A Beginner's Guide to Soul Blade Mobile - Tips & Tricks for Your Adventure and Battle


If you are just about to pick up the game, let us welcome you to the exhilarating universe of Soul Blade Mobile! If you're eager to embark on a thrilling gaming adventure and conquer challenges, you're in the right place. This beginner's guide is your ticket to unraveling the mysteries of this fantastical realm.

A Beginner's Guide to Soul Blade Mobile

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In this Soul Blade Mobile guide, we'll journey through the exciting elements of Soul Blade Mobile, breaking down the essential tips and tricks to set you on the path to success. From choosing the right character class to understanding gear, quests, and the art of battling bosses, we'll explore each aspect step by step. Along the way, we'll dive into the nuances of progression, offer insights on joining guilds, and even discuss the power of friendship within the game.

So, buckle up and get ready for an insightful adventure! Whether you're a newbie or seeking to enhance your skills, this guide is here to make your adventure easier and fun. Let's play Soul Blade Mobile on PC with LDPlayer, dive into the mystical world of Soul Blade Mobile, and master its secrets together.

Picking your Class in Soul Blade Mobile 

As a newcomer to Soul Blade Mobile, the first thing you'll need to do is choose a class. There are three main classes available for players to select. The Warrior class is the most challenging to level up because they have fewer AOE (Area of Effect) attacks. This means you'll need to spend a little more time completing mob elimination quests. 

Picking your Class in Soul Blade Mobile 

There are numerous quests involving defeating hordes of mobs, and the time it takes to clear them adds up in the long run, potentially causing you to fall behind. However, this class offers higher defense, allowing you to challenge higher-level bosses. Most players tend to avoid choosing it due to this difficulty, and it might also impact your place in team-oriented content.

Hunter Class 

The next choice is the Hunter class. This class utilizes a mix of AOE and single-target skills. With this class, you won't have any trouble dealing with hordes of mobs or challenging bosses of Soul Blade Mobile. Nevertheless, they are not as robust as the Warrior, so it's crucial to always have a good supply of healing potions on hand before engaging in challenging game content.

Mage Class

Mage Class

The last option is the Mage. They are an AOE powerhouse. This class is the easiest to level up and unlocks all game content faster. If you keep up with the upgrades, equip them with defense-oriented gems, and have a good stock of healing potions, playing this class isn't a challenging task. However, during boss fights, meeting all the requirements is crucial, as failing to do so might lead to a quick defeat due to the additional time required to defeat them. 

How to Progress in Soul Blade Mobile

As soon as you start playing Soul Blade Mobile, pay attention to the hand that guides you to perform certain actions. This will help you understand the basics of the game. Once you've completed the tutorial, your focus should shift to the quest section located on the left side of the screen. While engaging in these quests, remember to read the dialogues, as solely concentrating on increasing your power for PVP (Player versus Player) might make playing Soul Blade Mobile feel monotonous.

Defeating Bosses

Defeating Bosses

As you progress through the main quests of Soul Blade Mobile and level up, every ten levels will lead to a boss encounter. It's essential to engage with these bosses as soon as they become active, allowing you to acquire boss EXP books. Each book grants you 900k EXP, which aids in leveling up and empowering your character to confront more challenging content as you advance through the game's quests. Beyond the EXP books, for every four bosses you defeat, you'll receive coins, equipment upgrade materials, gems, and soul card shards, which are essential for enhancing your combat power.

Soul Blade Mobile: Adventure Realms

Soul Blade Mobile: Adventure Realms

If you seek epic gear and additional EXP books, this realm is a place worth exploring. Unlike the level bosses, there's no limit to how many bosses you can challenge in this mode. You can retreat if you're beaten and return to face more bosses once you've strengthened your character. 

Just above this realm challenge option, you'll find the Soul Blade Mobile Idle Reward section. Every five minutes, you can collect free rewards, the amount and quality of which are contingent upon your progress in the Adventure Realms. This aspect offers another reason to confront the bosses within the Adventure Realms.

EXP Cave

EXP Cave

This mode of Soul Blade Mobile unlocks after your character reaches level 50. For free-to-play players, it's available once daily. Players with a higher VIP level can access it more frequently. Once initiated, this mode spawns minions and bosses endlessly for three minutes. The more you defeat, the more EXP you'll gain. Save the EXP boost potions obtained from playing other game modes and use them while clearing this dungeon to maximize your EXP earnings from this mode.

Boss Cave

This is an intriguing place in Soul Blade Mobile, filled with bosses. Each floor hosts bosses belonging to different difficulty ranges. Upon entry, you can battle bosses until you reach the range cap of that floor. To gain more EXP books and equipment, challenge the highest-level bosses in that realm. The maximum range for one floor is 1200, and with each boss defeated, your range meter increases by 160. 

