Son Kale 2 Beginner Tips and Tricks – Expand and Fight with a Perfect Guide


For the love of MMO strategy games, we got you Son Kale 2, and this is not just a game that is about strengthening yourself. It is about expanding the empire, and as a sequel to the Son Kale, you are going to deal with a lot of battles as well as a lot of rivals that you must defeat. But to get things straight, there should be a beginner guide that describes the basics along with some gameplay tips, and that is what we are going to bring you today.

Son Kale 2 Beginner Tips and Tricks

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To all the beginners who are playing the Son Kale 2 game right now, we will let you know the best gameplay tips, and we are also going to teach you how you can strengthen the dominion as well as expand the empire. Please note that this game is full of strategies as well as fights, so defeating your rivals as well as the most strategic play is required here in order to become successful through the gameplay. So, start playing Son Kale 2 on PC with one and only LDPlayer 9, and let’s give right into our beginner tips.

Collect Your Soldiers

Every kingdom or empire needs the most trustworthy soldiers to continue with their path to strength, and this is common in the Son Kale 2 game, too. So your first priority should always be to collect the most powerful soldiers, and remember that you bring the best-powered ones to your table, too.

Basically, the soldiers will be determined by their cargo capacity as well as their damage stats, and if you have a soldier with a high damage level, it means you get a high chance to win against more enemies. So, try collecting soldiers with the best strength, as it will be a direct way to show and raise the power of your empire.

Train Your Soldiers

The Son Kale 2 game is full of enemies, and there will be different encounters that you have to fight against. But for every fight, you better have perfect strength by your hands, and it only comes with the best strength of your soldiers. Now, these perfect strength levels can be given to the soldiers by training them.

Train Your Soldiers

To train the soldiers, you need to build a barrack first because that is where they are going to be trained. Usually, training allows soldiers to have more attack power as well as battle strength, and that is what you want for maintaining the greatest empire at all times. So, train your soldiers and make it your priority in this game.

Build the Lumber Shop and Make Necessary Upgrades for It

A kingdom will survive and thrive to shine with its civilization, so all your efforts in this Son Kale 2 game have to be given to the better contribution of your civilization. One of the best methods of doing so is building a lumber camp, as it will be a place to utilize the natural resources.

Build the Lumber Shop and Make Necessary Upgrades for It

After you have created this lumber camp, you also need to pay attention to its upgrades because you need a proper upgrade to have an effective and efficient work for you to build a resourceful civilization. When the Lumber camp increases its level, it is going to produce more wood in an hour, and this means that it is going to increase its storage capacity, too. And that is going to be a perfect way of increasing the success rate of your kingdom to a better level.

Build More As Much as You Can

In the Son Kale 2 game, you can literally see that this game evolves with its civilization, and things have to be started and grown from scratch. So, for each purpose, you have to build suitable places. It can be a food supply place, a farm, a training place, or anything; they all have a purpose in this game.

Build More As Much as You Can

So, build things more as much as you can, as it will be the only way to grow this kingdom. It doesn’t matter what type of building you are focusing on; always make sure that you build more, and don’t forget to supply those with the required level-ups as well as the upgrades.

Alliance in the Son Kale 2 Game

The alliance in this Son Kale 2 game can bring you more strength in terms of battles as well as for the kingdom's development. An alliance can be made on your own, or you can join an already-made one here. But since you are a beginner, you will get more help and progress when you have joined an already-made alliance rather than creating one because it gives you more experience for your gameplay.

Alliance in the Son Kale 2 Game

For a first-time player, an alliance brings more luck as well because joining one can bring 300 diamonds for free. This is only applicable for the first time you join, and since diamonds are very useful as a resource, having a chance to earn them for free will always be great.

The best benefits that you earn by just joining an alliance can be listed as follows.

  • You will be given a chance to start a rally with all the alliance friends.

  • You also get a chance to collect mines through the alliance mines. You don’t even get attacked here.

  • Alliance members are capable of helping each other to reduce the time for researching, building, and treatments.

  • You can literally make your account stronger with more alliance research.

  • You will be protected by the support of your alliance friends.

  • Ability to conquer alliance castles together.

