Taking the Journey with Tales Of Enchanted Realms Beginner Guide, Tips and Best Tricks


Hey there, adventurer! Welcome to the ultimate guide for Tales Of Enchanted Realms,a magical world where your bravery and smarts can make you the hero of your own epic story. Imagine being the leader of a guild, summoning powerful mages, and battling it out to become the strongest guild in a world filled with enchantment and danger.

Tales Of Enchanted Realms Beginner Guide

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In this guide, we're going to take you by the hand and lead you through the mystical lands of Enchanted Realms. You'll learn how to form the mightiest team of mages, each with their own special skills, ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. From choosing your first mage to mastering the art of combat, we've got all the tips and tricks you'll need to navigate through thrilling battles, craft unbeatable strategies, and make allies that will stand by your side through thick and thin.

So, grab your grimoire, summon your courage, and let's dive into this enchanting journey together. With our beginner's guide, you'll go from novice to master in no time, leading your guild to victory and beyond. For a better experience you can play Tales Of Enchanted Realms on PC with LDPlayer. Let's get started on this magical adventure!

Forming Your Team in Tales Of Enchanted Realms

To progress in Tales Of Enchanted Realms, the first thing you should understand is how the team/formation is created. Initially, you can add four mages to your team. These mages will go first and use their skills in battles. Then you can add another set of support mages to your team; these mages' ultimate skill can be used in the turn of the main mage you combined it with. In addition, those support mages can also take the place of the fallen mage for one time. So, when you have to think about secondary mages' abilities when selecting them for your team.

Mage Classes in Combat

The mages of Tales Of Enchanted Realms can be divided into three main classes according to what they do in combat. The defender mages have skills to stun enemies, take reduced damage from incoming attacks, and as you level them up, they also get abilities to remove debuffs from your other team members. 

Mage Classes in Combat

Since most attacks target the mage in the front of your formation, you should always place these types of mages in the front to take their defensive abilities to your advantage. When choosing the support mage for these types of mages, you can choose an attack type if you are lacking damage, or you can choose another defender class mage if you want to increase your defensive capabilities. But there is another way to choose support mages, which we will talk about later.

Auxiliary Class: Enabling Team Members

The second class of Tales Of Enchanted Realms is the auxiliary class that excels in enabling their team members. They provide healing and have primary skills that can remove negative effects from the team and boost their attack, crit, accuracy type stats to make other mages more powerful. The choice of going with a healer type or buff type totally depends on the situation. You can clear some content with a full team of attack mages and one tank, but sometimes having just one healer or a boost can turn the tide of the battle.

Attackers: Focused on Damage

The last class of Tales Of Enchanted Realms is attack mages; these mages are purely focused on damage, and the higher the rarity and level they will do what you expect them to do. But do read up on the skills; some have special skills that stun, additional attacks, AOE skills. For most content, AOE is the best, but when facing boss encounters, mages with single target attacks will make it easier to win the battle. 

You can identify their class using what it says under their ranks. The DEF means defenders and ATK means Attackers, and Auxiliary mages will have Support. Do use this knowledge when creating a team. But what about other support types? Let's talk about those.

Selecting Support Mages

Let's dive into the process of selecting support mages for your team. These mages play a crucial role in allowing your combined hero to utilize their skills effectively, regardless of their hero class. When choosing these mages, you'll encounter numerous options. While mages of Tales Of Enchanted Realms typically have rarity and star ratings, it's essential to overlook these factors when selecting support. In some cases, high-level mages may need to be paired with lower-rated ones to activate link buffs successfully.

Once you've assembled your main team, you'll notice a core skill to the right of the formation. This skill can be activated by adding the right mage as support. Take the time to review these core skills carefully and select the one that provides the most benefits. Keep in mind that some core skills only provide buffs for PVP, while others are active in all content. Understanding the offerings of each core skill is crucial.

Selecting Support Mages

At the bottom of these core skills, you'll find a list of mages that can be added to activate them. However, it's important to note that the support mages you activate must meet their special training requirements to be effective. Wondering how to carry out this special training? It's done through the character leveling up window, typically found near the bottom.

Mage Strengthening

In the early stages of Tales Of Enchanted Realms, you should play very conservatively when leveling up your mages. This is because the mages you get for free at the start won't be sufficient for high-level content, and even though it may seem like you have an endless amount of resources to level them up initially, it won't last very long. When you level up around eight mages to level 30, you will have fewer and fewer resources to level them up, and the amount needed will increase drastically.

Mage Strengthening

One trick you can use is to level up four mages and use them in the adventure team. When you acquire a new high-tier mage, use them as a link for one adventure combat. Then, when you go back to the mage leveling up window, you will be allowed to level up that mage without resources. Afterward, you can replace it with your main team. If you want to take advantage of this system, you should never level up one mage to the top and keep others at a lower level.

Special Training for Passive Abilities

In Tales Of Enchanted Realms, Mage strengthening goes beyond leveling up. The next thing you should think about is special training. Special training unlocks new passive abilities and levels up the mage's normal skill at the same time. In the initial phase, you will only need training to do this, but after the fourth training level, you will need copies of the hero to continue. 

Special Training for Passive Abilities

Training levels determine how much you can awaken them and how many stars a hero can have. So, if you have high-level heroes, buy their shards from shops whenever you get the chance and play the gacha as much as you can to hoard them.

Awakening and Starring Up 

The next way to strengthen your mages in Tales Of Enchanted Realms is by starring up and awakening. When you awaken a hero, you can increase the power of their ultimate and increase their main stat by a certain percentage. For example, attack mages will get a boost to attack, defense mages will get a boost to HP value, and support mages will get a boost to their effect resistance so they can continue to boost your team uninterrupted.

