue. This has to be done by visiting the adrift ship, and you will have to talk until the achievement is unlocked.

The Bookworm achievement in this part will require you to see all the At The End of The Plank copies. And the Cogg Island will be unlocked if you have beaten this game one time. On the other hand, the Deep Sea Diver will ask you to explore the sea continuously, making you reach several seabed location variations. And that is how you will unlock this achievement.

Try to deliver Stan's toothbrush you found from the melee island to Stan again so you will be able to unlock the Dental Samaritan achievement. And The Flag Facsimile is the next one to be unlocked by having three flags of the Bella Fisher. And on the Land

Patient Citizen will require the player to wait in line by doing nothing. Wait by the governor's mansion, and after around three minutes, you will be able to unlock this achievement. Once you get the book of poetry originally from the Gullet, you can unlock the Promise Keeper achievement by handing it to Conrad.

In the Relief Pitcher, you have to give your coin purse to Carla to unlock it, and the Trophy Fisher will require you to tell a well-descriptive and longest story to unlock it.

Achievement in Part Five

For the last part, we have only three achievements to be discussed under this Return to Monkey Island review guide, and the first one of them is the Free Wally. You have to find a serial number with the use of a magnifying monocle in LeChuck's shop here. And once you find it, hand it to Locke Smith so he will make a key, and with the use of that key, you will be able to use it for free Wally. That is how you are going to unlock the Free Wally achievement.

Achievement in Part Five

For the second, we have to head back into the alleyway with many of Stan's keys in our hands. A door will unlock you, and by going through it and backing up to the Monkey Head, you are going to unlock the I Don't Believe achievement.

The Speed Runner is the last achievement to discuss here, and to unlock this achievement; you only have to play the game for two hours.

Best Tips for the Return to Monkey Island Gameplay

Now that you know the Return to Monkey Island achievements as a beginner, let us bring you the best tips to play this game because that is what you really want to improve through your gameplay.

Get Clues from NPCs

Throughout your entire Return to Monkey Island gameplay, you get tons of puzzles to solve, and the best way to solve them is to have some clues. So how do you get the clues? It is just by talking to the NPCs. They will guide you on how to solve these puzzles, which is one of many help they bring to you because they can guide you in the right direction too.

Don't Rely on the Hint Book

Don't Rely on the Hint Book

Yes, we know you value so much for the hints to play this game, so having an opportunity like the Hint Book can be a real end game, right? But do not consider this as a primary relying source for your success because rather than using hints from the Hint Book, you are going to be a lot more rewarded by strategically playing the game on your own. So, configure everything on your own, and don't make yourself rely too much on this Hint Book if you want to have top-tier success in this game.

Answer the Trivia Cards

Answer the Trivia Cards

You also need to ensure that you have answered all of the Trivia Cards in the game because you can only store a few of them in your inventory. So, to prevent them from missing by stacking more new ones for the inventory, make sure that you answer these all and don't stack them up more. These are only going to be there for five minutes because they are refreshing themselves, so use the opportunity to answer them all and progress way better through the game.

Where Do We Find More Trivia Cards?

Where Do We Find More Trivia Cards

Since trivia Cards are considered to be an important collectible in this game, you must find them as much as you can, but you need to know where to find them, or else you will be in trouble. Don't worry because the Return to Monkey Island game actually features different places to find them, and by highlighting the objects, you will easily find all these Trivia Cards. By following through the main story, you get more Trivia cards, and if you want to increase their spawning rate, try to answer as many questions as you can.

Following are some of the places where you will find more Trivia Cards from the Return to Monkey Island gameplay:

  • Scumm bar

  • Locksmith Shop

  • High Street

  • Jail

  • Low Street

  • Museum

  • Lookout

  • The Forest

Using Items

This is one of the main questions that many players are struggling to find the answers to. Can items be used on anything? No, you can't. There will be no response coming from it, and before you try to use an item, please make sure that you use it on its specified things because you do not have the freedom to use it on almost everything at all.

Using Items

Make Sure that You Get the Best Use of Hints

Although we don't recommend using the Hint Book in this Return to Monkey Island walkthrough guide, you can still use the other hints best. Since you are a beginner, there are many ways that you are confused by not knowing your next step, so it will always be better to use the hint system as it can guide you.

Make Sure that You Get the Best Use of Hints

Please note that you will not get direct answers here after using the hint system because they are more complex. The actual hint will be hidden through the answer, and by completely understanding them, you will be able to continue from where you have stuck in this game.


Return to Monkey Island is fun to play as a point-and-click adventure game. But at the same time, it will be really confusing for beginner players because you don't get things easily here. So, it is better to have a guide like this to make your gameplay better; please note that this guide was made before the Return to Monkey Island mobile release. We will update any necessary changes right after the game is released, and until then, use these all to get yourself prepared for the upcoming.

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