10 Best Reddit Apps That Work Better in 2024


Reddit is a great platform to connect with what you are interested in most, and unlike other social communities, this platform has one of the most unique communities on it. It is a place to have discussions as well as share as per your love, and the ability to share text posts, links, videos, and images, all together with votes, making it a famous platform among many. But rather than using the official app, what is the best Reddit app that you can rely on?

Best Reddit Apps

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Due to the increased price of the Reddit API in 2023, many Reddit users were searching for other alternatives that work the same as the official app, and the constant price changes have already bothered the users at a high level. And that is why most of these users were looking for the best Reddit app that could be used as an alternative. Today, we have listed the best ten apps among them, so let's start.  


Winston is one of the best Reddit app iOS, and this is a perfect solution for developers who want to test their Reddit API keys. It's not just any app; it's a labor of love crafted with meticulous attention to detail by a team of friends. What sets Winston apart is its commitment to customization. Users can personalize almost everything, from the subreddit list to the settings screen. Although this app is fairly new, it has also been very loved by many due to its user-friendly features.


The theming system Winston is so flexible that you can change fonts and colors and even add custom images to the background of any screen. This isn't just about functionality; it's about creating an app that feels good to use, with a user-friendly interface for theme editing. Winston has a growing community, boasting over 10,000 Testflight users and a vibrant Discord community. It's under active development, constantly evolving with the input of its users. 

So basically, Winston for Reddit isn't just an app; it's an experience tailored to make your Reddit interaction as personalized and enjoyable as possible.

Infinity for Reddit

As the best Reddit app, Infinity for Reddit stands out as a sleek and feature-rich app, offering a smooth Reddit browsing experience. It's completely ad-free, allowing users to browse Reddit without interruptions or distractions. It was created by a passionate college student, and they offered this as an open-source project, inviting contributions and support from the community.

Infinity for Reddit

Some of the key features that we love in Infinity for Reddit include a Lazy Mode for automatic post scrolling, multi-account support for easy switching, and a beautifully designed night theme. Currently, Infinity requires a subscription within the app due to Reddit's API service charges, but still, it has been the best Reddit app for Android of a growing project with a dedicated subreddit for user interaction and feedback. Running Infinity for Reddit on PC through LDPlayer 9 will give you the next level of user experience for sure.

Mellow for Reddit

Mellow for Reddit is a high-performance, clutter-free best Reddit app iOS, currently in its alpha pre-v1.0 stage but actively being developed. The developer offers Mellow completely ad-free for now, with plans to introduce ads in the future to support ongoing development. However, an ad-free option will be available for a small fee, giving users a choice and supporting the app's continuous improvement, and that is why a lot of users are opting for this as the best Reddit app Android. 

Mellow for Reddit

Mellow is committed to providing a secure and efficient Reddit browsing experience, respecting user preferences and feedback. So, if you want to get the best from this app, we recommend you run Mellow for Reddit on PC with LDPlayer 9.

Now for Reddit

Now for Reddit is another best Reddit app for Android, and it is a beautifully designed, easy-to-use app that transforms your Reddit browsing experience. It's perfect for discovering the best content the web has to offer every day, from funny cat photos to current news stories and viral videos. Whether you have a specific interest or just want to explore, Reddit's communities cater to every hobby and interest, and Now for Reddit makes it easy to engage with them.

Now for Reddit

The app is free to browse as a guest, or you can subscribe and log in to access all features without restrictions. Its user-friendly interface includes swipe navigation to change subreddits quickly, and you can browse photos, GIFs, and memes, engage with posts through voting, commenting, saving, hiding, and sharing, and follow friends to see their posts. 

Now for Reddit also supports viewing your offline images as well as the Gifs and it supports the Reddit mail as well. The text editor for typing comments is top-notch, enhancing your interaction on the platform. Running Now for Reddit on PC with LDPlayer 9 will give you the next level of app experience with some best optimizations.


Reddit is the app that's the heart and soul of the internet's most vibrant communities, and yes, this will be the official method of browsing this space. As the best Reddit app here, you'll find a world where every interest, hobby, and question finds its place. With over 100,000 communities, whether you're into gaming, news, memes, or even deep discussions on AI, Reddit has a corner for everyone.


Imagine a place where you can dive into anything from hilarious cat videos to in-depth scientific debates. That's Reddit for you! It's where the latest news breaks, where meme-makers and bloggers share their creations, and where fans of TV shows exchange their wildest theories.

What makes Reddit truly unique among other best Reddit apps? It's the AMAs - "Ask Me Anything" sessions where celebrities, politicians, and experts answer your questions. And the best part? You can be yourself or anyone you want to be, thanks to anonymous profiles. Engage, discuss, and connect without holding back. Reddit isn't just an app; it's a community where you belong, where your interests and passions come alive. So, give it a try by running Reddit on PC through LDPlayer 9 today.


RedReader stands out as one of the best Reddit apps for Reddit enthusiasts seeking a user-friendly and feature-rich experience. This open-source Android client, free from ads and tracking, prioritizes accessibility and ease of use. Its lightweight design ensures speedy navigation while customizable swipe actions on posts and comments, like upvoting or saving which can enhance user interaction.


