Girls’ Lane Beginner Guide - Everything You Need for a Perfect Fight


Girls’ Lane is a unique game about building a powerful fleet, including the most powerful ships. Here, the ships are represented by beautiful anime girls, each with many unique abilities. Use them to powerfully build your fleet of ships and engage in battles with enemy pirates that you may encounter during your sailing adventures in the sea. As this guide includes the best tips to fight perfectly and earn victories in every fight you get into, newbies are always welcome here to learn the best beginner guidelines and tips useful for the Girls’ Lane game. 

Girls’ Lane Beginner Guide

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Strategies play a significant role in this game, so it is important to learn the best strategies you should use in your gameplay to defeat enemy fleets while building your fleet of ships powerfully. In this Girls’ Lane beginner guide, we have included the best tips and tricks that might be useful. Therefore, read this guide first and unlock your potential during the fights when you play Girls’ Lane on PC with LDPlayer 9 using the tips and tricks learned here. 

Summon Girls

In this Girls’ Lane game, girls represent the ships in your fleet, and each girl has unique characteristics and skills. In building your fleet of ships here to defeat the enemy fleets very easily, you need more powerful girls as ships to your fleet. So, how do you obtain more powerful girls for your Girls’ Lane game to build a powerful fleet of ships? Go to the Pact option in the game’s main menu and summon the girls to your fleet. Here, using diamonds, you can sign one pact or ten times at once. 

Summon Girls

When you summon ships from the regular pact using the ten times summon option, the game guarantees to give you a five-star ship at your tenth summon. When you check the probability rates for the ships in each star tier here in the regular pact summon opinion, you will see the higher the star tier, the lesser the probability rates, and the lesser the star tier, the higher the probability rates. 

So it shows you will abundantly get the lesser star tier ships when you summon them from the regular pact summon option. How can you obtain the higher star-tier ships for your gameplay? You can start rerolling using the LDPlayer 9 for an efficient reroll process. When you use LDPlayer 9 to reroll, you can create multiple instances to make rerolling more efficient with more accounts using the Multi-Instance Sync feature. Then, you can easily and quickly increase your chance of obtaining a top star-tier ship. 

Set Sail and Explore the Sea

The Girls’ Lane game has a Set Sail tab that lets you explore various regions in the seas, challenging the opponent fleets of ships you might encounter during your sea explorations. This is the first mode in this Girls’ Lane game unlocked for you, and this mode is like the main story gameplay. Here, there are chapters with more stages to complete. When you challenge a specific stage, you should check on the enemies you have to face, the recommended power level, and the clearance rewards you can obtain at the end of the challenge once you win it. 

Set Sail and Explore the Sea

Once you tap the challenge button, you will be shifted to the battle preparation interface, where you must deploy your ships to the battleground. If you do not know which ships should be deployed to the battleground to defeat the opponents, tap the Quick Deploy button so that the game chooses the best ones and deploy them for you. Once you deploy the most powerful ships you have, you can start the battle. 

Deploy Ships and Obtain Buffs

According to how you deploy ships during the battles, you can activate buffs to the whole team. So, how do you activate buffs for your team? Here, you can deploy the six ships of different state factions to activate buffs to boost the HP and the attack of all the ships on the battleground. Or you can deploy up to six ships of the same state faction to the battleground to increase the attack and HP of all the ships on the battlegrounds in different percentages. 

Deploy Ships and Obtain Buffs

The more ships belonging to the same state faction are deployed to the battleground, the higher the percentages of attack and HP boosts will be applied to the whole battle team. As you know, deploying various ships of various state factions activates different buffs to the whole fleet of ships; make sure to follow this tip and activate buffs as much as possible for the whole fleet of ships. 

State Faction Counter System

Whether it is your team or enemy team, every character belongs to a specific state faction. Here, you can check the state faction of your ships if you check the top left corner of their avatars, and during the battle preparation phase, where you deploy ships to the battles, you can also check the state faction of the enemies. 

