Unit Conversion Calculator Description
Unit Conversion Calculator converts units of length, weight, temperature,
and volume. It is very straight forward and easy to use.
Units of length include inch, foot, yard, mile, nautical mile, centimeter, meter, and kilometer.
Units of weight include short ton, metric ton, pound, kilogram, stone, gram, and ounce.
Units of temperature include Celsius, Fahrenheit, and kelvin.
Units of volume include US gallon, quart, pint, cup, ounce, tablespoon, and teaspoon. Other units of volume include liter, milliliter, cubic inch, cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic centimeter, and cubic meter.
The tip calculator calculates your total bill with tip and splits the cost between the desired number of people.
and volume. It is very straight forward and easy to use.
Units of length include inch, foot, yard, mile, nautical mile, centimeter, meter, and kilometer.
Units of weight include short ton, metric ton, pound, kilogram, stone, gram, and ounce.
Units of temperature include Celsius, Fahrenheit, and kelvin.
Units of volume include US gallon, quart, pint, cup, ounce, tablespoon, and teaspoon. Other units of volume include liter, milliliter, cubic inch, cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic centimeter, and cubic meter.
The tip calculator calculates your total bill with tip and splits the cost between the desired number of people.
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