mollem Description
Mollem is a social media app for Climate Warrior.
You can watch climate-related content eco-friendly lifestyle what's going on in the world about climate change facts and figures you can talk with the other guy and discuss that there is a food-sharing function you can share your object which you do not use you can also sell anything small to big anything you can also give the rent of product around you you can ask anything to anyone if you need anything and if you want anything in your society to do and you can also give the review of the product which you use like vegan products and natural product around you so other people can see you can share your climate action by clicking photos making videos.
And many such things and you get a deeper understanding of problems and what's going on in the world it is easy to find fit into your day especially when you are going for launching around at home as you see the amazing videos story its naturally build you up to your knowledge bank and make getting into conversation with other about the climate emergency easier to do their incredible ATI wide range of climate and environmental video are their knowledge is the base of good decision making a great interacting way to learn to watch climate science-based content view your understanding of climate crisis so you can a better articulate the issue and advocate for a solution to create a better world I believe the people with passion can change the world if we have a passion and something to make such impact and grateful for the world we can make it happen.
You can watch climate-related content eco-friendly lifestyle what's going on in the world about climate change facts and figures you can talk with the other guy and discuss that there is a food-sharing function you can share your object which you do not use you can also sell anything small to big anything you can also give the rent of product around you you can ask anything to anyone if you need anything and if you want anything in your society to do and you can also give the review of the product which you use like vegan products and natural product around you so other people can see you can share your climate action by clicking photos making videos.
And many such things and you get a deeper understanding of problems and what's going on in the world it is easy to find fit into your day especially when you are going for launching around at home as you see the amazing videos story its naturally build you up to your knowledge bank and make getting into conversation with other about the climate emergency easier to do their incredible ATI wide range of climate and environmental video are their knowledge is the base of good decision making a great interacting way to learn to watch climate science-based content view your understanding of climate crisis so you can a better articulate the issue and advocate for a solution to create a better world I believe the people with passion can change the world if we have a passion and something to make such impact and grateful for the world we can make it happen.
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