Connected Waada Description
ConnectWaada will make sure you have all contact details of your colleagues directly in your phone, you will not forget any birthdays or work anniversaries anymore and you stay up to date what happens within Waada The Movement.
Connect Waada has the following functionalities
Contact list of your colleagues with details like phone number, email id, designation, etc.
Reminder mails for birthdays or work anniversaries of your colleagues
Timeline functionality with the option to share messages to the entire organization
Reporting of Billion Acts of Goodness to the entire organization
Do you also want to have ConnectWaada for your own organization? Please contact us via
Connect Waada has the following functionalities
Contact list of your colleagues with details like phone number, email id, designation, etc.
Reminder mails for birthdays or work anniversaries of your colleagues
Timeline functionality with the option to share messages to the entire organization
Reporting of Billion Acts of Goodness to the entire organization
Do you also want to have ConnectWaada for your own organization? Please contact us via
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