Light of Thel: New Era Classes Guide – Pick Your Best Role to the Adventure


Are you ready to defend the Land of Thel? Many adventures, battles, and new experiences are ready to make you struggle, so if you ever want to make your army the most powerful, please get ready to choose the best class. This is about something other than progressing through just a story because there are many things to do in this Land of Thel, so that you will need the best powers. A Light of Thel: New Era classes guide will become a great help to you in order to pick the best role to continue through the game.

Light of Thel: New Era Classes Guide

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As a Light of Thel: New Era beginner, please be aware that this game has a lot of battles, multiplayer adventures, as well as many challenges, so you need to make sure that you have the best skills in your hand. But the thing is that some classes are different here because each holds unique skills, approaches, and stats to the game. So, picking up the best role from all the classes will greatly impact your success in this amazing game.

We are here to let you know about all the Light of Thel: New Era classes, and if you want to make them have the best moves, please make sure that you are playing Light of Thel: New Era on PC. LDPlayer 9 will offer you an advanced level of gaming there, and with that said, let’s start the guide.

All Classes in Light of Thel: New Era

There are a total of six classes available in this game, and they are specialized in their own way to the game. Since they are different from one another, we have listed them one by one as follows.

Elven Archer

Elven Archer

This is a hero that is being specialized in the attacks from our classes, and she got the best attacks against the enemies. And the best part is that this hero shows great excellency with the rapid attacks, and these attacks are featured in the game with the greatest speed too. Elven Archer is known for her best savage damage and best strength in the game, and there will be greater damage that comes continuously with Elven Archer per second. These aggressive damages are making her targets to be locked as well.

Omni Warrior

Omni Warrior

This is the class that comes with the warrior role in the game, and she is capable of dealing with both offensive and defensive terms. Mainly, she is very well known for her best damage reduction skills and will handle the battle by being positioned in the middle of the field. There are actually the best damage skills and the aggro abilities featured with this Omni Warrior, and you will easily take down your enemies with the use of her to the best. Don’t forget that she is featured in this game with the best survival rate too.

Holy Priest

Holy Priest

Holy Priest is a healer among our classes, and she is excelling better in her healer role. She can provide us with the best buffs and the best control skills and will be a great addition to your team. Note that the Holy Priest is capable of removing the buffs from her enemies, so you can see there is a great domination from her to the battleground to turn it on to your side.

Rune Mage

Rune Mage

We have an AOE hero here with the best skills shown at the AOE fights. She has got the best burst damage among all the other Light of Thel: New Era classes, and there will be a small amount of the controlling ability too. So basically, the Rune Mage uses some manipulative skills in this game, and she is always using magic to do damage against her enemies.

Rosen Knight 

Rosen Knight 

Rosen Knight is a protector of our game, and if you need to have a high tolerance rate through your team, you better end up with this class. He can transfer the damage and control on a large scale as well as provide shields to the team and will be better in terms of defense. He is also good in terms of AOE offense.

Shadow Assassin 

Shadow Assassin 

We have a burst hero here, and this Shadow Assassin is quite hard for a beginner but does better when you have mastered her. There will be super hit blows coming out of her to kill the people from the unseen realm, and the best dodging and the top agility make her shine out of others. This hero uses the ninja arts in the game, and the darkness is what makes her the best at killing the enemies. Shadow Assassin has great speed with herself and will be great at single targets.

Please note that if you want to excel better at your battles, you need to improve the stats of these classes and focus better on their enhancements. Try to collect more resources from the game by opening more chests, as it can increase the potential of your classes. Light of Thel: New Era gift codes will also be a great way to have these enhancements for free.

In addition to that, you can also go with the best Android emulator: LDPlayer 9, to make these heroes move through the game with ease because you need the Keyboard Mapping feature in there for it. Create a customized control set to move your heroes, and this will make you effectively handle them in the battles.


And these are all the classes in the Light of Thel: New Era, and we hope that by referring to them one by one, you have got a great understanding of them for sure. Try to understand their potential and then use them in your battles so that you can do better for your game for sure.

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