Key features include advanced cache management for storing previous versions of posts and comments, support for multiple accounts, and a two-column tablet mode that's also available on larger phones. RedReader offers optional image and comment pre-caching, with settings for always, never, or Wi-Fi only. 

The app includes an integrated image viewer and GIF/video player, catering to diverse media preferences. Users can choose from various themes, including a night mode and an ultra-black mode for AMOLED displays, ensuring comfortable viewing in different lighting conditions. With its focus on user privacy and security, RedReader does not collect personal data, ensuring a safe and private browsing experience. The app's source code is available on GitHub, reflecting its commitment to transparency and community-driven development. And if you want to have the best user experience taken from it, what we recommend you is to run RedReader on PC through LDPlayer 9.

Luna For Reddit

One of the best Reddit apps iOS that we can recommend to you is the Luna For Reddit, and it is a shining star in the Reddit app universe, specially designed for screen reader users. With Luna, you're not just browsing; you're navigating a world of thoughts, dreams, and discussions with ease and efficiency.

Luna For Reddit

Luna's standout features include multiple soundtracks for a personalized auditory experience, a customizable home screen, and post appearance and support for multiple accounts. It's built for speed and ease, with helpful tips for post formatting and a built-in spell checker supporting several languages. Unique to Luna, it translates markdown into text format, making posts more screen reader-friendly.

Whether you're moderating subreddits, posting with flairs, or awarding posts, Luna's got you covered all, and it implements as many Reddit APIs as possible, ensuring a comprehensive experience. While it fully supports PMs, chat messages are partly supported due to Reddit's limitations. With Luna, searching Reddit is a piece of cake, making it a top choice for screen reader users.

Slide for Reddit

Slide for Reddit is an open-source client that brings a customizable and elegant Reddit experience to your fingertips. As one of the best Reddit apps, its Material Design interface is not just pretty but also fully customizable, allowing each user to create their own unique browsing environment. This app is more than just a beautiful interface as it allows you to view various content types directly from posts, including GIFs, and offers deep-zoom on images.

Slide for Reddit

With Slide, you can enjoy Reddit's vast content through a user-friendly and accessible interface. The app also supports multiple user accounts and allows for independent customization of each subreddit, recognizing the unique nature of each community. Slide for Reddit on PC can be run through LDPlayer 9, and if you do so, you will be able to have the best user experience taken from it.

Relay for Reddit

Relay for Reddit is the best Reddit app that transforms your Reddit browsing into an engaging and smooth experience. Designed with a beautiful and intuitive Material Design interface, it makes navigating through Reddit's vast content a pleasure. Its standout features include stunning animations, simultaneous loading of links and comments with a simple swipe to switch between them, and inline previews for images, YouTube, GIFs, and HTML 5 videos.

Relay for Reddit

Advanced comment navigation, comprehensive moderator functions, and a variety of themes, including a relaxing night mode, make Relay a top choice among the best Reddit apps. You can create multiple accounts, direct replies from your inbox, and notifications for emails and mod messages.

With options to filter out disliked subreddits and spoiler support, Relay tailors your Reddit experience to your preferences. High-resolution thumbnails, full friend and search functionality, and delightful icons and animations throughout the app enhance your browsing experience. Run Relay for Reddit on PC with LDPlayer 9 to have the next level of user experience taken from it today.

Atom for Reddit

The last app for the list of best Reddit apps is the Atom for Reddit and it is a modern, feature-rich app designed to offer an outstanding Reddit browsing experience. It stands out with its video autoplay, secure login, messaging, and new post submission features, and Atom is focused on providing users with an up-to-date and enjoyable Reddit experience.

Atom for Reddit

With Atom, you'll never run out of content to explore, thanks to millions of posts, images, and videos. It caters to a wide range of interests, from philosophy and arts to coding and space. The app's main features include in-app media previews, support for multiple accounts, and a dark theme for a comfortable browsing experience. It also offers anonymous browsing and an elegant Material Design-inspired user interface.

There are also expandable comment threads in Atom, and there will be messaging and reply features, notifications for trending posts, high-resolution thumbnails, and fast performance as well. Try running Atom for Reddit on PC through LDPlayer 9 in order to have the best user experience taken from it.

Frequently Asked Questions with the Best Reddit Apps 

It is time for you to take a look into some frequently asked questions by the users as follows.

Which is the best Reddit app Reddit?

The best alternatives that you can use instead of the official Reddit app are Now for Reddit, RedReader for Reddit, Atom for Reddit, Infinity for Reddit, and there are many more, as per this guide.

What apps should I get Reddit?

Try Tasker, Nova Launcher, Vanced Manager, Boost for Reddit, Buzzkill, Pocketcast or Bluebubbles as the best apps to get for Reddit.

What is a better version of Reddit?

So many users prefer to use Infinity as a better version of Reddit because it has the best features and optimizations you are looking and searching for.

What Reddit app still works?

The official Reddit app and other apps like RedReader and Relay for Reddit are still working fine as a Reddit app.


So, what is the best Reddit app that you can rely on? These are the best suggestions that you can follow up with, and we have listed down the apps that give the best features under this guide. So, take a look, have a try, and you will have a better Reddit user experience taken from them for sure.

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