Before joining an alliance, there are a few things that you need to be aware of. First, look into their points because the strength of these alliances is shown by these points. Usually, an alliance has a maximum limit of players to add, and if you see there is a highest point earned alliance with a vacancy for a new member, you can instantly join it. Remember, more points mean more strength, so focusing on the highest point alliance will always bring you luck.

Following through the Missions

If you want to improve the city of this kingdom to a better level, the best thing that you can do is to focus on the missions. The Son Kale 2 brings several daily missions to be performed by a player, and each of these missions will ask you to upgrade, defend, or do any other task. No matter what mission you are doing, completing them will make your city reach an upgraded level.

Following through the Missions

Missions have different types as well. There will be daily login, daily missions, and the main mission as the primary missions, and basically, all three are offering you more rewards. The daily login missions require you to log into the game daily, and if you do so, it will offer you more free rewards and resources. On the other hand, we have daily missions that are going to be reset per day, and just like in the daily login, you will be able to claim rewards for free here.

The main mission is the main plot of the Son Kale 2 game, and this doesn’t reset per day. You will have to follow up with different tasks in there continuously, and yes, it also provides you with free rewards.

What are the Items?

There are actually different types of items that you can use in this Son Kale 2 game, and we have basically three categorizations of them, too. The first category is the speed-ups, and these are literally there to speed up your gameplay progress. Then we have the resources that we use to perform several activities in this game, and these are basically considered the main things that you need to continue with your gameplay. Even if it is training, building, or anything, you will need more resources.

Finally, we have these boosts, which help us to raise our power in various activities through the game. The boosts are very useful in order to quickly pass through the game, so you better focus more on earning more of these boosts if you focus on taking a better level up through your gameplay.

Visit the Shop for More Needs

The Son Kale 2 game comes with a shop feature as well, and here, you can have different types of uses for your gameplay. First, you can buy diamond packs, and for this, you can pay with your currently owned resources or use your real money. And please keep checking the shop with its diamond pack section because the Son Kale 2 game is so generous in offering you free diamonds there every day.

Visit the Shop for More Needs

If you are willing to spend some money on your game, there is also a special first-purchase gift pack you can take in this game, and all you have to do is buy any of the diamond packs you want. There will be some special perks offered to you by doing this as a first-time player.

Next, the shop can allow you to buy growth funds as well, and these allow you to grow through the game at a faster rate than usual. This means you will be able to proceed through the game at the usual slow rate, but please remember that this is a premium function that will cost you more coins.

Be a VIP to the Son Kale 2 Game

We can decide to be a VIP to this game as well, and holding a VIP title comes with more benefits. When you have begun the game as a first-time player, this VIP feature will allow you to claim a pack for 900 coins, and it will be active for 30 days. And the perks of having this VIP title can be listed as follows.

Be a VIP to the Son Kale 2 Game

  • Increasing the training cue

  • Increasing the research speed

  • Increasing damage and health

  • Increasing the operation point recovery

  • Increasing the wood gathering speed

  • Increasing the repair speed

  • Increasing the food gathering speed

  • Increasing the building speed

  • Increasing the training speed

  • Increasing the movement and building speed

  • Increasing your operation point limit

  • Increasing your espionage

  • Increasing the gold-gathering speed

As you can see, these speed-ups are only allowed to be taken when you are a part of the VIP title, and in addition to that, there will be a daily crate that offers you free items, too. So, if you really want to speed up your progress through the Son Kale 2 gameplay, don’t forget to take the title of a VIP, too.

Friend Requests

You can now invite your friends as well to the game Son Kale 2, and this is such a great way to have the best gameplay time through this game. Sending friend requests is not just about playing together because it will be a way of getting support from each other, too.

When you are making a purchase in this game and if you have already sent a friend request, you will be given a friend-free diamond. To have this, you need to send the code in the support section to your friend. When your friend has entered the code that you sent to them, you will benefit through it because the game will allow you to earn 10% off your friend’s purchases here.

When you invite a friend with a code, you will be rewarded with diamonds, and if you want some support from them, that is okay because the game doesn’t reduce any diamonds from your account either.


And that is it. The Son Kale 2 beginner guide, along with the tips, will end here, and if you want to do a real deal in this game, we hope that our guide can be your ultimate support. There are so many things to do in this game, so paying attention to every little detail will be crucial. Take your chance to shine today with all the tips that we have brought from this guide.

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