Daraku Gear Tier List of Best Characters for a Best Gameplay


Are you bored of playing the same usual games? Then it would help if you tried Daraku Gear, which is one of the top games that includes H scenes for fun. From the first moment you open the game, you will be satisfied and amused because of its beautiful and super sexy characters. There are many characters, and all these characters use gears that you can use as tools in battles. As there are many characters, you should at least have a better Daraku Gear tier list to choose the best characters with super gears suited for perfect gameplay. 





Daraku Gear Tier List


All the characters have different roles and talents. Considering all these aspects and the overall statistics, we can categorize them into various ranks through this Daraku Gear tier list; you will know which are the best and which are the worst. Once you figure out the most robust character gears with the weakest using this Daraku Gear tier list as the helper, nothing else can stand against your progression in this Daraku Gear on PC gameplay. Okay, so you can go through this guide and think about which will suit you best. 


Daraku Gear Tier List Introduction

This Daraku Gear tier list has been classified into different tiers according to the power, skills, rarity, and statistics of each character gear you will find in the game. Each tier includes the special type or auto gear type. Out of both, the special gears are the main because they are the core strength of the battle squads. 


  • SSR (Super Special Rare) Tier - out of all the character gears in this game, the best ones are included in this SSR tier, which means, other than these character gears, there are no more best ones. They are the best in each aspect, and if you use one of these tier character gears in your gameplay, you can win without any problem. 


  • SR (Super Rare) Tier - the gears that belong to this tier are powerful on average. But not as powerful as the gears in the S tier. So if you ask us which character gears are the best after SSRs, we can say the SR tier character gears are the best ones after them. 


  • R (Rare) Tier - compared to the SSR and SR, the Rare tier gears are nothing much because these are the least potent gears you can find in this game. Therefore if you use the R-tier gears in your gameplay, the probability of winning is so low. 


  • N (Normal) Tier - There are no special gears in this tier, only the auto gears. Even if so, it is not worth investing in them or using them in battles because they have no use. 


Since you already read this Daraku Gear tier list introduction, it is better to move on and see the best gears in this game that you can use and have guaranteed winnings. 


Daraku Gear Tier List - Tier SSR

Daraku Gear


Mauve Wildfire

Special Gear - Blade XIII

Big Rog

Special Gear - Luna


Special Gear - Jess

God of Destruction

Special Gear - Rita


Special Gear - Xinthia


Special Gear - Christine


Special Gear - Karla


Special Gear - Selina


Daraku Gear Tier List - Tier SR

Daraku Gear


Violet Brand

Special Gear - Blade XIII

Roger (Enhanced)


Special Gear - Luna

Raging Tracker Hound


Special Gear - Jess

Infernal Mad Dog


Special Gear - Rita



Special Gear - Xinthia



Special Gear - Christine



Special Gear - Karla



Special Gear - Selina

Holy Guardian

Auto Gear

Envoy of Punishment

Auto Gear

Templar Guard

Auto Gear

Truth Gazer

Auto Gear

Servant of Dogma

Auto Gear

Oen Guard

Auto Gear


Auto Gear

Dorofeev Cannoneer

Auto Gear

Nomisev Cannon

Auto Gear

Hunter Fighter

Auto Gear

King of the Hunt

Auto Gear

Hover Repairshop

Auto Gear

Hammer Thrasher

Auto Gear

Storm Steed

Auto Gear

Ascetic Abbey

Auto Gear

Ire of Gods

Auto Gear

Viper Harlot

Auto Gear


Auto Gear

Hunting Fox

Auto Gear

Key Keeper

Auto Gear

Iron-masked Maiden

Auto Gear

Divine Herald

Auto Gear

Blade Swinger

Auto Gear

Chaste Sentry

Auto Gear


Daraku Gear Tier List - Tier R

Daraku Gear



Special Gear - Luna

Tracker Hound

Special Gear - Jess

Mad Dog

Special Gear - Rita


Special Gear - Xinthia


Special Gear - Christine


Special Gear - Karla


Special Gear - Selina

Holy Zealot

Auto Gear

Envoy of Judgement

Auto Gear

Palace Mortar

Auto Gear

Eye of Faith

Auto Gear

Servant of Clemency

Auto Gear

Supreme Enforcer

Auto Gear

Frontline Marine

Auto Gear

Chaser Beast

Auto Gear

Oen Bastion

Auto Gear


Auto Gear

Field Cannoneer

Auto Gear

Bunker Piercer

Auto Gear

Rogue Fighter

Auto Gear

Wastelands Stalker

Auto Gear

Badlands Tank

Auto Gear

Hover Workshop

Auto Gear

Heavy Artillery

Auto Gear

Hell’s Immolator

Auto Gear

Merciful Acolyte

Auto Gear

Swiftblade Knight

Auto Gear

Chapel of Mercy

Auto Gear

Oracle Tempest

Auto Gear

Virgin of Paradise

Auto Gear

Prophetic King

Auto Gear


Daraku Gear Tier List - Tier N

Daraku Gear


Heretic Blaster

Auto Gear

Frontline Sentry

Auto Gear

Chaser Hound

Auto Gear

Badlands Striker

Auto Gear

Artillery Automation

Auto Gear

Wastelands Spitfire

Auto Gear


The Best SSR Gears to Recruit

When you come to this point of our Daraku Gear tier list, you know which are the best and worst gears. So, let us see some of the best SSR characters with the best gears you can summon in this game.


The Best SSR Gears to Recruit


  • Blade XIII - one of the newest characters released into the game is Blade XIII, and she is specialized in performing skill combos. The SSR gear of Blade XIII is Mauve Wildfire, while the SR gear is Violent Brand. 


  • Luna - one of the best characters you can try in this game is Luna, and she uses the Enhanced Roger as the SR gear, and her SSR gear is Big Rog. 


  • Karla - she is an orphan who was taken and was being cared for by the church, and her goal is to be the next clergy. She is faithful and dedicates her life to making the missions successful. She uses Tenacity, the super powerful energized SR gear, and Saintess, the super powerful weapon with yet not discovered skills, as her SSR gear.  


The next question you have to solve is how to obtain these SSR gears, which are the best ones. You know what? We have an answer to that question in this guide. 


Since the appearance or pull-out rates of the SSR gears are too low even to notice that the game offers the SSRs through the summoning banners, you cannot have a hope of getting an SSR by only playing the game as usual. 


But if you play the game using LDPlayer 9, you can use the Multi-Instance Sync feature, and with its help, you can create more instances of the same game, which will be helpful to start rerolling in a much better way. It means the more instances you create with LDPlayer 9, the more quickly you can reroll, and the result is, obtaining an SSR much quicker. 


So you can try recruiting your favorite and best ones we mentioned here using the LDPlayer 9 as the companion who supports you the most to recruit the top gear. Also, do not forget to follow the best Daraku Gear tips and tricks to learn about developing the characters, including gears to enhance their abilities more after you recruit them. 



At the end of this guide, you have found the tiers, characters, best gears, and powerless ones. Most importantly, you learned the easiest way of recruiting the strongest gears, too, and with all these guidelines and the information, you cannot expect less in your gameplay but the best. So, good luck with having fun with the super sexy girls and enjoying the game. But along with this Daraku Gear tier list, for some more guidelines to understand the gameplay and other fundamentals, refer to the Daraku Gear beginner guide.

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