Awakening and Starring Up 

The last thing you want to know about mage strengthening in Tales Of Enchanted Realms is the starring up process. It's not a big deal, but it helps increase the base stats of your mages by a considerable amount. To do that, you need to sacrifice other heroes of the same star level. For example, all the good heroes you will get will be star level 4 or above. To increase their star level, you need to feed four of 4-star characters. Sacrificing your quality heroes is not a good idea because you need them for training. Instead, what you should do is star up four 3-star characters to 4-star and feed those to your high-quality heroes.

Evaluating Mage Investment

When choosing mages to level up, have you ever felt that it would be nice if you could find out if a mage is good to invest your resources in? The easiest way you can do that without looking for a Tales Of Enchanted Realms tier list is by clicking on a character and using the walkthrough button located on the right side of the screen. This will show the comments of players who have actually used it, and you will sometimes get tips on which mage they should be used with, whether it should be the main or support hero in a formation. And lower-ranked mages will have very angry comments; you can use these to your advantage.

Add Some Friends

In the world of Tales Of Enchanted Realms, one of the most cost-effective ways to obtain new heroes is by adding friends. By forming friendships, you and your friends can exchange friendship points, which are essential in recruiting heroes. These points are primarily used in the game's Camp section. Here, you might encounter a high-quality grade mage. 

Add Some Friends

Utilize the lock function to ensure they remain available, preventing them from disappearing when the section refreshes. Friendship points can either be used to send an agent to persuade them to join your cause or opt for verbal persuasion, which is notably more effective. Be cautious to choose options that don't have negative consequences, as these can diminish the affinity accumulated through these methods. Sending agents is less effective in building affinity and should generally be avoided. Once full affinity is reached, the mage will join your ranks.

Check out the Shops

The game features various shops, each requiring different currencies to purchase items. Among these, you'll find upgrade materials, character shards, equipment, and more, exchangeable for diamonds and gold. It's beneficial to regularly clear out these stores. By doing so, you'll have a surplus of materials available for leveling up your characters and gear, making the resource gathering process feel less tedious.

Check out the Shops

If you need more free stuff, be sure to search for Tales Of Enchanted Realms redeem codes. They provide summoning keys, leveling up materials, and other items for free. You can locate them on the game's Facebook fan page, Discord, or other social media platforms. They typically released them in connection with events, so be sure to pay close attention during those periods. 

Using the On-Hook Exploration

Using the On-Hook Exploration

On-Hook in Tales Of Enchanted Realms serves as the game's idle resource gathering mechanism. It accumulates resources automatically, and players should periodically collect these rewards. The speed tickets, an interesting aspect of this section, can significantly enhance your resource collection. Spending 100 speed tickets grants you 2 hours' worth of idle rewards. While these tickets regenerate automatically, you can also earn them through achievements and events. However, free generation halts once you collect over 200 tickets, so it's wise to utilize them promptly.

Join a Guild 

Guilds in Tales Of Enchanted Realms offer exclusive access to mage-specific training notes and other beneficial resources. Active participation in guild donation tasks is crucial as it earns you guild currency, which can be spent in the guild shop. 

It's recommended to save your currency for summoning keys, training notes, and adventure notes, as other items can be obtained through gameplay. Additionally, completing guild tasks rewards you with gold, upgrade materials, and, depending on your guild's progression level, perks that enhance your mages' effectiveness.

Do the Events

Events in Tales Of Enchanted Realms are a straightforward way to amass resources. They introduce tasks that unlock as you progress, with a special emphasis on completing as many as possible within the first three days, as beginner events last only one week. Beyond the immediate rewards, you'll also earn event tokens, which should ideally be exchanged for bundles rather than individual materials, maximizing your gains.

Do the Events

After the events, the next thing to do is daily missions. They highlight essential game areas to engage with each day. While Tales Of Enchanted Realms offers a variety of game modes, not all are equally beneficial. Prioritize these daily tasks to optimize your progression, and then proceed to explore other game aspects.

Tales Of Enchanted Realms PVP

PVP combat allows you to select your opponents, differing from standard combat. You're permitted five battles daily, but it's wise to choose adversaries with at least 1,000 less power than your team to secure victories. When assembling your team, prioritize characters that offer speed boosts, mages capable of incapacitating enemies, and those that respond to damage, as these attributes are key to succeeding in PVP matches.

Attributes Overview

  • ATK: Converts into damage dealt to enemies.

  • DEF: Reduces incoming damage.

  • HP: Determines the survival capacity of your mage.

  • Level: Influences effectiveness against higher-level opponents.

  • Crit Rate: Increases the likelihood of dealing critical damage.

  • Crit DMG: Amplifies damage following a critical hit.

  • Crit Resistance: Reduces the chance of receiving critical damage.

  • SPD: Determines the order of actions in battle, affecting attack frequency.

  • Ignore Defense: Allows attacks to bypass a portion of the enemy's defense.

  • True DMG: Deals unmitigated damage, unaffected by defense or shields.

  • Stun: Prevents the target from acting.

  • Sleep: Renders the target inactive and unable to gain rage.

  • Action Bar Reduced: Slows the target's action bar recovery.

  • Silence: Prevents the use of ultimate and supportive skills, as well as rage gain.


And there you have it, brave adventurers! We've journeyed together through the magical world of Tales Of Enchanted Realms, learning all about forming powerful teams, choosing the right mages, and strengthening our characters to face any challenge. Remember, whether you're deciding on your team's formation, leveling up your mages, or diving into battles, every choice you make shapes your path to victory. With these tips and tricks, you're more than ready to lead your guild to glory and write your own epic story in Tales Of Enchanted Realms.

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