Punishing Gray Raven Left Unsaid Update Patch Guide


Continuing its traditional updates schedule of 1.5 months intervals, Punishing Gray Raven’s Global Server introduces a brand new update in the form of Left Unsaid - with a brand new extra chapter story, a new character interludes, an event with farming stages, an event shop, special upgrades for old Constructs, and finally, a brand new character - the A Rank Ice Elemental Damage Dealer Omniframe Construct - Babinata: Vitrum


In this guide, we will go over what Left Unsaid Update has in store for Punishing Gray Raven players, how players can gain the most amount of benefits from this update, and show how players can obtain the most amounts of rewards from the patch’s special events. In addition, we will go over whether or not players should roll for the A Rank Ice Elemental Damage Dealer Omniframe Construct - Babinata: Vitrum



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Punishing Gray Raven Left Unsaid Update 

Punishing Gray Raven’s brand new Left Unsaid update can be divided into 3 different sections - the Extra Story Chapter, the New Characters Interludes and special challenge and farming stages in addition to an event shop.

Extra Story Chapter

Available from this update onwards, the newly introduced Extra Story Chapter - Left Unsaid allows players to go through the events leading up to the introduction and subsequent joining of Bianca:Stigmata into the Gray Raven squad. Go through the extra story chapter and obtain many valuable materials for character upgrading and special currencies for gacha in the game.

There are 2 difficulties for the Extra story chapter - Normal and Hidden with the Hidden difficulty requiring players to invest heavily into their characters so be sure to be prepared for this challenge.

New Characters Interludes Chapters

During the Update duration, a new character interludes chapter will be available for all players that are lv 40 and above and have access to character interludes.

Clearing these character interludes provides players with extra background information for the new character introduced during this Update. In addition, playing the interlude chapters allow players to playtest the new characters of this update, allowing them to have a better understanding of their playstyles and help decide if you should roll for the new characters.\


Clearing these Character Interlude Chapters also reward players with a lot of gacha currencies, so make sure to clear them while they are available during this update since once this Update has 

passed, you will need to own the characters to access these Interlude Chapters again.

Special Event Farming Stages

In addition to brand new permanent contents added into the game like the story chapter and the character interludes, we also receive Event Specific Farming Stages that only last during the Update period and will be gone forever after the update has ended.

Farming these stages will reward players with special currencies that they can then use to exchange for various rewards from the Event Shop such as EXP pods, Cogs, Brand New Set of Memories and special event exclusive items.

Special Event Shop

Farming the Special Event stages will reward players with special currencies that they can then use to exchange for various rewards from the Event Shop such as EXP pods, Cogs, Memories.

Players should prioritize getting the event exclusive 6* Memories for Bianca:Stigmata from the event shop first and foremost as they cost a large amount of event currencies. Once players have exchanged for all of the shards, players then can priorities other upgrading materials such as EXP, Cogs Boxes, 6* Memories, etc.


It is also important to note that special Memories that suit Bianca: Stigmata combat prowess will be discounted during the event’s period as well, so players should exchange 1 set of that special memory set in order to boost his combat capabilities.


In addition, for a limited time only in the event shop of this update patch, players will have a chance to exchange for 30 Construct shards for the A Rank Omniframe Construct - Babinata: Vitrum. This amount of construct shards will be enough for all players to recruit her directly into their squad without having to roll for her in the gacha banner or to upgrade her from A Rank Status to S Rank Construct, allowing her to unlock her special skills and enhance her combat abilities. Therefore, players should absolutely pay attention and exchange for these Construct shards for Babinata: Vitrum to add her to their roster.

Limited Time Banner - Should You Roll

With the release of the Left Unsaid Update Patch of Punishing Gray Raven, players will have the chance to obtain a brand new A Rank Construct - the A Rank Ice Elemental Damage Dealer Omniframe Construct - Babinata: Vitrum and her limited time 6* Weapon.


Babinata: Vitrum is a A Rank Omniframe construct that specializes in dealing Ice elemental damage to enemies surrounding her and inflicting them with the freezing status, both making the enemies frozen in place and reduce their Ice elemental resistance, allowing her to deal even more damage with her skill effects.

Babinata: Vitrum’s Red Orbs attacks launches her forward into the group of enemies and hurls a large amount of threads towards the enemy, dealing massive amounts of Ice elemental damage in an area. Her Blue orbs allow her to leap into the sky, dodging any attacks from enemies on the ground and lunging back down onto the enemies, dealing massive amounts of Ice damage to the enemies in her landing spot. Finally, her Yellow orbs allow Babinata: Vitrum to move forward and slashes the enemies, dealing Ice elemental damage to enemies in front of her.

Babinata: Vitrum’s main strong point lies in her special core passive, which allows her to perform dances and gain special effects depending on the different phases of the dance, switching between them in order to allow her to deal massive amounts of damage and initiate special combos for stat boost. The first phase, Strings on me, when started, allows Babinata: Vitrum to deal consecutive normal attacks to enemies around her. The 2nd phase, Solitary Dancer, allows her to dodge all incoming attacks from enemies by consuming her special energy gauge. The 3rd phase, Pas De Chat, allows her to deal Ice damage to enemies when she uses her signal orbs and pulls the enemies together. The 4th phase, Pact of Memory, allows her to store special Signal orbs of certain colors and regain them all after she has used her Signature skill, allowing her to quickly combo and deal massive amounts of Ice Elemental Damage.


Babinata: Vitrum’s Signature ultimate move allows her to deal a massive blow of Ice elemental damage to all enemies around her.

Should You Roll

Yes, You Should. As Babinata: Vitrum is only an A Rank Omiframe construct, she is a very easy target to roll for that requires only 10 pull to guarantee getting. Not to mention, her being an A Rank Ice Attacker Construct may allow players who do not have Lucia: Blume to obtain a powerful Ice Damage dealer for their Ice elemental team, allowing them to be able to challenge the challenging contents in the upcoming update patches.


It is also recommended that if players were to use Babinata: Vitrum as the main damage dealer, they should also roll for her weapon that will also be on rated up during this update patch period.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Specialized Punishing Gray Raven Emulator Option 

To prepare for the brand new update and the new limited characters, players should start playing Punishing Gray Raven on PC using LDPlayer Version 9.0. Unlike other emulators on PC of its kind, the newly upgraded LDplayer 9.0 is especially designed to support and enhance the gaming experience when playing Punishing Gray Raven.

With a preset interface that binds certain game actions with keyboard buttons, LDPlayer is designed so that players can execute fast and precise actions in the game with ease by simply pushing keyboard buttons and moving their mouses.

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