Steptacular Description
Steptacular allows you to share and compare your steps with your friends.
Simply sign up, approve Google Fit integration, and start adding your friends. Both Android and iOS can compete to see who can get the most steps.
You can:
- individually compare your progress over last two weeks with any of your friends
- View leaderboards from you+your friends or global (everyone!)
- Add up to five favorite friends and see how you compare over the last 7 days on the home screen
Simply sign up, approve Google Fit integration, and start adding your friends. Both Android and iOS can compete to see who can get the most steps.
You can:
- individually compare your progress over last two weeks with any of your friends
- View leaderboards from you+your friends or global (everyone!)
- Add up to five favorite friends and see how you compare over the last 7 days on the home screen
Open up