ตลาดของดีเมืองสุรินทร์ Description
Surin Province has been driving organic agriculture since 1999 and a Cabinet resolution on November 12, 2001 announced Surin Province as a pilot province in promoting organic agriculture. Along with the provincial development plan, the goal of development is "Organic Agriculture City Border Economic Center Community way of life People have a good quality of life "to drive and promote the marketing of Surin products.
Policies of Mr. Phichit Boontan, Governor of Surin Province has realized the importance of marketing agricultural products Community products, OTOP products, which are the best products of Surin province. has assigned relevant agencies to drive
"Marketing Leads Production" under the online market surinbest.com Good market in Surin by becoming the center of the best product of Surin so that consumers can choose to buy good products in Surin easily at your fingertips
Surin Province I sincerely hope that the online market of Surin City or SurinBest will gain attention from consumers. and generate income for entrepreneurs small product manufacturers Provincial featured products in a stable and sustainable way
Policies of Mr. Phichit Boontan, Governor of Surin Province has realized the importance of marketing agricultural products Community products, OTOP products, which are the best products of Surin province. has assigned relevant agencies to drive
"Marketing Leads Production" under the online market surinbest.com Good market in Surin by becoming the center of the best product of Surin so that consumers can choose to buy good products in Surin easily at your fingertips
Surin Province I sincerely hope that the online market of Surin City or SurinBest will gain attention from consumers. and generate income for entrepreneurs small product manufacturers Provincial featured products in a stable and sustainable way
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