State Faction Counter System

There are six factions, Light Prayer, Obsidian, Freewill Legion, Tech Alliance, Unyielding Merc, and Lunar Pursuit, in this game, and various colored icons represent each faction. Each of these state factions counters each other, and this system works like the rock paper scissor game you have played before. Here is how this state faction counter system works. 

  • Force of Light Prayer ⇌ Force of Obsidian

  • Force of Freewill Legon → Force of Lunar Pursuit → Force of Tech Alliance → Force of Unyielding Merc → Force of Freewill Legion. 

As you now know how this state function encounter system works, use them during the battles to deal an extra 25% damage to the enemy fleets. Always check the state faction of the enemy fleets and use the ships with the state factions that can counterattack the enemies successfully, dealing extra damage to them. 

Increase the Affinity of Ships

Affinity is a special feature in this game designed to give you more rewards and other benefits for your Girls’ Lane gameplay. Every ship has an affinity level, and this affinity option will be unlocked upon obtaining the ship. According to the affinity level of each ship, you can unlock various benefits and obtain different rewards for your gameplay. 

Increase the Affinity of Ships

How do we upgrade the affinity level of each ship? By sending gifts to the ships, you can increase their affinity level. Make sure to increase the affinity level of each ship, providing them with precious gift items and obtaining more valuable benefits and rewards for your gameplay. 

Upgrade the Power of Ships

Every time you pass through stages in the sea explorations, the challenges become tougher little by little. In that case, you should do something to make your ships powerful so they won’t fail by one blow from the enemy fleet. For that, the first thing you can do is level up the ships. When you level up the ships in your dock individually, you can increase their attributes with the level and make them much stronger. 

Upgrade the Power of Ships

And also, you can unlock the skills for your ships when you level up them. Another way to upgrade the ships' power is to equip compatible gear items with them and enhance them using the required materials. When proving your ships the best equipment items, their battle power increases, making them stronger. 

You can promote the star tier of ships using the duplicates of the same ship. When promoting the star tier of the ships, their maximum level cap increases, and you get the chance to upgrade the skills of the ships to level two. Also, you can activate goddess bonuses according to the star tier of your ships, spending relevant materials to power up your ships more. 

Level up the Port Tech

Port Tech is something that you need to focus more on in your beginner Girls’ Lane game phase and onwards. Every time you get or upgrade a ship to five stars or higher, you will receive research data. The higher the star level of the ships, the more research data you will get. With the research data you get through upgrading or obtaining five-star or higher-star-tier ships, you can upgrade your port tech. 

Level up the Port Tech

When you upgrade the port tech, it will grant all of your ships various stat bonuses. The higher the level of the port tech, the higher the stat bonuses it will grant for all your ships. Therefore, level up the port tech with enough research data you obtain in this Girls’ Lane game. Here, the port tech provides stat bonuses such as HP bonus, defense bonus, and attack bonus to all your ships. 

Complete the Tasks

Like in every other game, Girls’ Lane also offers you a task list. In this task list, you will see the daily, weekly, and story tasks. The daily tasks are simple and easy to complete, and they will be refreshed after twenty-four hours. In the daily task list, you will see the time left to complete all the tasks given to you there. Make sure to complete them before the time runs out so that you will never miss the rewards that can be obtained. 

Complete the Tasks

The weekly task list includes the tasks you should complete within a week, and as in the daily task list, you will see the time left to complete the weekly tasks in the weekly task list. When completing daily and weekly tasks, you will obtain activity points that unlock treasure chests full of rewards. The story tasks include the tasks that are directly connected with the sea explorations. Complete more story tasks, and you will obtain valuable rewards in your Girls’ Lane gameplay. 


Our beginner guide with the best tips and tricks for the Girls’ Lane game is now over. As you have followed the guide until its end, we know you have learned many valuable strategies that can be applied when you play this Girls’ Lane game. So, start playing the game using the tips, tricks, and strategies you have learned from here and have perfect fights, always gaining the upper hand in your fleet. 

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