GuessTheName Description
A 1v1 movie guessing game to play with your friends for fun.
Giver: The person who gives the movie.
1. Enter his/her name.
2. Send the `uniquely generated code` to other player.
3. Enter the `movie name` for the other player to guess.
Receiver: The person who receives the movie.
1. Enter his/her name.
2. Enter the `unique code` provided by the other player.
3. Try to guess the `movie name`.
Giver: The person who gives the movie.
1. Enter his/her name.
2. Send the `uniquely generated code` to other player.
3. Enter the `movie name` for the other player to guess.
Receiver: The person who receives the movie.
1. Enter his/her name.
2. Enter the `unique code` provided by the other player.
3. Try to guess the `movie name`.
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