Wizardia Beginner Tips for a Perfect Battle in the Kingdom of Magic


Do you love magic, adventure, and crypto? If you do, then you might want to check out Wizardia, a play-to-earn crypto game that lets you collect, upgrade, and battle with powerful wizards. Wizardia is a fun and exciting game that combines turn-based strategy, role-playing elements, and NFTs. You can create your own team of three wizards, each with their own unique spells and abilities, and compete with other players in the Arena. 

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You can also earn rewards, such as $WZRD tokens and rare NFTs, by playing the game and participating in tournaments and events. In this article, we will give you some beginner tips and game basics for a perfect battle in the Kingdom of Magic. Whether you are a novice in Wizardia or seeking to enhance your abilities, the following suggestions will assist you in achieving victory in battles and deriving greater enjoyment from the experience. If you love to play the game on a bigger screen, you can play Wizardia on PC with LDPlayer. Let's get started!

Wizardia Gameplay

In the world of Wizardia, battles are like a carefully choreographed dance where every move is super important. Think of a battle game where each player takes turns making their move. Here, you control wizards, and how you position them and use their special powers really matters. Whether you're up against other players (PvP) or computer-controlled enemies (PvE), winning these battles gets you cool stuff like items, gear, materials, better skills, and points to show how well you're doing.

You're the mastermind behind your wizard team, placing them strategically on the battlefield. Make a wrong move, and your opponent might gain the upper hand. So, thinking ahead is crucial, just like in a game of chess.

And then there are the Wizard's special powers, kind of like magic moves in a video game. The timing of when you employ them in combat must be carefully considered. It's not just about blasting your opponents; it's about using the right power at the right time to turn things around.

Now, when you win a battle in the game, it's like hitting the jackpot. You get all sorts of rewards – things to make your wizards stronger, gear to protect them, materials for crafting, improved skills, and points to show off your progress. It's not just winning; it's leveling up and becoming a legendary wizard.

Whether you're facing real people in PvP or challenging computer-controlled foes in PvE, each battle in the game is a test of your magical skills and strategic thinking. It's like being in a magical arena where every move counts. The more challenges you overcome, the cooler the rewards.

Wizardia Game Modes

There's a whole bunch of different ways to play the game, and it's like a menu of challenges for every sorcerer out there. It's not a rigid or predetermined system; instead, you get to customize it to your preferences. Let's dive into the variety of game modes that make the game a rollercoaster of magical experiences.

Challenger Fights (PvE)

This is like your practice arena against the computer, also known as AI. It's where you can test your skills and strategies without the pressure of facing real players. Take this opportunity to get some practise in before the big game. Here, you can experiment and learn the ropes without worrying too much about losing.

Duel Fights (PvP)

Now, if you're feeling bold and ready to face off against real players, this is your jam. Picture it as a real-time battle where you and another sorcerer go head-to-head. The thrill is real, and here's the kicker – you can even bet $WZRD tokens. It's like putting your magical money where your mouth is. Win, and you not only get the satisfaction of victory but some extra magical tokens in your pocket.

Arena Tournament 

Imagine this as the grand championship of the game, where things get serious. To even step onto this magical stage, players need to pay an entry fee. It's like the VIP section of the game experience. What's on the line? Well, not just regular rewards – we're talking about some serious magical bling, like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). Winning here isn't just about bragging rights; it's about owning a piece of the game's history in the form of these unique digital treasures.

Final Destruction

Now, if the Arena Tournament is the grand championship, Final Destruction is the global showdown. This is not your regular competition; it's a spectacle that unfolds on a global scale. Imagine wizards from all corners of the world coming together for a battle that's not just about winning; it's about survival. 

The prize money here is not just big; it's seven figures, which means a whole lot of zeros in that reward. However, there is a catch: the stakes are quite high. You either win big and become a legend with a fat wallet, or you lose everything, including what you bet to enter the competition.