Once you reach the limit, you're expelled, but you can use Looner Dust to lower your current range and continue fighting on the same floor. Use the EXP books acquired here to level up swiftly. Additionally, dismantling the gear obtained from defeating bosses can be used to upgrade your soul cards, providing another advantage.

Growth Quest

Growth Quest

For a set of achievable goals and tasks that keep you on track, Growth Quests are ideal. Completing these quests earns you Season Pass points and rewards you with valuable materials. Engaging in these quests aids faster progression as they provide a clear direction on what needs to be accomplished to advance in Soul Blade Mobile.

Apart from the locations previously mentioned, there are other places in the game that become active during special occasions and events. It's highly recommended to participate in these events to farm EXP and take advantage of unique opportunities for character growth.

Know Your Gear

Your character can equip eight types of gear: weapon, earrings, rings, back, head, legs, and a few more. The main way to find new gear is through dungeons and fighting bosses. However, when you fight, you will also earn gear that matches the other two classes of the game. So, the first thing you should do before equipping gear is to check if it's the right gear for your character. 

This can't be achieved by auto-equipping gear. The prompt that asks you to auto-equip gear does not consider if it's good or bad; it only sees that you have a new gear in the bag and asks you to wear it. The right way to do this is to go into the bag. In the bag, the gear located in the top section matches your character, but it should also have a green arrow on it, or they are of lower quality than what you are currently wearing. 

If you see a red arrow on it, they are the right kind of gear, but you have to unlock their slots to equip them. This slot-unlocking system becomes available after you reach level 150, so keep them in the bag to use when you unlock them. Any other gear you have in your bag is pretty useless, and they only fill up the bag space. 

The gear you earn from rare world bosses or any type of red and orange gear can be sold at the auction to earn coins. To auction gear, you can click on the gear and use the "on the shelf" button, and you will be taken to the auction window. 

Then, you can decide the price and put them for sale. If the gear sells, you will be notified in the task section, and you can go and collect it. The auction system is not very popular. So, if you have another character that matches these gear, choose a time that has a low amount of active players and auction it for a low price. Quickly log on to that character and buy it.

Gear Enhancement

Gear Enhancement

There are a few ways to increase your combat power. The first method is leveling up your gear. You can level them up in the Enhance section of the forge. Here, you need to select the gear you want to level up and use Enhance stones to achieve it. You can get the basic stones from the diamond mall, treasure relics, treasure draw rewards, and resource dungeons.

Gemming Your Gear

Each gear piece has six gem slots, and you can only equip attack gems on weapons, rings, hands, and legs. Other gear requires yellow gems that provide defensive stats. The gems have levels. In the early stages of the game, you will only find level 1 gems, and you have to combine them with other gems and level them up to increase the amount of stat points they offer. 

Gemming Your Gear

But once you equip them, you can't remove them to upgrade them. So, once you have equipped your gear with all six gems, stop gemming them again. Instead, collect the materials and try to create high-level gems and equip them. This way, you will not have to farm new gems all the time, level them up, and replace them with what you already have equipped.

Craft Better Gear

In the forge, you can combine the gear you earned in solo boss fights, treasure realm, world boss, and other places to craft red gear. If the gear you use to craft is orange, the success rate of creating a red gear is high. But if you use low-level gear, there is a chance that the gear you used will be consumed, and you will not get the result you expected. So, always try to use higher-grade gear to do this.

Join a Guild

Join a Guild

If you are feeling lonely, one thing you can do is join a guild. In the guild, you can contribute to guild growth and get upgraded materials in return. Also, there are exclusive guild raids that offer a large amount of growth materials. Go into the special section of the guild and donate your orbs to get the guild boss event activated. Then, you will all be able to fight and lower the boss's HP pool. If you manage to defeat the boss within the given time frame, you will be able to collect the rewards.

Add Some Friends

Add Some Friends

The main theme of the game is love and friendship. By adding friends, you can send them roses and increase their affection for them. Once you reach the maximum affection level, you will be able to marry them and increase your combat power a little more.

Do the PVP Challenges

In the PVP section, you have two options: joining a war or doing direct challenges. The raid only increases your PVP rank by a small amount, but they are guaranteed to win. However, the challenges are done against players and increase your rank a bit more than the raid. If you match up with a higher-level player, there is a chance that you will lose points. So, you have to decide which one you like and invest all five chances in doing that.


Soul Blade Mobile offers a diverse gaming experience with its class-based gameplay, quest progression, gear management, and social elements. By mastering these elements, players can significantly enhance their gaming experience and steadily progress through the game's challenges.

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