Wizardia Tournament Strategies

Every confrontation of Tournament Battles is a 3-on-3 turn-based spectacle, where teams of Wizards unleash their spells across the Arena battlefield. Picture it like a magical chess match, with each move casting spells that either damage opponents or support fellow Wizards. The goal? Emerge from each battle with your team's health intact to earn crucial ranking points.

Crafting Your Winning Strategy

Here's the first secret – there's no perfect team. You need to be the strategist, thinker, and executor to dominate the Arena. It's not just about powerful wizards; it's about strategy and synergies. Think of it like assembling a squad with diverse skills, each complementing the other.

For example, at the beginning of the match when all the enemies are at full health, using area-of-effect (AOE) damage spells can be helpful. However, if there is a healer on the enemy team who can heal the damage caused by AOE spells, it's not the best strategy. In this situation, it's better to focus on the Affinities advantage and use single target spells to attack one enemy. This way, you can deal an amount of damage that the healer cannot fix in one round. After a few rounds, you can eliminate one enemy from the game board, giving you an attacking advantage. 

One other strategy would be, If you have mana potions, use them to stop the healer from getting more mana and keep attacking with the spells that affect multiple enemies. There are many different ways to play the game. 

To win, you need to understand that Wizardia's Arena is not a brawl; it's a dance of strategy and synergies. Each action must be meticulously planned out after careful consideration of the relative abilities of your wizards and those of the other team. When creating teams, remember to take into account the Wizard Affinities. This will assist you in dealing significant damage, even when facing wizards with high rarity. Here are the Wizard Affinities to consider.

  • Body Wizards vs. Soul Wizards: Body Wizards are strong against Soul Wizards but vulnerable to Mind Wizards.

  • Mind Wizards vs. Body Wizards: Mind Wizards have the upper hand against Body Wizards but struggle against Soul Wizards.

  • Soul Wizards vs. Mind Wizards: Soul Wizards shine against Mind Wizards but face challenges against Body Wizards.

In a random combat scenario, assembling a team with different affinities (body, mind, soul) might be your safest bet. This balanced approach ensures that you have strengths against every type of Wizard you might encounter. Think of it like having a versatile toolkit ready for any magical challenge.

As you step into this magical Arena, remember it's not just about powerful spells; it's about crafting a winning strategy, managing your resources wisely, and understanding the elemental dance of wizard affinities. 

Use the Power of Consumables

In the game, consumables act as magical elixirs, adding an extra layer of strategy to battles. These potions have the ability to enhance your Wizards, turning the tide of a confrontation.

  • Health Potion: Restores 450 health points.

  • Revival Potion: Resurrects a Wizard with 1 Health Point.

  • Mana Potion: Restores 7 mana points.

  • Shield Potion: Adds 350 armor protection to the Wizard.

  • Mana Steal Potion: Steals three mana from the enemy Wizard with the highest mana.

How to Acquire Consumables

In the heat of battle, consumables become tools for strategic brilliance. Imagine the possibilities – healing when on the brink of defeat, stealing mana to cripple the opponent, resurrecting fallen allies, or fortifying your Wizard's defenses with a shield. The choice of consumable and when to use it can be the difference between victory and defeat. Here's how you can earn them. 

  • Purchase from Wizardia Shop: Consumables can be bought from the shop, offering sorcerers a chance to bolster their magical inventory.

  • Arena Battles: By participating in paid battles in the Arena, sorcerers have the opportunity to obtain consumables. The winner holds an 80% chance of receiving these magical rewards, while even the defeated player has a 40% chance. It's a twist of fate in every duel.

  • Daily Login Rewards: For the faithful wizards who log in daily, the game offers the gift of consumables. It's a daily dose of magical enhancement, encouraging regular engagement with the mystical world.

Tournament Combat Tips

  • Unique Attack Spells: Each Wizard in your team comes with two unique attack spells. Your ability to make choices will be tested here. Choose the right spell at the right time to maximize its impact on the battle.

  • Mana Management: Spells consume mana, and mana is like your magical fuel. Use it wisely. If you find yourself running low, you can replenish mana by skipping a turn. It's a strategic move that might save you in the long run.

  • First Move Randomness: The right to make the first move is like the luck of the draw – it's determined randomly. Be prepared for anything and have a flexible strategy that adapts to different starting scenarios.

  • Time Limits: You've got 30 seconds for each move. It might seem like a short time, but it adds an element of urgency to the strategy. Quick thinking and decisive actions can be the key to victory.

  • Focus on Elimination: Don't spread your efforts thin. Your battle strategy should revolve around eliminating enemy wizards rather than chipping away at all of them bit by bit. It's a more efficient path to victory.

Overview of Wizardia Staking, Tokens, and TGE

If you are new to NFT games, you may be wondering about what these abbreviations mean and the basics of the NFT process. In this section, we will explore the magic behind Wizardia's staking, tokens, and the upcoming TGE & IEO events.

  • IDO: Initial Decentralized Exchange Offering. It's a revolutionary crowdfunding platform, opening new avenues in the crypto space. When a project launches an IDO, it means a coin or token emerges via a decentralized liquidity exchange. 

  • TGE: Token Generation Event involves the technical creation of tokens in a blockchain network launched into the Wizardia NFT market

Wizardia Staking Options

After the TGE, the game invites you to consider staking your tokens for 4, 8, or 12 months. Each duration comes with its own set of perks, so let's break it down.

  • Staking for 4 Months: For those seeking a relatively short-term commitment, staking your Wizardia tokens for four months offers an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 27%. It's a moderate yet appealing return on your investment.

  • Staking for 8 Months: with this, you can step up the commitment ladder; staking for eight months presents a more substantial APY of 47%. It's a balance between a reasonable lock-in period and a rewarding yield.

  • Staking for 12 Months: For the enthusiasts ready for a longer commitment, staking your tokens for a full year comes with a whopping APY of 114%. This offers the potential for substantial returns over an extended period.

Locked Tokens

While these APY rates might sound tempting, here's the catch – once you decide to stake your tokens, they're in it for the long haul. The locking mechanism ensures that your tokens remain staked and inaccessible until the chosen staking period concludes. Whether it's 4, 8, or 12 months, consider it a commitment that comes with the promise of attractive rewards.

Why Stake?

Staking isn't just about locking up your tokens; it's about actively participating in the game’s ecosystem. By staking, you contribute to the network's stability and, in return, receive a share of the rewards generated.

Earning with Wizard NFTs

Now, let's learn about the possibilities of earning with Wizardia NFTs. These unique non-fungible tokens open up diverse avenues for those eager to explore beyond the traditional crypto landscape.

1. Battle in the Arena for Wizard Tokens

Wizard NFTs aren't just digital collectibles; they're your companions in the thrilling arena battles. Engage in battles, showcase your skills, and earn Wizardia tokens as rewards. The more formidable your Wizard NFT, the greater your chances of reaping the rewards in the magical Arena.

2. Rent Your NFTs for Passive Income

For those who prefer a hands-off approach, the game introduces the option to rent your NFTs. Imagine your NFTs becoming sought-after entities, rented by other players eager to experience the magic. Earn passive income while your NFTs embark on battles on behalf of their temporary caretakers.

3. Rank Them Up Before and After the Arena Launch

Wizard NFTs aren't static; they evolve. Before you make a commitment, engage in a browser training game designed for Wizard NFTs. Complete daily quests, gather resources and gradually rank up your Wizard NFTs. After that, you should continue your progression in battles and tournaments. Then, sell them for profits as their power and rarity increase. It's a dynamic journey of growth and earnings.


Wizardia calls the adventurers to explore its diverse landscapes and engage in epic battles. As you embark on your journey, remember the lessons of the enchanted realm – strategic thinking, clever team selection, and mastery of abilities. In Wizardia, every Wizard can script their destiny; the question is, will you emerge as the ultimate sorcerer?

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